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“Today’s Vortex: Gay Knights and Damned Bishops”(Commentary)

5 Jun

It is a Pretty Good Episode of “The Vortex”, more objective than most.

But, as a Past Grand Knight of a Knights Of Columbus Council in the NYC Borough of Queens, the following are NOT Knights Of Columbus Official Titles:
Grand Marshall and Grand Master.

Grand Knight is the Highest Office on a Council Level. The Fourth Degree Assembly Highest Officer is The Faithful Navigator.

An Allied Order, The Order of The Alhambra, founded at Columbus Council 126, when it owned a Huge Building at Union Street and Prospect Park West in the Park Slope Section of the Borough of Brooklyn, has units like K of C Councils called Caravans. The Highest Official of the Caravan is called Grand Master.
In the Free and Accepted Masons, the Highest Official of The Lodge is the Worshipful Master. In a State or National Grand Lodge, the Highest Official is also called Grand Master.

As for Gary Michael Voris’ Personal Obsession with Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, The Title of Grand Marshall also does not exist in the Knights Of Columbus. That is usually a Title of Someone given an honor to lead a Parade, like the Recent Saint Patrick’s Day Parade on 5th Avenue, that Honor having gone to Cardinal Dolan, despite a Gay Corporate Group being allowed to march, which was a decision made by the NYC Saint Patrick’s Day Parade Committee. Of Course, His Eminence should have protested this decision, rather loudly(Bruce Jenner is waiting in the wings along with Ellen DeGeneres and Neil Patrick Harris for their turn as Grand Marshall; I can’t help being a Snarky Guy).

Methinks Chris Ferrara is Right, as Mr. Voris should venture out of “The Warehouse In Detroit”, where he would learn a lot about his Subject.

This Report could have been better with more knowledge of the titles of the Knights Of Columbus. But it was pretty good. Gays in violation of Church Teachings have no place in the Knights Of Columbus. And the ” Marriage” of that Grand Knight to his Gay Lover is not a Marriage at all. Marriage is for a Man and Woman, mostly for the Procreative Aspect. Essentially, this is an Excommunitative Offence against The Church, if this is a “Marriage” of Persons of The Same Sex, which The Catholic Church teaches, is NO Marriage At All.

As for Bishops, my advice to them is to follow Catholic Doctrine and NOT Cardinal Kasper, a Manifest Heretic. You don’t want to be spending time in a Place where it is Hotter than Miami at 12 Noon in July, with No Exit Whatsoever. And I mean ALL Catholic Bishops, PERIOD, even if Mr Voris has a severe tendency to exempt the Highest Bishop of All.

Kyrie Elaison


Posted from WordPress for Android

Censorum Vorisum(Michael Voris Censored)

21 Oct

Michael Voris ran afoul of that Brammerian Rule, “Thou shalt not criticize Il Papa, even if he is a Heretic.” Mind you, Michael crossed the line in the Proverbial Sands of The Vatican, by broadcasting to the World that Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, my idea of a Real Loyal Son of The Church, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, that His Holiness Pope Francis I is harming The Church by manipulating of The Extraordinary Synod On The Family. Trust me, when one knows of Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio in Argentina, one comes to the Conclusion that he is way less than Orthodox. Receiving “Blessings” from Pentecostal Ministers, says to The Catholic Faithful, that The One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is only one of many paths to Heaven, despite the Sacred Doctrine of “No Salvation Outside of The Church.” That is part of The Philosophy of Freemasonry.

Marc Brammer, a Member of Opus Dei, is Michael’s Backer. Brammer is of The Opus Dei Philosophy that The Pope is exempt from Any and ALL Criticism. With The Threat to cut off Support for Church, Voris caved in and that Voris News Report was yanked. Is Brammer looking for a Papal Knighthood? I suspect that he is.

So Michael Voris will sound like any Neo Catholic Video and Blog Service put together by some Teenaged Kid. It is a shame. Michael has much to say. Trouble is, he will appear like a Hypocrite 1st Class, especially when Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan is “RIPPED a New One”, on “The Vortex.”
And it will be on “The Vortex”, where Michael Voris will be “Trapped and Exposed.”

I have No Backers. And Opus Dei cannot do a thing. Brammer does NOT own me, nor does he own Louis Verrecchio, John Vennari, Christopher Ferrara nor Michael Matt and John Salza.We are Free to speak and write The Truth.

Kyrie Elaison!


Walter Cardinal Kasper-Racist A H-l-

18 Oct

Normally, I reserve that colourful description for Alex Rodriguez, he of Biogenesis and Major League Baseball Infamy, but Walter Cardinal Kasper now shares in that description, with the apt description of Racist.

You see, the African Church is much more deeply Faithful than The Church in much of Europe. The Eastern Catholic Churches are more Faithful than much of Progressive Europe. In the Tradition of a Nazi, Walter Cardinal Kasper, opened his Pie Hole, and said that The Africans shouldn’t really say anything.

This is The Pope’s Theologian?

Kyrie Elaison!


Michael Voris, The Synod And Pope Francis I

14 Oct

Michael Voris asked a question about whether or not the Gifts of The Homosexual, flow from the
Disorder or from the Person.

Archbishop Bruno Forte talked about respect for all people, thus pulling a runaround on Michael Voris.

Yesterday, Voris was ignored. Today, he received an incomplete response.

But, Michael Voris was surprised that Donald Cardinal “I Never Met A Pro Abortion Catholic Politician I Didn’t Give Holy Communion To” Wuerl, was named by Pope Francis I to the Extraordinary Synod Preparatory Commission. In fact His Holiness named 6 Other Radicals to that August Body.

Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio is the type of Disobedient Bishop, which you would “Rip a New One”, especially the way Bergoglio handled the Implementation of Summorum Pontificum, which gave Latin Rite Catholic Priests the permission to offer the Tridentine Latin Mass. No doubt, Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio would’ve been ripped a New One by You, for disobeying Pope Benedict XVI.
But now, Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio now wears the White Cassock of The Bishop of Rome.

Pope Francis I is STILL a Bishop. Stop being surprised, Michael. You are not a 6 Year old child. You have Faith and Reason. And a Leopard doesn’t change his spots. Jorge Mario Bergoglio is still Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He has The Title of The Sovereign Pontiff. He is The Pope, but he is STILL Jorge Mario Bergoglio and is as Radical as he was as Metropolitan of Buenos Aires.
Papam Bergoglio has not “changed his Spots”, but only his mode of Attire.
He is still That Radical You Utterly Despise. Donald Cardinal Wuerl is only a “Mirror Image.”
And so is Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan.
It is True.
Would you go along with Pope Francis I, if he forced Byzantine Rite Catholic Churches to replace the Beautiful Opening and Closing Holy Hymns with ANYTHING  cobbled together by Marty Haugen?


M, Eh!

Utter Secrecy and The Extraordinary Synod

13 Oct

I think that a “Little Bit of Ice” just melted.
For Michael Voris, even indirectly, hinted at something in regards to Pope Francis I and the Secrecy of The Extraordinary Synod On The Family. Even The Obama White House is more transparent.
It was said that Donald Cardinal Wuerl is the Mastermind of The Demotion of Raymond Cardinal Burke.
Then again, His Eminence, never met a Pro Abortion Catholic Politician he didn’t like.
The Traditional Minded Bishops are outnumbered by the Modernists.
There is tremendous confusion occurring inside of The Vatican Walls. And it leaks out that “There is Trouble in River City”, with Rome as River City and the Tiber as that river.
Wuerl is a member of His Holiness Inner Circle. No wonder there is trouble.


Extraordinary Synod, & Crypto Vorisism

12 Oct

“The Gang of Eight”, including Donald Cardinal “I Never Refuse Nancy Pelosi At Holy Communion” Wuehrl and Sean Cardinal O’Malley of Bankrupt Boston, is at this Extraordinary Synod On The Family, to help decide how to Sidestep Catholic Doctrine, regarding The Sacraments of Matrimony and The Holy Eucharist. So are other Bishops from both the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Roman Rite. Just about all of The Radicals are from the Roman Rite.

“Mr Tough Guy”, the Traditional Acting Michael Voris, a Neo Catholic in Traditional Circles, who called Christopher Ferrara, Michael Matt and John Vennari, Sede Vacantists, for daring to question the unintelligible statements of Pope Francis I, would look the other way if Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan was elected Pope.

Voris will be at the Vatican, filing reports for Church One wonders who MV will rip to shreds. 
Walter Cardinal Kasper, the Pope’s Theologian, is the “Field Marshal”  of this Radical Band of Bishops, looking to explain away the Teaching of Jesus Christ in regards to Holy Matrimony, by being “Pastoral”, whatever that means. “Pastoral”, in this case, is for the Purpose of undermining Doctrine.

But, he has the backing of Pope Francis I, himself a Radical who in practice, defied Summorum Pontificum in regards to allowing the Tridentine Latin Mass to be celebrated in the Parishes of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, Argentina. For he was once called Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio, a Radical, who has been known to do things for show, so to be liked by the Worldly Rulers in Argentina. He goes all out for the False Ecumenism with Heretics and Schismatics, such as accepting Pentecostal Ministers “Blessings” at Luna Park in Buenos Aires.
Yet, when Sean Cardinal O’Malley accepted an Annointing from a Female Protestant Minister, Michael Voris was ripping Cardinal O’Malley “A New One.”

Two Standards in Conflict. Won’t offend The Head, but everyone else is “Fair Game.”

Voris is “Trapped and Exposed.”

Kyrie Elaison