Archive | May, 2016

Kneeling For Communion A Mano-A NOvelty

17 May

NO is shorthand for Novus Ordo, as in the so called Ordinary Form of The Mass of The Roman/Latin Rite. The Letters “NO” are the 1st two letters of the word “Novelty.” So called “Inculturation” is a form of Novelty.
In a place where I would go for The Tridentine Latin Mass, St. Agnes on East 43rd Street in Manhattan, I went to the 5:15PM Novus Ordo Mass, where the Propers & Prayers were sung.
At Holy Communion, a number of people are known for heading to the Altar Rail to kneel to receive Holy Communion.
I knelt for Holy Communion & received on the Tongue. But I also noticed something rather weird.
This I noticed as a Novelty. It was kneeling for Holy Communion & still receiving Christ in the Hand. People who stand usually do this, but while kneeling at the Altar Rail?
From here on in at St. Agnes, it will be Tridentine Latin Mass only. I don’t want Novelty at the Communion Rail.

Kyrie Elaison!


1st Holy Communion & Bad Music

14 May

There is SOMETHING To be said for SILENCE. The Tridentine Latin Mass & the Byzantine Rite Catholic Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom(Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of The Church), both experience this at Holy Communion. Not so in Novus Ordo Land, as “Music” of what My Most Dear Friend calls “Vomit, Barf, Puke & S–t”, warbles over the Wurlitzer Organ. It is the type of Liturgical Music, which can be considered to be Torture by The Geneva Convention & The Canadian Human Rights Commission, as well as unsuitable for use as theme music for assorted Television Series on CBC in Canada. CBC’s Resident Curmudgeon, The Redoubtable Rex Murphy, would call this Gaggle “The Utter Disonance of Trite Tripe, with the Ability to cause massive intestinal distress.”
No Doubt that Peter Mansbridge would concur.
Ever since the Seeming End of the Tridentine Era & Coming of The Novus Ordo Era, the Emphasis is on Meal instead of The Sacrifice. And the Music is written to express the Nouvelle Theologie of a Protestant Friendly Liturgy called The Mass.
Opening a 1st Holy Communion Mass with a Sure Fire Schutte Song(Hymns Are Sung TO God), “Table Of Plenty”, which would cause Fits to both Tridentine Latin Mass Attendees as well as for Catholics of The Eastern Catholic Churches, is a Horizontal Song. One is never supposed to sing the Part of The Christ unless one is a Bishop, Priest or Deacon.
As the Doctrine of The Body & Blood of Christ is The Doctrine of Holy Communion, WHY is this Song played, as it virtually infers a Pizza Party? Because, ever since the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council(V II), the emphasis became Meal Oriented, in the Name of False Ecumenism, which Protestants proclaim since the Time of Martin Luther & Ulrich Zwingli, both Apostate Catholic Priests, who were both Excommunicated for Heresy & Apostasy.
Almost 50 Years have passed since Benedictine Archabbot Rembert Weakland, with a couple of Revolutionaries, brought into being the Utterly Nauseating “Folk Mass”, strummed on Guitars, replete with Music With Absolutely No Majesty. I call it “106.7 Lite FM.” This occurred While The Tridentine Form of Mass was still in effect in October of 1967. Archabbot Weakland was later named Archbishop of Milwaukee, WI. He discovered a slew of Loopholes in the V II Modernist Document, “Sacrosanctum Concillium”, Fr Annibale Bugnini’s Blueprint for a Protestant Friendly Liturgy called The Novus Ordo Mass. A sure sign of Change would be the Playing & Singing of “Bread Songs.”
At the(Stripped Down) Offertory, there is what is called “The Presentation Of The Gifts”, which is merely transferring the Bread & Wine to The Priest, so that the Priest will offer up the Bread & Wine & later consecrate it into The Body & Blood of Christ.
The “Offertory Song” is a Folk Mass “Classic”, as it almost 50 Years Old, called “Take Our Bread.” The way that song comes out, it treats The Most Holy Sacrament of The Altar, as if it was a Campfire Sing Along about a Meal. Instead of being played on Guitars, the Organ was used.
This was at a Queens Parish in the RC Diocese of Brooklyn, not in Canada.
One wonders how the Children were trained on how to receive Holy Communion. This being the USA, it most likely was in the hand. In my time, in 1962, ONLY the Priest could even touch The Body & Blood of Christ. Hey, his hands, as he acts “In Persona Christi” are consecrated. Ours are NOT.
At Communion Time, “One Bread, One Body”, as part of “The Bread Songfest” was sung.
A “We Are” Song called “We Are Many Parts”(Totally Unknown to me, but is part of “The We Are Songfest of 2016”) was sung. It is a Song where we tell God how good we are, then ask God for “The Spirit Of Love.”

And My Most Dear Friend would have been Utterly Enraged by the Musical Selection, calling for the Starvation of The Music Director. She would have to include the “Liturgy Committee” for such Musical Selection.
It is as if The Liturgy has done a 180° Turn, with Man worshipping himself, forgetting who put Man there.
Keep this up like this and The Triune Lord will send Man something Man will NEVER Forget & it will NOT be a Pretty Sight.

Kyrie Elaison!


“Happy Easter…..Again”

3 May

“Christ Is Risen”:
“Indeed He Is”;

A Goodly # of The RC Faithful who attend the Tridentine Latin Mass, were planning on heading to what is called “Russian Easter” or “Greek Orthodox Easter.” For Easter on the Old Julian Calendar was late this year. And there are Byzantine Rite Catholic Churches which are on the Old Julian Calendar.
St. George Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Manhattan’s East Village on East 7th Street between The Bowery & 2nd Avenue is where there is a sizeable Ukrainian Population. As many of my Tridentine Latin Mass Compatriots were at the Easter Vigil at St. George or at the Russian Orthodox Cathedral, I decided to head to the Easter Sunday 4PM English Language Divine Liturgy.
The Very Reverend Father Bernard Panczuk OSBM, who is Pastor of St. George, was not feeling up to the 4PM Mass, but the Celebrant was good & it turned out to be The Ukrainian Bishop of the Eparchy of Stamford, CT, His Grace, The Most Reverend Paul Patrick Chomicky, a Canadian from British Columbia & One Time Chartered Accountant. He is from the Order of St. Basil The Great(OSBM or Ordo Sancti Basili Magni).
His Deacon was Fr Peter Shyska, the just retired Principal of St. George Academy High School. He preached the Gospel & Homily.

The Day of No:
This is Good & Holy Friday. It is a Day of Mourning for Christ was led to His Death on The Cross. Churches are barren of all decorations.
Yet, Christ descended to the part of Hades, where the Just were held & He freed the Just to take them to Paradisio(Heaven).
Yet, it is Sad because The Apostles were with Him. And Now The Apostles were Alone & Living In Fear.
This is a Day of No Joy because Christ’s Earthly Existence Had come to an End. And it was a Violent End.
And Maria Semper Virgine pondered on this in Her Heart.

Easter is Yes;
For Christ, in His Glorified Body, is Risen from Death. He conquered Death by Death.
Christ Is Risen!
Indeed He Is!
Yes, there is Joy & Not Sadness.

Deo Gratias! It was a Great Divine Liturgy.

At the End of The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, we were invited up to receive a Special Anointing from Bishop Chomicky, as well as the Blessed Bread(Antidoron).

Parts of The Liturgy were chanted in Ukrainian. There is a new Cantor/Lector named Paul. Bravo to him, he did a great job.

In One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church, there are many Paticular Churches, but only One Church, and Founded By Christ, in Perfect Unity. For Christ told his Apostles & Disciples to go forth to All Nations, Baptising them In The Name of The Father, Son & Holy Ghost.
Christ Promised to be with His Church, until The End of The World.

Chris Is Risen, Indeed He Is.


The Outing One OWES Apologies

1 May

A certain Internet Catholic Polemicist, who supposedly living in fear of being “Outed”(According To the Polemicist)by some Higher Ups in the RC Archdiocese of New York, went on Internet TV and “Outed” himself.
The One & Only Michael Voris went on & admitted to being engaged in Sodomidical Acts for 20 Years. Yes, he who has a Personal War with one Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, came out on his programme, “The Vortex.”
But, he owes apologies to Fine Apologists such as John Vennari, Michael Matt & Christopher Ferrara. This is especially true for Mr. Voris in his agreement with a major Financial Backer In Texas, namely the one who purchased the now famous “Warehouse In Detroit”, that Messers Matt, Ferrara & Vennari are “Spiritual Pornographers.” This occurred a few days after Chris Ferrara appeared on “Mic’d Up” & on Internet Radio with Christine Niles.
For Mr Voris was on a “Roman Forum” Retreat at Lake Garda in Italy with Messers Matt, Vennari, Ferrara & Dr John Rao. The “Roman Forum” Retreat at Lake Garda was paid for by a Benefactor who attends Mass with the SSPX.
And the Rest is History.
He got a Building given to him & tows the Big Donor’s Line.