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In The Ice & Cold Ahead In NYC & New York State

13 Feb

In Albany, it is worse at 4°F(-16°C). But it is Windy here, at 15°F(-8°C), with Wind Chill Temperature at -11°F(-25°C).

Nevertheless, as Sunday is The Lord’s Day, I plan to make it to Mass, Somewhere. I may even head via IND SUBWAY 6th Avenue F Train to Broadway Lafayette to 266 Mulberry Street to 1st Sunday of The Great Lent at St. Michael’s Russian Greek Catholic Chapel. Or it might be Holy Innocents. Holy Innocents Tridentine Latin Mass is at 10:30AM, while St. Michael’s Russian Greek Catholic Chapel has the Divine Liturgy Of St John Chrysostom at 11:00AM. St. Agnes is also a TLM Option at 11:00AM.
Dumb Muzak is Not an Option. The Eucharist is Where It’s At.

Associate US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scala passed away today at Age 79. Details not given.
Agnus Dei Qui Tollis Peccata Mundi, Dona Eis Requiem Aeternam.


The Church Militant-Go East For It

18 Oct

Can you imagine Paul VI attempting to impose the Novus Ordo Missae on the Byzantine Rite Catholics? Think about the protests which would occur from The Faithful.
Since I am blessed to be a Catholic from New York City, there are, in addition to the Roman Rite Catholic Church, there are the Eastern Catholic Churches, which truly speak of The Universality of One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church.
The Maronite Catholic Church is on Remsen Street in Brooklyn. It is the Headquarters of The Maronite Catholic Eparchy for the Eastern Half of The United States Of America. Our Lady Of Lebanon Cathedral, a former Protestant Community Church, sold to a Maronite Catholic Congregation. This Diocese is headquartered in The RC Diocese of Brooklyn Territory. In fact, Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral is a few blocks west of the RC Diocese of Brooklyn Cathedral called St. James on Tillary Street.
Usually, I head to two Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Parishes in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Eparchy of Stamford, CT, for the Divine Liturgy Of St John Chrysostom, one being St. George Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church on East 7th Street in Manhattan’s East Village, in the confines of The RC Archdiocese of New York, & Holy Cross Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Astoria, Queens, in the confines of The RC Diocese of Brooklyn. So while I am in one Byzantine Rite Diocese, I attend in two Latin Rite Diocesan Territories, the Byzantine Rite Catholic Divine Liturgy Of St John Chrysostom.
Of course there is the Tridentine Latin Mass, so I will head to Holy Innocents RC Church in Midtown Manhattan on West 37th Street between Broadway and 7th Avenue.
Both the Tridentine Latin Mass and Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom are Timeless Liturgies of Ancient Form.

Getting back to imposing the Novus Ordo Form of Liturgy on the Byzantine Rite, just think of the March to the Vatican Mission to the United Nations. Trust me on this one, it will not be a Pretty Sight in the least. Some Ukrainian Greek Catholics who have gone to Novus Ordo Masses, often feel like they haven’t been to Mass at all, shaking their heads, thinking that they were at a Lutheran Service.

I wouldn’t blame them in the least.
And I don’t care what “Schism Boy” in Detroit says, either.


Kyrie Elaison

The Cooling Weather & The End Of Novus Ordo Silliness

10 Sep

I may be able to Enjoy going to both the Tridentine Latin Mass & Byzantine Catholic Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, after the Horrible Heat & Humidity of Summer, 2015. Going to a “WYSISWYG” Novus Ordo Mass, complete with the “Simging” of “Utter Treacle”, which causes for long lines at the Vomitarium, is more than annoying. One is not awed nor inspired by “Gifts of Finest Wheat”, which is both Treacly and Ecumenical, as it is more a song about elements than of Sacrament.
“WYSIWYG” is a Computer Expression meaning “What You See Is What You Get”, and in “Novus Dis-Ordo Land”, you may come to a “Table Of Plenty” loaded with “Utter Schutte” & Way Too Much Treacle. However, it does bring about a lot of Snark Filled Writing, on Subjects ranging from Obama & Trump to the October “Schism On The Family”, a Statement Attributed to Michael J. Matt, which means that “Simon Censor Pro Bellum Voriscum” will see to it that I NEVER Comment on, offering a Defence of Fratrum Sacerdotus Sancte Pius Decca or SSPX, those 4 Letters constituting a Bad Word, never to be uttered in the Presence of “Dear Anchor”, nor Mrs Niles, nor the Gaggle Of Cub Reporters.

On One Sunday this Month, I may do a Byzantine Ruthenian Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom & SSPX TLM, so from the Rising of The Sun to its’ Setting, A Perfect offering To The Triune Godhead may be made for The Glory of The Lord. I have come to the conclusion that the Ordinary Form Mass(Novus Ordo)is fine for weekdays, but on Sundays, it is NOT Truly the Highest Form of Worship. It will fulfill one’s Sunday & Holy Day Obligation, but it does NOT truly show Catholicity.

And Sheerly Novus Ordo Catholics have the Least Catholic Knowledge of ANY Catholic, East or West. As that Ukrainian Greek Catholic Woman @ St. George Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Manhattan’s East Village, said about Communion A Mano(In The Hand), “We Are NOT Priests-Only Priests should handle The Lord.”


Kyrie Elaison!


Kyrie Elaison

A ByzLat Weekend During Bellum Voriscum

4 Sep

In the Middle of what is called “Bellum VORIScum”, with “Simon The Magician”, who is the “Censor Pro Bellum VORIScum”, who as Magician, is charged with silencing potential critics who utilize the utterance of a “Four Letter Word”, SSPX, but “Graciously” utter their favorite, uncharitable 6 Letter word, that of SCHISM, I will be headed to Totally Catholic Church Liturgies this Weekend, NOT called “The NO.”
The “NO” is an abrieviation For the Missa Novus Ordo, where the Priest faces Populum & the Muzak may cause for rather lengthy lines at the Vomitarium(Waiting Times Vary from Parish to Parish). The Homilies are geared to Adults who may not even be Smarter Than A 5th Grader.

Hence, between the Utter Beauty and Banality, I opt for Beauty in the Chants of Byzantine & Gregorian and the Solemnity of both the Divine Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom & St. Pius V, offered by Priests offering “In Persona Christi”, Sacrifice to The Holy Trinity, as Reparation for our sins, as “Alter Christus.”

If I want a place with a Table, I will probably head to a Cafe’.

Kyrie Elaison!


Laity In The Sanctuary & The Byzantine Rite

7 Jun

“It is Byzantine Rite Practice”.

So sayeth certain Shepherds(Bishops) of the Roman/Latin Rite in the USA & Canada. These Men endorsed the Changes in The Mass and wonder why people aren’t coming to Mass in their Diocesan Fiefdoms.

Mass Lector, reading the Old Testament, Responsorial Psalm and Epistle:
Before Sunday, November 30th, 1969, the only laypersons allowed in the Sanctuary during The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass were the All Male Altar Servers and someone called a Commentator, who would explain the changes to the Tridentine Form of Mass, beginning on Sunday, November 29th, 1964. The Commentator was the start of this Revolution of Laity in the Sanctuary. That position, filled by a Male Layman, did not last too long and his position involved Catechisis, regarding the Mass Changes.
But it was in November of 1969, when the Sanctuary changed.
A Lector would read everything but the Gospel. A Cantor would lead the Parishioners in singing Hymns. This was done in the Pulpit. The readings took place on the Epistle Side of the Parish Church, in the Sanctuary.

In Byzantine Practice, which I have observed by being at the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom a total of 27 Times, the Lector is often the Cantor. That Lector/Cantor is usually in the 1st Pew, with a small light. The Lector reads the Epistle from that 1st Pew. The Cantor leads the Singing of Responses and certain prayers. The Lector/Cantor face Liturgical East, just like the Laity in the pews. The Priest Faces Liturgical East. Only the Priest, Deacon and Altar Server(Male) are in the Sanctuary during the Divine Liturgy.

That Is Clear And True.


Posted from WordPress for Android

Catholic Calendars Of Eastertide

26 May

Roman Rite Ordinary Form
Easter ends on Pentecost Sunday, as there is No Octave of Pentecost.
Roman Rite Extraordinary Form, also called The Tridentine Calendar, Pentecost begins with The Vigil Of Pentecost. This Ecchlesiastical Calendar is still Valid. Easter Ends on The Octave or 8th Day, so Eastertide ends this Saturday. There are Three Ember Days in Pentecost, namely Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Roman Rite Catholics are encouraged to fast from Meat on Wednesday and Friday, commemorating both Spy Wednesday and Good Friday, so that the Growth Of The Holy Spirit in one’s life can be experienced. Self Control is a Gift Of The Holy Spirit.

Byzantine Rite Julian Calendar is called The AfterFeast of Pentecost. It occurs from Monday to Wednesday. Pentecost on this Calendar is 3 Days.In The Byzantine Rite, Pentecost is also called Trinity Sunday.
Byzantine Rite Gregorian Calendar means Pentecost Sunday is the same as Roman Rite Catholics plus the Two Day AfterFeast.
For Roman Rite Traditional Catholics, they can also add the Extra Celebration to Trinity Sunday. Eastertide Celebrations would end on Wednesday, June 2nd, 2015. One Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church on E7th Street in the East Village in Manhattan, St. George Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, has an English Language Divine Liturgy at 4:00PM. Like the Tridentine Latin Mass, the Byzantine Catholic Divine Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom(Bishop, Confessor, Doctor Of The Church), you will be Awed.

Deo Gratias!


“Into The Rafters” and Penance At 10:30AM

25 May

As The Tridentine Latin Mass Crowd at Holy Innocents on W37th Street in Midtown Manhattan is getting to be quite large, a number of people are being forced into the Choir Loft. People are seeking Truly Traditional Ways of Worshipping The Triune Godhead on Sundays, without their ears being assaulted by Extreme Amounts of Treacle(I E, anything by The Saint Louis Jesuits, Marty Haugen, Dan Schutte, Et Al).
It is a time where the current Pope, Francis I, has been making remarks of the Snide Kind in reference to Traditionalist Catholics. Yet, one attends the usual American Novus Ordo Mass, where “Sin” is treated as a Four Letter Word, thus not mentioned. That Member of The Faithful feels as if he has been let down. With “Music” which may induce one to find the nearest Toilet to vomit from Indigestion after the latest “Bread Song”, one wonders if one is wasting one’s time. Adding ” Entertainment ” such as “Missa Di Pinocchio” as a theme, distracts from the Central Mystery of The Mass, in this inane process called “Inculturation”, where Pagan and Secular is emphasized.
As far as I am concerned, as are many others, Pentecost continues into this Saturday. It didn’t end yesterday. It is as if the Liturgical Revolutionaries are desiring a Religion void of Catholicity, preferring instead the Empty Protestantism. If they desired this, The Nearest Protestant Episcopal Church will only be too glad to welcome them.

So I will head to Holy Innocents for the Memorial Day 1:00PM Tridentine Latin Mass, a Liturgy with true focus on God, not our egos.

God Bless And Save America And One, Holy, Catholic And Apostolic Church.


Name A Reform Of Vatican II, Benefitting The Church

23 May

Well, this actually means the Eastern Catholic Churches, who had “Latinization” forced on them by certain Roman/Latin Rite Bishops, who should’ve minded their own business, but thought amongst themselves to be “The Show.”
In India for example, Portuguese Missionary Priests entered what was the Territory of Chaldean Rite Catholics, involving Churches founded by St. Thomas Apostle. He was the Easternmost Apostle of The Twelve.
The Portuguese Missionary Priests forced Latinization on these two Particular Churches in Liturgical Practice. Sadly, this caused a Schism. These India Based Churches returned several hundred years later to Full Communion, with the Syrio Malankar Catholic Church, returning in 1930.

Another bit of Roman/Latin Rite Interference, came in the time of 1891 when Ruthenian Catholics emigrated to the USA. Ruthenians originated in the Carpathian Mountains which border Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine. They were Old Russians. This branch of the Catholic Church actually originates via the Missionary Work of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, both of them Greeks.
Slavonic, root language of Russian, Ukrainian, Slovak, Czech, Serbian, Croatian, Byelorussian and Bulgarian, was recognized as a Liturgical Language  and was given an Alphabet through St. Cyril.
In the Great Schism of 1054, this is where the Eastern Churches of The Patriarchate of Constantinople broke away from Rome over the Roman/Latins use of the Filioque (The Procession of The Holy Spirit from The Father and The Son. Today’s Eastern Orthodox Churches do not recognize that Double Procession of The Holy Spirit from the Father and Son, though Byzantine Rite Catholics do recognize the Double Procession of The Holy Spirit from The Father & Son. Ukrainian Greek Catholics don’t like this “False Ecumenism”, especially in regards to the Russian Orthodox(Exclusive Purveyors of Imported Cigarettes in Russia)Church, their persecutors. In Ukrainian Churches not run by OSBM(Ordo Sancti Basili Magni or Order Of Saint Basil The Great), those Missals may not contain the Filioque, so as to make Peace with the Russian Orthodox Church, headed by Patriarch Kyrill. This order came from Pope Benedict XVI, a few years ago. The OSBM Prayer Books still include the Filioque.
The Ruthenians returned to Full Communion with Rome in 1696, while the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church returned in 1596.
Father Alex Toth, a Ruthenian Catholic Priest and Canon Lawyer, was told to visit the Local Latin Rite Bishop in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, by his Bishop, as a courtesy call.
Unfortunately, Fr Toth ran into an Archbishop, steeped in the Heresy called ” Americanism”, which loved the Masonic Belief of “Separation Of Church & State”, which The Vatican was displeased with. This was the Foundation of ” False Ecumenism”, leading Catholics, particularly in the Roman/Latin Rite, to indifference in the last 50 years, especially with Poor Catechisis and an extremely Watered Down, Protestant Flavoured Liturgy, since Sunday, November 30th, 1969. This practice of “Americanism”, which practice is Modernism, is where Bishops and Archbishops were ” Suck Ups” to the American, Secular Puritan Culture of the Time(Timothy Michael “Glad To Have Ya” Cardinal Dolan, please take note). Just about all these Bishops and Archbishops were of Irish Descent, more often than not, hostile to German Catholics and others, in their guise to be “More American than Native Born American Protestants.”
The Archbishop of Minneapolis St. Paul, Archbishop John Ireland(Born in Province of The United Kingdom called Ireland, a Nation about to totally lose the Catholic Faith if by referendum, supporting Gay & Lesbian “Marriage”, which should prove to be a boon for the ” Church” of Ireland), was nearly as bigoted as the fictional Messers Archibald Bunker and Alf Garnett, in regards to Ethnic Catholics, except for other Catholic Irish.
For Father Alex Toth, Archbishop John Ireland treated Fr. Toth like Dreck, even doubting the validity of Toth’s Holy Orders as well as denying the Validity of Toth’s Bishop in Trans Carpathia. Archbishop Ireland told his Priests not to have any contact with Father Toth.
And this was the Pattern of the Irish Born or Irish Descent Bishops of The USA to treat the Ruthenian Greek Catholics and their Priests like Pariahs. The only safe haven was in NY, particularly the RC Archdiocese of New York, where Archbishop Michael Corrigan refused to go along with the Americanist Heresy, of which James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore, and others, went along with Archbishop Ireland, especially in the Persecution and Latinization of the Byzantine Rite Catholic Churches. Also, this Americanist Bunch of Latin Rite Bishops got the Holy See to forbid Married Priests from serving in the USA, because it is scandalous to the Roman/Latin Faithful to see Married Priests, their wanting to have all Eastern Catholics to be assimilated into the Roman/Latin Rite.
Archbishop John Ireland’s Totally Inexcuseable actions were condemned by Roman/Latin Bishops in 1999, with William Cardinal Keeler, Archbishop Emeritus of Baltimore, condemning the actions of Archbishop Ireland.
In 1963, a group of USA Bishops called on Blessed Paul VI to close all Eastern Catholic Churches, requiring all those Eastern Catholic Churches to be closed so Eastern Catholics would assimilate into the Roman/Latin Rite. Paul VI told them a resounding “No”(The Novus Ordo was 6 Years away).
The actions against Father Toth, led Father Toth to petition the Russian Orthodox Church in America, then based in San Francisco, CA, to move many Ruthenians into the Russian Orthodox Church, due to the actions of Archbishop John Ireland, James Cardinal Gibbons, et Al.
Ironically, Archbishop John Ireland is often called the Founder of The Orthodox Church in America. This caused a schism which had The Vatican asking questions.
The Eastern Icons, especially Byzantine Rite, were restored. Baptism, Confirmation(Chrismation) and Holy Communion returned to practice for infants. Eastern Churches are once again allowed to have Married Priests in North America.
The Roman/Latin Rite actually never had official authority to interfere in the operations of Eastern Churches.
That the Eastern Catholic Churches are free to practice their ancient and Sacred Ceremonies, is a True Reform from Vatican II. Today, many Tridentine Latin Mass Catholics head to the various Divine Liturgies. The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, has given me greater knowledge of both the Tridentine and Novus Ordo Masses.

That is what true Catholic Reform is all about.

Deo Gratias!


Pentecost Is Actually 8 Days

20 May

When the Ecclesiastical Calendar went from the Tridentine to Novus Ordo, the Time of Pentecost went from 8 Days to just the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Mass Schedule. The PROTESTANTIZATION of The Roman|Latin Rite of The Catholic Church, would basically be complete. The Day after Pentecost would be the continuation of what began after Baptism of The Lord, namely Ordinary Time, instead of what used to be called Time After Pentecost.

Pentecost, which is Ten Days after Ascension Thursday, used to begin on Saturday with Vigil of Pentecost, followed by Pentecost Sunday and go through into the Saturday before Trinity Sunday. Easter Season ends on That Saturday before Trinity Sunday. Four Days After Trinity Sunday, came The Feast of Corpus Christi. The Sunday after Corpus Christi began the Cycle called Time After Pentecost. It is in October that The Feast Of Christ The King came to be celebrated in All The Churches In Union With The Holy See.

For those who practice by The Tridentine Calendar, Pentecost Is An Octave, like Easter and Christmas.
When the Calendar Change to Novus Ordo occurred, Blessed Paul VI went to celebrate The Mass Of The Octave of Pentecost. What surprised him unto the point of Crying, was that in addition to the New Mass, Bugnini & Company came up with a Totally New Liturgical Calendar.
The Gutting of The Calendar of The Roman|Latin Rite was Complete. Thus, the Era of The Novus Ordo was in full swing.

The Church has not been the Same, but is going through Her Passion. These past 45 Years have caused many Parishes and Schools to fold up.

It’s Sad.

But with the Resumption of the Tridentine Latin Mass, albeit on a Limited Basis, some sense of Solemnity and Sanity will keep One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, continues. The Eastern Catholic Churches are holding The Fort. They, along with The Tridentine Latin Mass, represent Tradition.

Kyrie Elaison


“Mass Of Prayer, Mass Of Noise”

13 May

In One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church, one gets the Impression, that there is only one Rite, and that is the Roman|Latin Rite. It is the Largest of The Rites and can be found anywhere in the World.
This is True. There is a Liturgy called The Mass. And it is offered “Versus Populum”, that is, with the Priest facing the Congregation.
This is How PROTESTANTS offer their Liturgies.
The current Mass, called ” Missa Paulum VI “, is the Modern Version of Mass. Mass comes from the Latin word Missa, which means Mission. ” ITE Missa Est” is Latin for “Go Forth, Thou Art Dismissed.” Actually, Mass does not end until the Priest leaves the Sanctuary. Then it is truly finished.

The Modern Version of the Mass is not a Contemplative Mass. It misconstrues “Actual Participation”, confusing it with
” Active Participation.”  It is one that requires Noise, often in the form of some kind of Dialogue. It stresses less of The Mystery of The Eucharistic Sacrifice of Christ and more on Verbiage and The Active Participation of Laity in Liturgical Function, with the Priest as Master of Ceremonies, instead of his true role of acting “In Persona Christi” in offering to God The Father of The Sacrifice of The Son, Jesu Christe, called apart from the Congregation, through the Sacrament of Holy Orders(And Several Years of Careful Preparation in Seminary, leading to Ordination), as “Alter Christus” or “Another Christ.”
In the Sacrosanctum Concilium, a major document on the Sacred Liturgy, with Primary and Secondary Elements, written with Ambiguous Language as to make Secondary, equal to Primary, in justifying some new action, a “Conniving Barrister Type”, namely the Benedictine Arch Abbot called Rembert Weakland, he being from The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania where he was born and reared, the American Modernist Contribution of Liturgical Music of Self Edification, in the form of Dionisian Music(based on the Greek god of ecstasy), comes under the part emphasizing Gregorian Chant, through the words “Or Some Other Suitable Music”(This is the part which Gary Michael Voris never took time to read).
Weakland and Company, during the time when the Tridentine Mass was vernacularized, including the deliberate mistranslation of ” Pro Multis ” to “All” instead of “Many”, found a loophole in the Gregorian Paragraph, in order to hoist this on America(And Eventually The World). This was 1st tried at an All Boys Catholic High School in Latrobe, PA, more often associated with the Famous Beer seen in the Academy Award Winning Film, ” The Deer Hunter”, called “Rolling Rock.” It was in “The Deer Hunter”, where I actually saw a Byzantine Rite Slavic Wedding Ceremony Scene.

One could see from the 1st Offering of The New Mass, dubbed ” Novus Ordo ” by Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, in what is called “The Ottaviani Intervention” that the emphasis is on Man, not God.
While the so called Sacred Music is supposedly derived from the Book of Psalms, it is written with Emphasis on Man.
And much of the Music speaks not of Catholic Doctrine but of the “False Ecumenism”, so prevalent in The Era of Vatican II and Beyond. I shall speak of Two Eucharistic Hymns, played at Holy Communion Time at Mass.
Last Year, at The Feast of The Ascension, at the 7:00PM Vigil Mass at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs in Forest Hills, Queens, in the R C Diocese of Brooklyn, the Communion Hymn was a Classical Hymn which reflected the Eucharistic Theology of The Mass and was often sung at Holy Communion Time.
It was sung with Gusto by the Congregation. Following is The Refrain:
” O Sacrament Most Holy,
O Sacrament Divine,
All Praise and All Thanksgiving,
Be Every Moment Thine.”
Young People sang it along with Older People. This truly spoke volumes that what is Traditional and Beautiful, is Cherished and will be sung.
This Hymn speaks of The Mass as Sacrifice of The Christ at Calvary.

By The Feast of The Assumption(Mary Rising To Heaven), after intensely beautiful Marian Music, the Mass as Sacrifice took a wrong turn at Holy Communion Time, with “Mass as Meal” Theology taking over. If ever there was a Treacly Hymn, written to emphasise that Holy Communion is only a Spiritual Eating in Memory of Jesus Christ, then that Hymn is “Gift Of Finest Wheat.” It is Ecumenical, NOT Catholic and emphasizes a Memorial Meal instead of Sacrifice, which explains the Novus Ordo Mass quite well.
I recall My Most Dear Friend, who upon hearing “Gift Of Finest Wheat”, recoiled with both Rage and Horror, and knelt down in prayer. While it praises The Lord for His Gift, it does not emphasise His Sacrifice. The Hymn is sung by Protestants as well as Catholics, because it emphasizes a Memorial Meal.
And I do remember a Text Message which she sent me, which read “I heard this hymn at Mass on Sunday. I HATE ‘GIFT OF FINEST WHEAT.’ It is treacle and does not draw in.”
To think that “G o F W” actually won a contest to be the Official Hymn of the 41st International Eucharistic Congress, held in Philadelphia in August, 1976, tells me a lot about the Modernism of Post Vatican II, as an Age of False Ecumenism and an Age of Mere Self. From Glory to Gooey, it is a “Mass” ive Mess.

She once sent me a series of Liturgical Songs called “Bread Songs” while asking about whatever happened to “Mass As Sacrifice.”
All of it was Horizontal in substance. None of it was Vertical in substance. She was discovering the World of the Novus Ordo Version of The Roman Rite.
She is a Convert. She is somewhat enraged over “Novus Ordo Land” (A Name Coined by Christopher A. Ferrara, J. D.), where Homilies are too worldly(She was furious about a Homily, centred around Comedian Robin Williams).
Her Original Church is Greek Orthodox, where the Sacraments and Holy Orders are valid.
She utterly DESPISES “Bread Songs” for not being of Transcendant Quality. I cannot blame her, as much of this alleged Liturgical “Music” is so “Humanity Centred”, as cheap filler, that it distracts from Worship of The Triune Godhead.
That a song like ” Gift Of Finest Wheat”, Treacly in Tone, Music which would cause Eastern Catholics to either laugh themselves silly or head to the nearest “Vomitarium”, talks about ” Finest Wheat”, rather than The Body of Christ, has helped turn The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass into a Camp Singalong. Not only that but the music often contradicts the Theology of The Mass. There is more to Catholic Church Worship than the Novus Ordo Mass, a Liturgy with very little consistency.
One of the problems of the Ordinary Form Mass is the question of “Participation.”
I was in 2nd Grade at a Catholic School in Brooklyn when our classes were taught how to read Latin, as well as the Kyrie, which was our 1st Exposure to Greek. Thank goodness for Phonics which made reading words much simpler. But our 1st Exposure to another  language was Latin.
I do remember the Latin Mass from the 1960s. There was much Silence. So when I went to the Tridentine Latin Mass in January, 2007 for the 1st Time since November of 1964(Over 42 Years), I still remembered just enough to get by without a Missal.
It has been said that there wasn’t any real participation in The Mass. But there is True Participation in that Mass. It is NOT about singing Horrid Little Ditties like “Table Of Plenty”(A Dan Schutte Contribution to Circular Filing Systems most often called Trash) at The Offertory. In reality we prayed the Prayers at The Foot of The Altar, the Second Confiteor, Gloria In Excelsis Deo,  and the Nicene Creed. We listened to Epistle, Graduale Romanum, Alleluia and Gospel. We said the Responses to the Preface to The Roman Canon. We then prayed the Sanctus.
We Gazed upon The Body & Blood of Christ & prayed Silently. The Priest prayed these prayers inaudibly, but one could hear something.
The Priest prayed the Our Father, so we responded with Sed Libera Nos A Malo(But Deliver Us From Evil). Our Communion Prayer was the ” Domine Non Sum Dignus “(O Lord I Am Not Worthy).
We went to Holy Communion and Knelt at a Holy Communion Rail, separating the Sanctuary from the Nave. The Priest made the Sign of The Cross with the Sacred Host & said a short prayer with No Response by us. We were not allowed to chew it, for that Host is The Body of Christ. A Paten was put under the chin to prevent the Host from falling to the ground, as well as to keep the Sacred Host Particles from falling to the ground to be trampled underfoot.
There were announcements from the Pulpit. Then the Closing Prayers & Last Gospel. This is a Mass without singing. It was the same in 1962, as it is now.
The Missa Cantata is The Sung Version of The Mass. You follow the Schola and sing your parts.
Of course if you are going to the Novus Ordo, St. Agnes on East 43rd Street has Gregorian Chant and Incense. Many prayers are said or sung in Latin. It is a Rare Find and is in Midtown, Manhattan by Grand Central Terminal. They still have a Great Tridentine Latin Mass.
Over on West 37th Street is Holy Innocents, Home to the Only 7 Days a Week Latin Mass.

What many Roman Rite Catholics don’t realize is that there are 22 Eastern Catholic Churches in Union with The Holy See.
I find myself in Awe of the Byzantine Rite with the Awe Inspiring Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom(Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of The Church).There are no Organists in these parishes. The Human Voice is the Musical Instrument. The Cantor will take you along. Choirs also abound. Byzantine Chant is a Truly Divine Experience. Tridentine Latin Mass Catholics often go to this Liturgy.
The Ukrainians, Ruthenians, Romanians and Russians have incredible Divine Liturgies along with the Melkites(Arab and Greek).
The Antiochian Rite Maronite Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of Lebanon is in Brooklyn Heights on Remsen Street by Henry Street. The Divine Liturgy of St. James The Apostle, the Root Liturgy of The Divine Liturgies of both St. Basil The Great(Bishop, Confessor, Martyr, Doctor of The Church)&St. John Chrysostom, are descended from this Liturgy, called in Arabic the Holy Qurbano.
They actually have a Ceremonial Sign of Peace, where after the Kiss of Peace by the Priest to the Deacon, the Altar Servers are sent to shake the hands of the 1st Person in a Pew, who then passes his sign of Peace to the person beside him or her.
In Brooklyn’s Sunset Park, there is even a Coptic Catholic Church of the Alexandrian Rite, which uses the Egyptian Version of The Divine Liturgy of St. Basil The Great.

You’re Catholic. And The Catholic Family is huge.

Deo Gratias!