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The Tridentine Latin Mass Of 1962 & The Novus Ordo Mass Of 1970

24 Sep

It was in The Roman Missal of 1962, when certain changes were made. One was when, before the Confiteor of The Priest, the “Judica Me Deus”(Judge Me O God), was eliminated.
There was still the Confiteor of both Priest & then the Servers and Parishioners. The Priest gave absolution. In his Confiteor, he asked his Servers for Forgiveness.
But, in both recitations “Et Tibi Pater” & “Et Te Pater” were replaced by “Et Vos Fratres”(And You Brethren), while Et Te Pater & Et Tibi Pater, referred to The Priest, acting “In Persona Christi”, offering Sacrifice To The Heavenly Father, as “Alter Christus”(Another Christ).
In The Roman Canon, St. Joseph was added to The Canon of Saints.
The Confiteor before Holy Communion was eliminated.
In 1964, people were now to acknowledge the Body of Christ by responding with Amen, after the Priest says “Corpus Christi.” Prior to this, when one received Holy Communion, the Priest recited in Latin “May The Body Of Christ Be Given To You For Life Everlasting Amen”, and the Priest Made the Sign of The Cross with the Consecrated Host. There was no actual response from the Communicant. A Gold Plated Paten was placed under the chin of one receiving Holy Communion by the Altar Server.
Now, when the Priest was to receive Holy Communion, he prayed “Domine Non Sum Dignus”(O Lord I Am NOT Worthy)3 Times & a bell was rung by an Altar Server after each praying. Prior to Holy Communion, the Communicants prayed the “Domine Non Sum Dignus”, 3 Times.
The Kyrie Elaison(Lord Have Mercy) had 5 Recitations by The Priest & 4 by the Servers and Parishioners(3 Kyrie Elaison, 3 Christe Elaison, 3 Kyrie Elaison).

Other Additions to the 1962 Roman Missal included the “Prayers Of The Faithful”, a variation of the Litanies of The Byzantine Rite, for Sundays & Holy Days of Obligation & the OPTIONAL Sign of Peace. This was added for Mass Of The Tridentine Form starting on Sunday, November 29th, 1964, the 1st Sunday of Advent.

In regards to The Prayer of The Faithful, I will say it this way-The Ukrainian Greek Catholics at the Divine Liturgies of Sts John Chrysostom & Basil The Great, are much better at this form, as The Litanies are sung A Capella & Without Musical Instruments, so forget about the Guitars common at “Folk” Masses of The Novus Ordo Mass Era.

It was in Liturgical Year 1967, around November in Brooklyn, in the Fully Vernacularized Tridentine Form of Mass, when Priests tried to sound like Beatniks & “Folk Style Treacle” Muzak came to The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass. There was also the so called, in the Spirit of The False Ecumenism setting in, the Mistranslation of The Latin Phrase “Pro Multis”, into “For All Men”, instead of “For Many”, as “For All Men”, which signifies the Protestant Heresy of Universal Salvation. It was near the end of Vatican II that the 1st Permissions were given that the Utterly Bad Idea of The Portable Table Altar, for the Tridentine Form of Mass, were authorized. Only the More Progressive Parishes had this Table Altar, beginning with 1965.

“For All Men” gave rise to both the Traditionalist Catholic Movement in 1967, and, Sadly, The Sedevacantist Movement(The Teaching that there had been no Validly Elected Pope after the Death of Venerable Pope Pius XII & that from Pope John XXIII onward, there were all Antipopes seated in The See of Peter).

Also in The 1962 Missal was the Change in the Names of The Parts of The Mass. The Part called “Mass Of The Catechumens”(Those undergoing Religious Instruction), this became “Liturgy Of The Word”, as it was more “Protestant Friendly.” Then there was “Liturgy Of The Eucharist”, replacing “Mass of The Faithful.” This is only in the Latin(Roman) Rite. This was added in time for the Liturgical Year of 1965.

Oh & Another Thing:
Boys and Men ONLY as Altar Servers, was done because in much older times, servers were often ordained as Priests when the Priest retired or died.

As to the Novus Ordo Missae:
There is So Much MISSING from what is The Tridentine Latin Mass in the Novus Ordo Mass, like the Theology of The Mass.
Also, this version of the Mass incorporated Liturgical Abuses from both the US of A & Der Nederlands.

The Novus Ordo Mass incorporates the US of A Abuse called “The Presentation of The Gifts”, where two people bring up the Elements of Unleavened Bread & Wine. This was tried in Boston under Archbishop Richard Cushing. An Ad Populum Tridentine Latin Mass was done in North Dakota. Venerable Pope Pius XII ruled these practices as abuses & condemned these US Practices.
The General Intercessions Prayers of the Faithful went to be an Everyday Practice at Mass. It is based on the Litanies of the Byzantine Rite in the Divine Liturgies of Sts John Chrysostom and Basil The Great. Trust me on this one-The Eastern Catholic Churches & Eastern Orthodox Churches of Byzantine Rite, do this way better than the Roman Rite Catholic Church does. While Not an abuse, it was added to keep something Catholic in the Novus Missae.
The Collective Confiteor, without the Intercessions of Sts Michael The Archangel, John The Baptist, Peter & Paul & only one Intercession of Blessed Mary Ever Virgin. In the Confiteor of the Tridentine Latin Mass, which the Priest says 1st, then the Congregation’s Confiteor, each Saint mentioned twice, ended up as 1 Mention of the Blessed Virgin May & two Intercessions of “The Brethren.” This Collective Confiteor is one of a number of Penitential Options & has for its basis, The Lutheran Confiteor and the Anglican Confiteor, but neither mentions the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Sign of Peace(Or The Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs Wave, seen every day of the week), is said to have come from the Antiochean Rite Maronite Catholic Church. Only The Servers come out from the Sanctuary & shake the hand of the 1st One in the Pew & it is transmitted down the length of the Pew. It was added to the 1962 Missal in 1964. It is only an option. It is a Distraction from The Mass. It made the cut in the Novus Ordo Mass.

Sancte Communion A Mano(In The Hand):
This Grave Abuse came into being during the Protestant Heresy called “The Reformation”, when it was simply a Huge Schism. Martin Bucer, an Apostate Priest of The Order of Preachers of St. Dominic, lost his belief in the Corporeal & Substantial Real Presense of Christ &, in acting as Advisor to Archbishop of Canterbury, The Heretic Thomas Cranmer, introduced Communion A Mano(In The Hand), to teach those of The Church Of England, that no such Real Presence exists. It was 1st practiced before Vatican II ended in Der Nederlands, to protest that The Catholic Church did not change her teachings on Contraception. From this country came the Infamous “Dutch Catechism”, deemed to teach Heresy.
Memoriale Domini, an Encyclical by Blessed Paul VI, addressed Holy Communion In The Hand.

In Canada, this practice arrived in Early 1970, being permitted by meeting the conditions of Memoriale Domini, which means that the Abuse was widespread & that the Conference Of Catholic Bishops in that Nation petitioned The Holy See, after a 2/3 Majority of Bishops By Secret Ballot, concurred.

From 1975 through 1977, the US Conference Of Catholic Bishops, then called the NCCB, was headed by The Archbishop of Cincinnati, OH, Joseph Bernadin, who led the Liberal & Homosexual Wings of The Roman Latin Church. At all three National Meetings of this August Body(Or Hapless Bench) of Bishops in 1975-1977, the motion to promulgate Holy Communion In The Hand fell short of the 2/3 Super Majority. But, Bernadin disobeyed the Papal Edict, and added voters via Telephone and also those Who were Emeriti to the figures, thus having this passed. The Indult was passed but is actually Null and Void, due to the Circumstances on How Archbishop Bernadin effected this practice, which was NEVER widespread in the USA. In short, the Practice in the United States Of America, was born of a Lie, thus NEVER VALID, EVER.

Standing to receive Holy Communion In The Roman Latin Rite:
Never Mind that it is a Byzantine Rite Practice, not done well by The Roman Latin Church, that the US Conference Of Catholic Bishops decided to add a Byzantine Rite Practice of Bowing to add a semblance of Eucharistic Piety to receiving Holy Communion, mostly in the Hand. I know of a few Ukrainian Greek Catholics who would beg to differ in regards to Roman Rite Catholics who receive Holy Communion In The Hand. This is SO Novus Ordo.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Originally meant to bring Holy Communion To The Sick Shut In Catholics in their homes and Nursing Facilities, they have become an Armada at Holy Communion Time, supposedly because the Priest and Deacon Communion Lines are too long. These People did not receive Holy Orders. Plus in the Artificially Contrived Priest Shortage thanks to Heterodox Bishops and Priests, suddenly Lay People are NEEDED to give out Holy Communion at Mass.
Holy Communion Under Both Species:
The Eastern Churches, both Catholic & Eastern Orthodox, have Holy Communion via Intinction and the Priest, Bishop or Deacon, distribute the Body & Blood of Christ via Gold Plated Holy Communion Spoon.
There is none of The Two Station Reception of The Sacrament which occurs only in the Roman Rite Novus Ordo Mass, with an Extraordinary Minister handling the Cup where the Precious Blood of Christ comes from.
Sadly, the Novus Ordo Mass is a place where one can lose one’s Sensus Catholicus, and one’s Faith & one’s Belief in The Most Sublime Sacrament of The Altar.

It is Time To End The Novus Ordo Mass.


Kyrie Elaison

My Most Dear Friend & My Return To Rosarian Tradition

3 Apr

Last evening I had planned to go to The Mass of The Lord’s Supper at Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs in Forest Hills, Queens, but I had been researching the Eastern Catholic Divine Liturgies in regards to the Ordinary Form of The Mass.
A little bit later, I began researching Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, Architect of the Novus Ordo Mass, currently called The Ordinary Form of Mass. I had read about His planned “Reform” of The Rosary. In the words of Christopher Ferrara, it was a case of “The New Mass meets The New Rosary.”
I prayed Rosary much in Childhood. But from the Time of the Beginnings of The New Mass, not very often. At Times I thought of it as a Woman’s Prayer. Now I know WHY I often felt “Dry” over the Years.
When I 1st went over to the Byzantine Rite, beautiful Prayers for Holy Mary Theotokos, which means Bearer of The Christ, are part of The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.
But, with Archbishop Bugnini’s planned “Rosary Reform”, which would have only included the Line”Hail Full of Grace, The Lord is with Thee, Blessed is The Fruit of Thy Womb”, and one Our Father, I was both incensed and THIS moved me to pray 5 Decades of The Joyful Mysteries Last Night. The Joyful Mysteries are Monday & Thursday, The Sorrowful Mysteries are Tuesdays & Fridays & The Glorious Mysteries on Wednesdays & Both Saturday and Sunday.
Now this morning, I was debating as to whether or not to go to the Annual Good Friday Walk between St. Thomas Apostle in Woodhaven & Holy Child Jesus here in Richmond Hill. The Weather is a bit rainy, the threat of Thunderstorms are upon us & the Walk is a chance that one will hear Folk Style Music all morning does not really appeal to me. Much of The Modern Liturgical Music is Utterly Void of being able to be sung and may sound better as Song Parodies, especially at THIS “Woodstock Style Walk.” The only things missing are The Mosh Areas.
So I prayed the 5 Sorrowful Mysteries, meditating on The Passion of Christ, who bore all of Mankind’s Sins. I had Tears in parts of these Mysteries being prayed.
Praying for Catholic and Orthodox Christians who are being massacred by People who profess a False Religion where Violence is a Known Solution, and where Marriage of Children is a Common Practice, whose founder once married a 9 Year Old Girl, makes me wonder about all the False Ecumenism the Vatican II Leadership in The Church are emphasising. Only When The Heretics & Schismatics come to The One True Church, will there be Unity. Our Catholic Brethren are taking a bad beating in The Middle East. Our Catholic Brethren, both Byzantine and Roman Latin, are under threat in Ukraine from Schismatic, Orthodox Russia.
False Ecumenism doesn’t cut it. And it is Time for The Pope, with all The Catholic Bishops, to Consecrate Russia to The Immaculate Heart of Mary, NOT having Prayer Services and Coffee Klatches with Apostates, Heretics & Schismatics. All these People need The Graces of Mary & The Sacraments of The Bride Of Christ, The One True Church, One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church, for Outside of Her, There is No Salvation.
My Most Dear Friend once came to me in all my Bursitis Pain with the words “Jesus Loves You, Jesus Wants Us To Be Friends.”
She had suffered from Lymphoma and sought Heavenly Help. She tried The Rosary about 8 Years Ago. Prior to her coming into The Church from the Greek Orthodox Church in 2012, she prayed the Rosary. This worked a Cure. She came into The Church. She is maturing in her Catholic Faith.
I am hooked.
Deo Gratias!
Santa Maria, Madre De Dios, Ruega Por Nosotros Peccadores, Ahora Y En La Hora, De Nuestra Muerte, Amen.y


“Thanks, Lord, For You Gave Me What I NEEDED.”

12 Feb

It was not Extra Cash, which is only useful in a Worldly Sense.
For you see, I had gotten lazy, even on beautiful days, though they be cold or even Mild.

Okay, I would make my Sunday Obligation and that was it. But, God wanted to give me something which is really “Out Of This World”, & the Opportunity to have this Gift. So, I went to this place @ the corner of Ascan Avenue and Queens Boulevard.

Now I have bad knees and neck, and the 1st Gift Given to me was the Ability to kneel, which I hadn’t been able to do in awhile. Then, I was given a chance to hold my head up straight for a little while.

And I met some old friends I hadn’t seen in awhile. It looks like they were at the same place, invited by God, to accept His gifts. These are Gifts they truly NEEDED.

Those Gifts included Something which looks and tastes like Flat Bread but isn’t. But it tastes Heavenly. I had two helpings of it.
I went to Someone representing God to tell the Representative about bad mistakes I made, so I was told how I was to correct them. I feel relieved from this because he can’t tell anybody about it.
And then I had a Balm put on my hands and forehead to protect me.

The Gift, you see, is called Sanctifying Grace. The place I went to is Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs RC Church in Forest Hills Section of Queens, NY. Today is The Feast Of Our Lady Of Lourdes, which commemorates when Mary, Mother Of Jesus and Mother Of The Church, visited a sickly Nun, Bernadette Soubris, calling on her to build both a Church and Pool of Blessings. Many cures are attributed to Our Lady’s Intercession with Our Lord. Today is also World Day Of Prayer For The Sick.

A number of people received 3 Sacraments, namely Penance(Reconciliation), Holy Communion and Anointing Of The Sick(Formerly Known as Extreme Unction, called Holy Unction in the Catholic Eastern Churches). A Sacrament is an Outward Sign, Instituted by Jesus Christ to give Sanctifying Grace. The Catholic Eastern Churches along with the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches, call the Sacraments The Holy Mysteries. I received all Three Sacraments(Mysteries), Today.

In the Holy Gospel According to Saint Mark, Jesus spoke of what comes from Inside of you, defiles you.

So today was a great day for a Soulful Cleansing and Sanctifying Grace was that Needed Gift.

Thank You O Lord, We all NEEDED That.

Deo Gratias!
M, Eh!

Add Me To The Love Of Christian Russia

7 Jan

The USA and Russia are Opposites, who do not attract.
But, Russia is Christianizing, while The USA approves of what Stephen Fry is doing.
You see, Stephen Fry, once part of The Comedic Duo of “Fry and Laurie”, is getting married again, this time to a 27 Year Old.
I will clue you in with a Hint-Andrew Cuomo legalized this Form of Union in 2011.
Okay, you see that Stephen Fry is marrying one Elliot Spencer in England. England is also in the Post Christian Era. Stephen Fry is doing a Real Life Version of “I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry.”

Stephen Fry is GAY.

While several States, of The Once Proud United States Of America, have placed on their Law Books, assorted Statutes permitting Same Sex Marriage, a Freak Show in Practice, as well as contrary to the Natural and Moral Law, Russia has gone the Other Way. They are returning to the Practice of Christianity, mostly via the Russian Orthodox Church.
Children in Russia are being taught their Faith in School. They will hear NOTHING about Homosexual Propaganda, like in California or The 5 Boroughs of NYC. Abortion in Russia is NOT Subsidized and is almost impossible today, unlike in the USA in The 5 Boroughs of NYC.

Russia defends the Current Regime in Syria, where Christianity is tolerated. The USA, meanwhile, defends the ENEMIES of Christianity, such as the Syrian Liberation Army, who actually turned out to be Al Qaeda.

Which Nation offered their Intelligence Services just after 09/11/01, to help us in battle against Radical Islam?


Who is their strong, Tactical Leader?

Vladimir Putin, that’s who.

This “Russia Bashing” is coming from Neoconservatives with ties to Israel.
Who says that Neocons are even Conservative? That’s like that other Oxymoron, Neo Catholics.

And Russia is growing, both Spiritually and Economically.

God Save and Bless Russia

M, Eh!

If You Fasted & Saw The Star

7 Jan

A Blessed Christmas to those of You, both Byzantine Catholic & Byzantine Orthodox.
For on December 24th(Julian Calendar), which is January 6th(Gregorian Calendar), which was yesterday, there was a day of Total Abstention from Food. Then the Divine Liturgy of St Basil The Great was offered.
At Home, the 1st Star Of The Night is seen. Then the Family may partake of Food.

For those of you of The Roman Rite, this is Byzantine Christmas. If you think that Midnight Mass is Long, wait until you head to either the Divine Liturgy of St Basil The Great or Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom. Both are amazing and Deep Liturgies. And for Roman Rite Catholics, there are 4 Prayers for The Pope, not One.

Happy Christmas!


Epiphany-Ordinary Form Mass & Easter Proclamation

5 Jan

Note that according to the Vetus Ordo or Extraordinary Form Mass Calendar, January 6th is still Epiphany and is celebrated particularly in Spanish Speaking Neighborhoods. In Italy, Gifts are exchanged on January 6th. Epiphany in the Roman Rite, Ordinary Form Mass Calendar, is two parts with Baptism Of The Lord In The River Jordan, next Sunday, January 11th, 2015, which marks the End of The Christmas Cycle. Ordinary Time takes over on Monday, January 12th.
In the Extraordinary Form Mass Calendar, the Christmas Cycle ends on Candlemas Day on February 2nd.
On January 6th(December 24th on the Julian Calendar in the Byzantine Rite, both Eastern Orthodox Christians and Byzantine Rite Catholics observe The Nativity Eve Fast, where food is abstained from until the 1st Star Of The Night is seen. The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom is held about 10:00PM in honor of The Nativity of Christ. On January 7th(December 25th, Julian Calendar), is Christmas Day with Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, in both Eastern Orthodox and Greek Catholic Churches. On Julian Calendar January 1st, which is January 14th on The Gregorian Calendar, The Feast Of St Basil The Great, with Divine Liturgy Of St. Basil The Great being offered. Epiphany, which is called Theophany, with both names commemorating the Revelation of Jesus Christ, is on January 6th, Julian Calendar(January 19th, Gregorian Calendar). Theophany celebrates the Baptism Of The Lord In The River Jordan and the Beginning of The Lord’s Public Ministry. There will be both Sunday Before Theophany and Sunday After Theophany. On The Sunday After Theophany is the Blessing of The Ceremonial Waters. I witnessed this ceremony. The water has herbs added to it. The Water is blessed and the Priest uses actual Hyssop to bless one with Water, reminding one of The Sacrament(Holy Mystery) of Baptism. One is also anointed by the Priest with Chrism to remind one of the Sacrament(Holy Mystery) of Chrismation(Confirmation). The Priest uses a Chrism Wand and anoints one’s forehead.

Fr Joseph Cunningham, Pastor Emeritus of St Gregory The Great in Bellrose, Queens and now Senior Priest In Residence at Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs, offered the 1PM Mass. The Easter Proclamation was sung by Noted Writer, Deacon Gregory Kandra.

A Good Crowd was on hand for the 1:15PM Mass.

And Christmastide in the Ordinary Form Mass continues until Next Sunday.

A Joyous Christmastide To All:

Deo Gratias!


The Nativity Fast(St. Phillip’s Fast)

22 Nov

The Byzantine Catholic Churches as well as other Eastern Catholic Churches, as well as the Eastern Orthodox Churches as well as the Oriental Orthodox Churches, all have what is called “Saint Phillip’s Fast”, commonly called The Nativity Fast.
For what St. John Chrysostom(Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of The Church, Feast on the Tridentine Latin Mass Calendar is January 27th) said about Fasting that it is more than a Food Fast, rather it is a time of Prayer, a time to give up Sinning with your thoughts, ears and mouth.
This Fast used to be observed as the Advent Fast in the Roman Rite. Now the only reminders of Advent in the Roman Rite are the Non Praying of The “Gloria In Excelsis Deo”, except on December 8th(Feast of The Immaculate Conception), the 4 Advent Candles with Advent Wreath & that the Priest wears the Penitential Colour of Lavender. Then, there are the Communal Penance Services.
Even though I’m Roman Rite Catholic, I will be following the Byzantine Rite Practice of no meat on Wednesday and Friday for the 1st two weeks of Advent and may extend it to Christmas in the Roman Rite.
Wednesday Abstinence commemorates “Spy Wednesday”, when Judas Iscariot went to the Pharisees to betray Jesus. Friday Commemoration is for Good Friday when Jesus Christ died on The Cross. This, so many years ago, was the Roman Rite Catholic Practice.
Besides, I need to sacrifice the pounds I have put on me. Eating too much junk, doesn’t Give Glory To God. It says that I have been selfish.
The St. Phillip’s Fast (Nativity Fast) begins November 28th(Gregorian Calendar, which is November 15th, Julian Calendar).
Pray for The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, Always. Remember the Pope, Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Religious as well The Souls in Purgatory. Offer up one’s Prayers and Fasts for them. Ask the Intercession of Holy Mary Theotokos, Mother of God, Always and Especially during this Period.

Kyrie Elaison!
Deo Gratias!


“Missa Vernaculus”(Send In The Clowns)

31 Jul

It was 1979. “The Tablet”, the Official Newsweekly of the R C Diocese of Brooklyn, NY, did coverage in the Youth Section of the paper, then a local version of a National Periodical called National Catholic Reprobate, I mean Fishwrap, oh, I mean Reporter, with the 1st Two Descriptions more appropriate, of a ” Missa Vernaculus. “

OK, so you THINK that you know what this means. By this time in the Era of “Modernist Bishops”, who looked for Novelty, as what passed for Liturgical Music wasn’t enough(With a Rather Lengthy queue at The Vomitarium, a word of Snark Quality coined by My Most Dear Friend), it was someplace, I believe that it was in my Native Land, which is The Borough of Brooklyn, that at some Parish, a Blasphemous Event called ” Missa Vernaculus” occurred.

I am not speaking of a Reverently Offered Ordinary Form Mass also called Missa Novus Ordo. The Mass at St. Agnes East 43rd Street in Midtown Manhattan is such an example, especially at the 5:15PM Saturday Vigil Mass, where Entrance, Offertory and Communion Antiphons, and Gloria are sung in Latin with the Kyrie sung in Greek. The remainder is offered in  English. A Closing Hymn is sung in Latin.  This Form of Mass meets the Criterion of Sacrosanctam Concillium. Note that a Stately Opening Hymn is sung. There is No Room for such Treacle as “Table Of Plenty.”

“Verna” is Latin for Slave. “Vernaculus” is Latin for Court Jester. This word also means Buffoon. It primarily means Clown.
So Sadly, when a group of Young Persons are dressed as if this is Ringling Brothers & Barnum & Bailey sponsoring Parish Renovations(Sorry, Wreck-ovations), with the Liturgy being treated as a Sideshow to the Circus Theme, there is an aire of Blasphemy here. The sense of Sacredness is, well, Gone. The Mass now becomes a Sacrilege.

Yet, in The Tablet, this is giving the Young People a sense of Self Expression and Creativity.

For The Organizers of This Action of Sacrilege, how many of these Children are still practicing The Authentic Catholic Faith? Did You Lead Them Astray? Or are a number of these Children who are now Middle Aged Adults, leading other children in Modernist Improvisational Liturgy, which is about SELF and NOT about GOD. This is NOT Entertainment.

And WHY would a Diocesan Newsweekly lend Credence to such Sacrilege?

The Roman Republic fell apart because of “Circus Et Panem Maximus.” It took a Line of Ceasars to fix that Mess. With Masses like that one described, The Company of Angels and Saints who, United with Christ on The Altar at Mass, are mocked by this action of Sacrilege. The Priest in this case, offered a Sacrilege.

During a Video comparing the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, recorded by someone who is Greek Orthodox, with a Circus Themed Mass in a Cathedral in Brazil, complete with a Bishop present, I was shocked and disgusted by the Presentation of the Book of The Gospels being presented by an Acrobatic Act. With Themed Masses like this, it is small wonder why in Brazil, the World’s Most Catholic Nation, as to WHY so many people in Brazil are leaving The Faith. They despise Novelty.

The Modernists call this “Inculturation of The Liturgy.”
With The Tridentine Mass, one could never even attempt this Corruption. It would stick out like a Sore Thumb. The Same would also be said for all the Eastern Catholic Liturgies. It would be like sticking a square peg in a round hole.

But Annibale Bugnini came up with a Liturgy where this could and does occur. And Faith decreased in droves.

Pray Hard, Dear Faithful.

Kyrie Elaison!


The Eastern Orthodox Churches & Catholic Unity

6 Jun

The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, The Bride of Christ, is diverse in Her Unity in Her 22 Sui Juris Churches, both Eastern and Western.
The Eastern Catholic Churches are Orthodox by Tradition, but So Fully Catholic in Doctrine and Belief. They have different Disciplines, but believe the Same Doctrines as Western, Latin(Roman)Rite Church. Both the Eastern Churches and Latin Rite Catholic Churches have 7 Valid Sacraments and Holy Orders. The Priesthood is Valid.
But, there are Churches from the Line of The Apostles which are Not in Communion with the Holy See, called the Eastern Orthodox Churches. And, trust me on this one, there are a number of Doctrinal Differences which keep the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church from truly being United.
The Autocephelus(Self Governing)Eastern Orthodox Churches have no actual Vicar of Christ like that of One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, though they do rule by Holy Synods. They have an Ecumenical Patriarch based in Constantinople(Present Day Istanbul, Turkey), who is only 1st Among Equals, which means he has all the power of The Queen of England(None). Think of him in terms of a Referee in the National Football League and you get the Picture.
These are the Doctrinal Differences which keep the Eastern Orthodox Churches and the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, pretty far apart:
Original Sin-The Catholic Church teaches that from the Time when Adam and Eve, the Sin of The First Parents is passed down to each person born. This is removed by The Sacrament of Baptism and Sanctifying Grace ensues. But, the Eastern Orthodox belief is that Original Sin did not pass beyond Adam and Eve and that Baptism is only performed as a Sacrament of Divine Grace, due to the consequences of Original Sin, though they preach that one was never born with the Sin. If it is confusing like some explanation of Practice at Vatican II, it most certainly is;
Purification After Death(Purgatory) is actually the Teaching of The Christ, when He said “Until Thou Hast Paid the Last Penny.”
The Eastern Orthodox Churches teach that Souls actually undergo Purification in Hades, the Place of all the Dead. Hades has both Purgatory and Hell of The Damned.
The above comes from the Old Testament. 
Catholic Church is No Divorce
Eastern Orthodoxy allows 3 Divorces and 3 Marriages.
Filioque(Double Procession of The Holy Spirit From the Father and The Son). Dogma in the Catholic Church. Denied by the Orthodox. Based on the Nicene Creed, originally written in Greek. Over this, the East West Schism occurred. The Orthodox teach that the Holy Spirit only proceeds from The Father. The Filioque is from the Catholic Church. Then why did Christ promise the Apostles the Holy Spirit when Jesus went Home to His Father in Heaven?
Immaculate Conception of Mary:
Dogmatic Belief of The Catholic Church. The Eastern Orthodox teach that since Mary, also called Theotokos(Christ Bearer), was Purified at the Annunciation, this Dogma is unnecessary, because no one actually has Original Sin beyond Adam and Eve.
One True Church;
The Eastern Orthodox claim this title, but how can this be done when Divorce is part of The Package. Jesus says “Divorce Not At All.” The Teaching on Original Sin is, as we used to say in Brooklyn, NY, a “Doozy.”

Sacrament of Holy Orders:
Both have a Male Only Priesthood & Male Bishops, but in The Churches of the Patriarchate of Moscow, Females may be ordained to the Permanent Diaconate(Russian Orthodox Church and Japanese Orthodox Church). Also, certain Greek Orthodox Churches do this as well & follow the Byzantine Rite Ordination Ceremony for Deacons.
As for this in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, NO.

As My Most Dear Friend once said to me one morning, “Just take a look at Russia and Greece, as to how both are so (@! :-)#&$ :-))up they are.” She, being a Convert to The Real, One, True Church Which Christ Himself Established, has spoken well.
I wonder just what St. John Chrysostom would say today?

St. John Chrysostom would never get s Show on E W T N, like the Dissident Orthodox would. He was the “Michael Voris” of his time. The ONLY Thing that Michael Voris would get on E W T N, is Blasted to Smithereens.

Kyrie Elaison!
M, Eh!

Since Going To Byzantine Rite Ukrainian Greek Catholic For Divine Liturgy

1 Jun

I now see the Eastern Catholic Elements which make up part of the Ordinary Form of The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass in the Latin(Roman)Rite. Let’s just say that in the case of The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom and St Basil The Great, no Music written by Marty Haugen, David Haas, or “Hymns” like “Anthem” are ever played in the Byzantine Rite Catholic or Orthodox Churches.
But the “General Intercession-Prayers of The Faithful” are Catholic, as in Byzantine Rite, not Latin(Roman)Rite in origin. In the early going of the Ordinary Form, derisively called the Novus Ordo Mass, or simply the NO, the response was “Lord Hear Our Prayer”or “Lord Have Mercy.” Since I began in November of 2013, of going to the Byzantine Rite Catholic Divine

Liturgy of St John Chrysostom

, I usually sing “Lord Have Mercy”(Kyrie Elaison) at the end of each antiphon of supplication. In the Ordinary Form Mass, it is “Lord Hear Our Prayer”(Deus Exaudinos). But, in the Year 1969, we often ended with the Kyrie as Response in the Vernacular.
On Ascension Thursday, including the Wednesday Evening Vigil Mass at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Roman Catholic Church in Forest Hills, Queens, it was during the General Intercession-Prayer of The Faithful, when I heard a Familiar Antiphon being sung. It was the last one offered. It went like this:
“For Favorable Weather and an Abundance of Crops”, are the only words I remember, but I knew those words, for they are incorporated into The Byzantine Rite Catholic Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom and St Basil Martyr. After singing the “Deus Exaudinos”, in English, I softly said in English the “Kyrie Elaison.”
Standing instead of Kneeling for Holy Communion is a Byzantine Practice.
The one thing which gets Catholics of the Latin(Roman)Rite all worked up is The Doxology at The Lord’s Prayer. Now the Protestants end the Our Father with “For The Kingdom, The Power & The Glory Are Yours, Forever, as continuing from “But Deliver Us From Evil”(Sed Libera Nos A Malo). So it was added to The Lord’s Prayer in what Protestants call The King James Bible or “The Authorized Version.”
But, the Byzantine Rite Catholic Church has it as Doxology. For after The Our Father(Pater Noster), a prayer is offered by the Priest, and then he chants the Doxology. In the Latin(Roman)Rite, the Congregation sings or recites the Doxology at the end.
So, what was thought in this case to be Protestant, is truly Catholic, but from another Rite of The Catholic Church. For the Doxology regarding Pater Noster, came from a New Testament Codex used by St. John Chrysostom, who was Patriarch of Constantinople.
The Readings of Epistle, Gradual and Gospel are Extraordinary Form Tridentine Latin Mass. There is an extra reading at the end of The Mass, called The Last Gospel, the Story of The Incarnation, which is done in Latin, except on Palm Sunday or Second Sunday of The Passion of The Lord.
But in the Ordinary Form Mass, The Readings are Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament Epistle, Chant and Gospel. So there are three readings, but this comes from Lutheran Anglican Practice.
Holy Communion in both forms is from the Byzantine Rite, which uses Intinction. Some Latin(Roman)Rite Churches use Intinction, while in others, one goes to two different Communion Ministers.
The Cantor and Lector are from Byzantine Rite Catholic and Orthodox Practice.
So it shall be said that the Ordinary Form Mass had Catholic Elements stripped but they actually went Eastward. So this Mass is Catholic. So don’t lose sleep over it.

M, Eh!