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My Most Dear Friend & My Return To Rosarian Tradition

3 Apr

Last evening I had planned to go to The Mass of The Lord’s Supper at Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs in Forest Hills, Queens, but I had been researching the Eastern Catholic Divine Liturgies in regards to the Ordinary Form of The Mass.
A little bit later, I began researching Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, Architect of the Novus Ordo Mass, currently called The Ordinary Form of Mass. I had read about His planned “Reform” of The Rosary. In the words of Christopher Ferrara, it was a case of “The New Mass meets The New Rosary.”
I prayed Rosary much in Childhood. But from the Time of the Beginnings of The New Mass, not very often. At Times I thought of it as a Woman’s Prayer. Now I know WHY I often felt “Dry” over the Years.
When I 1st went over to the Byzantine Rite, beautiful Prayers for Holy Mary Theotokos, which means Bearer of The Christ, are part of The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.
But, with Archbishop Bugnini’s planned “Rosary Reform”, which would have only included the Line”Hail Full of Grace, The Lord is with Thee, Blessed is The Fruit of Thy Womb”, and one Our Father, I was both incensed and THIS moved me to pray 5 Decades of The Joyful Mysteries Last Night. The Joyful Mysteries are Monday & Thursday, The Sorrowful Mysteries are Tuesdays & Fridays & The Glorious Mysteries on Wednesdays & Both Saturday and Sunday.
Now this morning, I was debating as to whether or not to go to the Annual Good Friday Walk between St. Thomas Apostle in Woodhaven & Holy Child Jesus here in Richmond Hill. The Weather is a bit rainy, the threat of Thunderstorms are upon us & the Walk is a chance that one will hear Folk Style Music all morning does not really appeal to me. Much of The Modern Liturgical Music is Utterly Void of being able to be sung and may sound better as Song Parodies, especially at THIS “Woodstock Style Walk.” The only things missing are The Mosh Areas.
So I prayed the 5 Sorrowful Mysteries, meditating on The Passion of Christ, who bore all of Mankind’s Sins. I had Tears in parts of these Mysteries being prayed.
Praying for Catholic and Orthodox Christians who are being massacred by People who profess a False Religion where Violence is a Known Solution, and where Marriage of Children is a Common Practice, whose founder once married a 9 Year Old Girl, makes me wonder about all the False Ecumenism the Vatican II Leadership in The Church are emphasising. Only When The Heretics & Schismatics come to The One True Church, will there be Unity. Our Catholic Brethren are taking a bad beating in The Middle East. Our Catholic Brethren, both Byzantine and Roman Latin, are under threat in Ukraine from Schismatic, Orthodox Russia.
False Ecumenism doesn’t cut it. And it is Time for The Pope, with all The Catholic Bishops, to Consecrate Russia to The Immaculate Heart of Mary, NOT having Prayer Services and Coffee Klatches with Apostates, Heretics & Schismatics. All these People need The Graces of Mary & The Sacraments of The Bride Of Christ, The One True Church, One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church, for Outside of Her, There is No Salvation.
My Most Dear Friend once came to me in all my Bursitis Pain with the words “Jesus Loves You, Jesus Wants Us To Be Friends.”
She had suffered from Lymphoma and sought Heavenly Help. She tried The Rosary about 8 Years Ago. Prior to her coming into The Church from the Greek Orthodox Church in 2012, she prayed the Rosary. This worked a Cure. She came into The Church. She is maturing in her Catholic Faith.
I am hooked.
Deo Gratias!
Santa Maria, Madre De Dios, Ruega Por Nosotros Peccadores, Ahora Y En La Hora, De Nuestra Muerte, Amen.y


Whose Side Is Papam Franciscum On?

8 Mar

Making a Mess:
The Counterrmanding Of Patriarch Sako of The Chaldean Rite is either a Lapse in judgement or His Holiness has no idea on how the Eastern Catholic Churches function.
The Patriarch of The Chaldeans, His Beatitude Patriarch Sako in Iraq, found that a # of his Priests fled Iraq, and are supposedly in the USA, like in San Diego.
He orders these priests to return, but a Pastor of a Chaldean Parish in San Diego notifies His Holiness, Pope Francis. That Papam Bergoglio is making a mess, overruled the Patriarch, who is also a Prince of The Church(A Cardinal), so that these Priests could stay in San Diego. It is a case of “The Boss doesn’t have his Patriarch’s Back”, leaving Cardinal Sako in the Lurch;

Apparently, Michael Voris isn’t the Least Bit Interested, thinking that the story is another “Bad Translation”, orchestrated by Fr. Thomas Rosica CSB.

If ever a Church suffered from Massive Persecutions from a Big, Bad Bully, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is the Classic Example. They are of the Byzantine Rite.
I have worshipped along side of Ukrainian Catholics here in New York City. More Loyal Sons and Daughters of One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church, I cannot find anywhere. For I witnessed an 11 Year Old Girl at the Icon Table in the Center Aisle by The Podium, kissing the Icon. I was touched by THIS Pious Act.
I let her then go in front of me to receive Holy Communion. It was a Moving Moment.
After WW II, The Soviet Union persecuted The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, a Church which suffered many Martyrdoms in this period, which I believe had the full cooperation of the Russian Orthodox Church, which was given the Properties of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church by the Communists of Stalin.
In the Recent Part I of the Synod of The Family at The Vatican, those Catholics of a Traditionalist Bent, were impressed with His Beatitude, Major Archbishop(Acclaimed As Patriarch)Sviatoslav Shevchuk, as he spoke passionately about Matrimony being between One Man and One Woman.
At said Synod, Metropolitan Hilarion of the Russian Orthodox Church, ripped into His Beatitude for occupying Orthodox Territory. Stepping in to defend His Beatitude was His Eminence, Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York & Metropolitan Of All New York.
But what is troubling is Papa Bergoglio’s all encompassing Ecumenism, even unto the ignoring of The Second Largest Church of One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, for Favorable Relations with a Church which looks to suppress the Loyal Part of The Catholic Church. Like I said before, whose side is Papa Bergoglio on?

And Why is Voris so silent, just like his silence regarding the Franciscan Friars of The Immaculate?
His “Cheque Writer” would “Starve Him.”

Domine Non Sum Dignus!

M, Eh!

The Eastern Orthodox Churches & Catholic Unity

6 Jun

The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, The Bride of Christ, is diverse in Her Unity in Her 22 Sui Juris Churches, both Eastern and Western.
The Eastern Catholic Churches are Orthodox by Tradition, but So Fully Catholic in Doctrine and Belief. They have different Disciplines, but believe the Same Doctrines as Western, Latin(Roman)Rite Church. Both the Eastern Churches and Latin Rite Catholic Churches have 7 Valid Sacraments and Holy Orders. The Priesthood is Valid.
But, there are Churches from the Line of The Apostles which are Not in Communion with the Holy See, called the Eastern Orthodox Churches. And, trust me on this one, there are a number of Doctrinal Differences which keep the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church from truly being United.
The Autocephelus(Self Governing)Eastern Orthodox Churches have no actual Vicar of Christ like that of One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, though they do rule by Holy Synods. They have an Ecumenical Patriarch based in Constantinople(Present Day Istanbul, Turkey), who is only 1st Among Equals, which means he has all the power of The Queen of England(None). Think of him in terms of a Referee in the National Football League and you get the Picture.
These are the Doctrinal Differences which keep the Eastern Orthodox Churches and the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, pretty far apart:
Original Sin-The Catholic Church teaches that from the Time when Adam and Eve, the Sin of The First Parents is passed down to each person born. This is removed by The Sacrament of Baptism and Sanctifying Grace ensues. But, the Eastern Orthodox belief is that Original Sin did not pass beyond Adam and Eve and that Baptism is only performed as a Sacrament of Divine Grace, due to the consequences of Original Sin, though they preach that one was never born with the Sin. If it is confusing like some explanation of Practice at Vatican II, it most certainly is;
Purification After Death(Purgatory) is actually the Teaching of The Christ, when He said “Until Thou Hast Paid the Last Penny.”
The Eastern Orthodox Churches teach that Souls actually undergo Purification in Hades, the Place of all the Dead. Hades has both Purgatory and Hell of The Damned.
The above comes from the Old Testament. 
Catholic Church is No Divorce
Eastern Orthodoxy allows 3 Divorces and 3 Marriages.
Filioque(Double Procession of The Holy Spirit From the Father and The Son). Dogma in the Catholic Church. Denied by the Orthodox. Based on the Nicene Creed, originally written in Greek. Over this, the East West Schism occurred. The Orthodox teach that the Holy Spirit only proceeds from The Father. The Filioque is from the Catholic Church. Then why did Christ promise the Apostles the Holy Spirit when Jesus went Home to His Father in Heaven?
Immaculate Conception of Mary:
Dogmatic Belief of The Catholic Church. The Eastern Orthodox teach that since Mary, also called Theotokos(Christ Bearer), was Purified at the Annunciation, this Dogma is unnecessary, because no one actually has Original Sin beyond Adam and Eve.
One True Church;
The Eastern Orthodox claim this title, but how can this be done when Divorce is part of The Package. Jesus says “Divorce Not At All.” The Teaching on Original Sin is, as we used to say in Brooklyn, NY, a “Doozy.”

Sacrament of Holy Orders:
Both have a Male Only Priesthood & Male Bishops, but in The Churches of the Patriarchate of Moscow, Females may be ordained to the Permanent Diaconate(Russian Orthodox Church and Japanese Orthodox Church). Also, certain Greek Orthodox Churches do this as well & follow the Byzantine Rite Ordination Ceremony for Deacons.
As for this in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, NO.

As My Most Dear Friend once said to me one morning, “Just take a look at Russia and Greece, as to how both are so (@! :-)#&$ :-))up they are.” She, being a Convert to The Real, One, True Church Which Christ Himself Established, has spoken well.
I wonder just what St. John Chrysostom would say today?

St. John Chrysostom would never get s Show on E W T N, like the Dissident Orthodox would. He was the “Michael Voris” of his time. The ONLY Thing that Michael Voris would get on E W T N, is Blasted to Smithereens.

Kyrie Elaison!
M, Eh!

It is Time for Catholics To Go Beyond You Tube

20 Apr

Years ago, it was Public Access Cable Channels. Eventually, it was the World Wide Web. Then came Vimeo in 2004, followed by Dailymotion and then You Tube. Then the Smartphone Revolution came and one could send a Video into Cyberspace from that Smartphone. Apple came out with the iPod Touch and iPad.
Then, Live Video Streaming Networks came into being. One can make a Good News Piece on the spot.
The Evangelical Christians are using Live Video Streaming Networks for their Wednesday Night and Sunday Services. I see this all the time on Veetle, Bambuser and Ustream.

I have yet to see Lay Catholics doing this. They usually head to You Tube as a matter of habit, though Vimeo is becoming a destination. On Vimeo, it is artists who comment, not imbecilic types who have trouble spelling a 3 letter word, though they have no trouble with the 4 letter kind.

But, one with a Smartphone and the right app, can broadcast any event imaginable.

On Holy Thursday, portions of The Catholic Mass of The Lord’s Supper, were telecast live from Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs Roman Catholic Church in Forest Hills, Queens, NY, over Veetle, an Easy to use Service. Views were not bad at all.
On Good Friday, Ustream was used to televise the St. Thomas Apostle to Holy Child Jesus Walk. But, Ustream, which the experts say is THE Place to get lots of viewers, only registered 11 Views in 25 Minutes of Transmission. Ustream is actually for the pros at the Traditional Broadcasting Networks, who may carry a story which is intended for web telecast only.
Easter Vigil at Our Lady of Mercy Roman Catholic Church in Forest Hills Queens NY, was carried on Veetle and 31 views were registered. Part of the Tridentine Latin Mass of Easter Sunday, was carried by Veetle, as it handled a weak transmission signal quite well for 14 views in 11 Minutes. The Bambuser Feed failed twice and needs a stronger data signal to handle the transmission.
But two days before Palm Sunday, it handled the telecast of a portion of The Children’s Stations Of The Cross, Live from St. Pancras Roman Catholic Church in Glendale, Queens, NY. It lasted 3 Minutes and 11 Seconds, getting 18 Views.
Those of you who watch “”, the show “Mic’d Up” With Michael Voris, is carried Live on Wednesday Nights, with Live Feed on Livestream. Livestream like Ustream, caters to the Pros.

It is time to “Go Live” & preach the Good News. Many of The services are free. The Results will amaze you. You Tube is “So 2005.”

A Catholic Presence is needed.
You are The Media.

Pax Tecum!
Gloria In Excelsis Deo!

M, Eh

On The 1st Sunday After Easter, How The Catholic Church Will Do It

1 Apr

OK, on Sunday, April 27th, this is how One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church will handle this Sunday.
In the Latin/Roman Rite, there are two Liturgical Calendars, one for the Ordinary Form of The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass & The Other is for the Extraordinary Form of The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass. In the Ordinary Form, this is called the Second Sunday of Easter, and also known as Divine Mercy Sunday, which was established by Blessed Pope John Paul II The Great, during the 1990s. In the Extraordinary Form Tridentine Calendar, this is called the 1st Sunday After Easter.

Now, since I do worship Biritually, in that I also attend a Byzantine Rite Catholic Church called the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the 1st Sunday After Easter is called the Sunday of St. Thomas Apostle, the Sunday after Easter Week, called Bright Week in the Byzantine Rite. In all cases, this is the Season of celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

On Sunday, April 27th, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church will be canonizing Two Saints. They are very well known to All Christians, especially in the Catholic Church.
Blessed Pope John Paul II The Great and Blessed Pope John XXIII are being Canonized as Saints in Rome at St. Peter’s Basilica.  Pope John XXIII(Angelo Roncalli) began Vatican Ecumenical Council II in 1962. He was Pope from 1958 until 1963.
Pope John Paul II was elected in October, 1978 & died in April, 2005.

And Now, Papal Saints are being Canonized on Sunday, April 27th, 2014.

One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, in all Her Diversity as The Bride of Christ, is Truly One.

Gloria In Excelsis Deo!


Under Siege Is The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church In Crimea

26 Mar

If ever there is a Hearty Group, and Just as Catholic as The Latin(Roman) Rite, the Byzantine Rite Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, is fighting a Noble Battle for Religious Freedom in Crimea. Apparently, Mad Vladimir Putin wants to seize control of these Catholic Churches and put them in the “Safe Hands” of The Russian Orthodox Church, known often to bow before whoever is in charge in Moscow, from the Tsars, to the Provisionals to the Communists and now Vladimir Putin.

For the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has suffered much under the Communists, who seized their properties to hand over to the Lackey Russian Orthodox Church. It is a Brave Church within the 23 Sui Juris Churches of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Many Priests and Religious and Bishops were Martyred for the Catholic Faith from this portion of The Catholic Church.

For I have worshipped in this part of One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and when one is at the Byzantine Rite Catholic Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom and St Basil Martyr, one comes out of the Liturgy feeling and being Intensely Filled with Faith and Grace. There are 8 Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Parishes in NYC, with 5 here in the R C Diocese of Brooklyn.

Tyrants have always despised One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, for the Church goes against a Tyrant’s Mindset, as is the case here.

Pray For Them(Ora Pro Ecclesia).


Young Adults Who Pray At The Tridentine Latin Mass of 1962, Add This Traditional Catholic Liturgy

22 Mar

The Tridentine Latin Mass of The Roman Missal of 1962 has many Under 30 Adherents. They seek Solemnity and Beauty. They rarely if ever experienced this in the Latin(Roman)Rite Ordinary Form of The Catholic Mass. This is why many, if not most Latin Masses, have a huge Under 30 Crowd.
There is another Catholic Liturgy with the Majesty and Awe of the Tridentine Latin Mass, and it is often in English. It is the Byzantine Rite Catholics of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, one of 24 Sui Juris Churches in Full Communion with the Holy See.
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor of The Church(Feast Day is September 13th), is the primary Liturgy of The Byzantine Rite Catholic Church, a chanted Liturgy of Sublime Majesty. The Priest and Cantor face East. The Cantor doubles as Lector, who reads the Epistle, & chants the Graduale, which is the Alleluia, which is also chanted during Great Lent. The Cantor/Lector faces East during Epistle/Graduale. The Priest reads the Gospel facing the Congregation, followed by the Homily.
One chant will be said repeatedly is “Lord Have Mercy.” This is a Liturgy of Supplication and Thanksgiving.
When receiving Holy Communion, you will be called by the Priest to “Approach In Fear of The Lord.” Holy Communion is received under BOTH Species of The Body and Blood by Intinction. This Communion uses Leavened Bread for the Consecration. There is no receiving in the hand. The Priest may request your name. Use your Baptismal Name, tip your head back and the Priest will drop the Communion in your mouth, which is done by Communion Spoon. Then make the Sign of The Cross.
Music is chanted. No Haugen Haas Schutte Music here, as there is no Organist, no Guitar Players, nor “Glad Tambourines from The $.99 Cent Store.” One sings TO The Lord, NOT to Oneself.
Like with the Traditional Latin Mass, a Younger Crowd comes over from their Latin(Roman)Rite Parishes, seeking to Worship the Triune Godhead, without the built-in distractions inherent in the Latin(Roman)Rite Ordinary Form of The Mass.
Kyrie Elaison!(Lord Have Mercy)


Putin To Announce The Annexation Of Brighton Beach and Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn, NY

22 Mar

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that a “Referendum” will be held in Southern Brooklyn, NY, to determine the will of Russians living in the strongholds of Brighton Beach, Manhattan Beach and Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn, NY.
NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio announced that there will be no Sanctions against Russia, welcoming them to do Real Estate Development in those neighborhoods.
A White House Spokesman, relaying a Statement from President Obama, had no comment, but Mr Obama said through a Translator “If You Want Southern Brooklyn, you can have Southern Brooklyn.”

M, Eh!

Tune On Radio App Eliminated

22 Mar

Let me say that Tune In Radio is a great app to have, but it was eating megabytes, the way Bill De Blasio makes friends with Real Estate Developers. It was sneaky in how it eats up power on a mobile device.
So, in the interest of Minimalism, I downloaded the Radio App for CBC Radio.
CBC, as in Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, is a favorite thing for me to listen to. Why? Do Americans keep abrest of their neighbors in Canada? Not really unless the news is filled with Scandals about Toronto’s Mayor Rob Ford, urinating on the Tarmac of a Gas station, or Justin Bieber doing a Bad Rob Ford Imitation of Behavior. Americans, unless watching FOX News, may not know that the 1st G7 Leader to lead a Boycott against Russia, is Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who is Ukraine at the current time, backing the new leadership of Ukraine.
So, be it, I have CBC Radio App. It works for me.

M, Eh!

Corned Beef and Cabbage Is As Irish As Eastern Europe

18 Mar

Dear Yanks:
I realize that St. Patrick’s Day, on March 17th, is actually the Anniversary of His Death. I also know something about what the actual Irish actually eat. Those born in The Land of O’Donnell Abu, if they ever touch Corned Beef, well they do it in the proper NYC Jewish Deli, such as Ben’s Best or Katz’s Deli.
Corned Beef and Cabbage Is Eastern European Jewish, for crying out loud. It is usually from Russia, Ukraine and Poland.
In Northern Ireland it is Roast Beef & In the Republic it is Ham or Lamb. Wine is known to be consumed on this day in Ireland.
The Best Tasting Cabbage I consumed this past weekend, was not at an American St. Patrick’s Day Party, but after the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Byzantine Rite Catholic Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom. The cabbage was stuffed and cooked a certain way. It was served with sour cream, Borsht, some salad and wine. It satisfied me as it was most delicious. 
There is the Actual Irish Way, with Mass and Roasted Beef, Ham or Lamb, as meals.
It was this past weekend when I experienced the Angle from which American Celebrations are based, from Ukrainians and between the Hospitality and the People, in all the simplicity of the meal, it was a grand Saturday Evening.

Deo Gratias!