The NO Mass-A Breakdown Part Two

24 Sep

For those of you who go to the Tridentine Latin Mass of 1962 & The Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, as many of the Younger Traditionalists do go to both Catholic Church Liturgies, this is a Breakdown of The Ordinary Form of The Mass in the Roman Rite of The Catholic Church.
I abbreviated the term, “Novus Ordo”, 1st used by Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani in his famous Letter to Pope Paul VI, called “The Ottaviani Intervention.”
Often as a Gag, the Ordinary Form of The Mass is called “The NO Mass”, because of such abuses as Liturgical Muzak, said by a Most Dear Friend to be “Gross, Sick, Stupid and Pathetic.” Other abuses include the Indult “Holy Communion in the Hand”and Table Altar.
After a round of Muzak, which can cause for Intestinal Distress, there is a mock chant, often during the “Post Communion Tailgating Party of The Queens Tridentine Latin Mass Parking and Chowder Society”, which is, simply offered as “No NO.”
I believe that you “Get The Picture” of What is going on here.

The Readings of Epistle and Gospel still begin with a Prayer called Collect. The Prayer now in English then goes into the Readings but the Format has changed.
An Anglican “Bishop”, John Mohrman, came up with a new format. There would be two Readings, spaced with Responsorial Psalms. One is usually Old Testament, while the other is New Testament(Though Acts of The Apostles is read from Easter to Pentecost). The Protestants love extra Scripture. That is because they have, what one Past Grand Knight of a Knights of Columbus Council in Queens, NY, calls “The Real Absence”, in regards to The Holy Eucharist, as Protestants do not recognize The Sacred, Sacrificial Priesthood.
For those of you who do go to the Tridentine Form of Mass and the Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, one will notice that there are Two Readings of Scripture and will sing versions in both Liturgies of what is called The Gradual, between the Epistle and Gospel, the Gradual is eliminated and Often the Gospel begins with the “Dominus Vobiscum” and then the Gospel is read.
Whereas in both Ancient Catholic Church Liturgies of Roman and Byzantine Rites, the Homily goes into Sin and Salvation, in the Roman Rite Ordinary Form, Homilies tend to be more Humanistic and less Spiritually Minded.
On Sundays and Feasts and Holy Days of Obligation, the Nicene Creed is offered in the Roman Rite. But, the General Intercessions-Prayers of The Faithful, are Litanies said or sung. These Litanies tend to be variations of The Great Litany at the beginning of The Divine Liturgies of St John Chrysostom and St Basil The Great. In 1969, The response was “Kyrie Elaison”(Lord Have Mercy). Later, the response was changed to “Deus Exaudinos”(Lord Hear Our Prayer).

“The Kicker” is in The Offertory, now called “Presentation of The Gifts.”
This is two short Passover Prayers, offered at the Passover Seder on the 1st Night. And a third very brief prayer for the purification of The Priest’s Fingers.
In the  Tridentine Offertory, there are 6 Prayers, in that the Priest makes Supplication for his sins and for the Expiation of The Sins of The Faithful, both Living and Dead. Blessed Mary Ever Virgin is not present here in any part of the Ordinary Form Offertory.
“Presentation of The Gifts” has a double practice, one where two people bring up the Bread and Wine to the Priest and the Priest offering up the Bread and Wine.
But, in this case, the Bread and Wine are not actually baked or fermented by an actual parishioner. Rather, it is merely a transfer of The Elements to be consecrated, from one station to the next. This move is part of The Alleged “Active Participation Movement”, where Silence is practically unheard of at Mass.
The Offertory Prayers are said aloud by the Priest. In the Tridentine Form, they were offered in a barely audible voice. In the Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, these prayers are, while in Byzantine Form, are offered in barely audible voice, but this is done before The “Credo”, at least on Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation.

In the case of The Sanctus, bells used to be rung, but not in the Ordinary Form. Only in the Tridentine and Byzantine Rites are Sanctus bells rung.

In both the Byzantine and Tridentine Form, both the Divine Liturgies of St John Chrysostom and St Basil The Great, have one Canon or Eucharistic Anaphora, while the Tridentine Latin Mass has one Anaphora called The Roman Canon. But the Ordinary Form Mass has more than one Anaphora. The 1st Anaphora is The Roman Canon. The second Anaphora is The Anaphora of St. Hypolitus, Pope and Martyr, most noted for its’ brevity. The third Anaphora is composed by a Benedictine Monk. The fourth Anaphora is the Roman Versioning of The Anaphora of Saint Basil The Great. The Anaphora of St Basil The Great is longer than the Roman Canon.
Of the 4 Anaphora Prayers, three contain the Byzantine Consecration Formula of Epiclesis, where the Holy Spirit is called on to aid in effecting the Consecration of The Elements. But in the Anaphora of St Basil The Great, as in the Anaphora of St John Chrysostom, the Epiclesis occurs at the End of the Words of Institution in the  Byzantine Rite, not before the Consecratory Words, as is done in the Roman Rite.
Mysterium Fidei(Mystery of Faith) signifies that Transubstantiation has occurred and that the Bread and Wine are The Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. This is in the Tridentine Latin Mass at the Consecration of The Blood. But this was removed in the Roman Rite Ordinary Form Mass, where an Antiphon is recited after the Consecration.
The Byzantine Rite does not have “Mystery of Faith” in their Divine Liturgies, but while those words are not present, according to Eastern Catholic Orthopraxis, the Bread and Wine are transformed at some point during the Consecration. The same result is in effect, that Transubstantiation occurs.

The Lord’s Prayer:
The Ordinary Form Mass has a bit of confusion here, as those who go to the NO Mass, wonder why the ending has a Doxology which seems Protestant.
You see, the Protestants inserted into the Bible their ending reading “For Thine Is The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory, Forever and Ever.”
But, this portion was actually a Byzantine Rite Practice, as it came from a New Testament Codex of St. John Chrysostom. In the Byzantine Rite, the Priest actually prays this Doxology, not the congregation. It was never explained to the Catholic Faithful in the Roman Rite.

The Sign of Peace:
Said to be an Ancient Practice, abandoned in the 14th Century, is only available in the Ordinary Form of Mass in the Roman Rite and on Forgiveness Sunday before The Start of Great Lent in the Byzantine Rite. This practice does not occur in the Tridentine Form of The Roman Rite.

Standing for Holy Communion:
Byzantine Rite. But unlike the Roman Rite where Casual ways of approaching the Most Holy Sacrament of The Altar in the Ordinary Form(Unless you are at St. Agnes on East 43rd Street in Manhattan, where you actually have a Kneeling option at an Authentic Communion Rail), the Byzantine Rite is where the Priest says “Approach With Fear of The Lord and With Faith”. In the Byzantine Rite, people make a profound bow before coming up before the Priest, with Arms folded in the form of Saint Andrew’s Cross, where one will receive both Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, via Intinction, via Gold Plated Holy Communion Spoon. Reception of Holy Communion under both species need not be a trip to two Communion stations. In fact, Intinction may cut down, dramatically, Communion in the Hand. Intinction as practiced in the Byzantine Rite, is WHY Standing for Holy Communion came to be. The Practice in the Roman Rite, makes no sense.

The Versus Populum(Priest Facing the Congregation):
Okay, when the Priest gives the Final Blessing or is reading the Assigned Readings or giving the Homily or distributing Holy Communion, that is when Versus Populum should be practiced as it is Practical. But, since the Priest is offering the Holy Sacrifice of The Mass, he should be facing East like the Faithful.
Versus Populum is a Protestant Practice, hoisted on us by The Author of The NO Mass, Annibale Bugnini. The idea of a table altar is also Protestant, which takes away from the Sacrificial Nature of The Mass.
One of The 6 Protestant Minister Consultants to Fr Bugnini, Max Thurian, later became a Catholic Priest and found that this form of Versus Populum doesn’t really permit Contemplation of The Mystery of The Sacrifice. He called for a reform of Versus Populum at the Mass. Sadly, he was ignored for having the nerve to call for the return of Ad Orientem.

Thus, this is my explanation of The Mass called Novus Ordo Missae.

As for me, I prefer Ad Orientem, where the Priest is offering a Sacrifice, as he does at the Tridentine Latin Mass and the Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom.

It’s Catholic.

Credo In Unum Deo


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