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“Rear” Is A Double Entendre On March 17th

14 Mar

This appropriately is where “OUT@NBCUniversal” is marching in the 2015 St. Patrick’s Day Parade, at a part where the crowds are thinned out.

“Sorry, Ellen!”
That they’re at the Rear of The Parade, is appropriate, since this group knows the Other Meaning to Rear.

Of course, the Old Media will attempt to mainstream this group, is testament to the Old Media’s Survival.

Got that, CNBC?



18 Oct


It Is 01 Hours Greenwich Mean Time

19 Sep

And Scotland remains part of The UK. This was done minus any Muskets and Cannons being fired.

LBC Radio in London handled the coverage remarkably well. Who Needs The BBC!


The Voting In Scotland Is Over

18 Sep

The Polling Places are closed right now. I am following the results via the LBC Radio App. I am not following it on BBC, which is Quite Overrated.
The London Based News and Chat Station is quite good with their Correspondents in Scottish Cities.

It is now 23 Hours 56 Greenwich Mean Time.


My favorite Android App:Radio BBC

5 Jul

This is one of my favorite application, I highly recommend it to you.

BBC London Is Noncommercial Local Radio

2 Apr

They have a Breakfast Show with traffic and transport reports as well as weather and chat, minus adverts. I do find it paced nicely and relaxing.
So there is BBC Local. BBC London Is ok in my book. I can get the local story from them as well as from LBC.
But on LBC there is Telephone Chat. So that works better for me than mere show presenters. Still, because of smartphones apps, I get to listen to stations as if I was living there. And I get to pick up on the local lingo.
Sure beats static on Shortwave Radio, any day.

M, Eh!

One of my favorite Android App:Live Radio BBC

2 Apr

This is one of my favorite app download recently, I highly recommend it to you.

“The BBC Is For Tourists” (For Me, It Is LBC London)

1 Apr

Now, why do I say that the BBC is for tourists? I realize that the BBC is the most known Broadcasting Export the United Kingdom has sent to the world, even has commercial channels outside of The British Isles. The BBC is so Internationally Known and listened to or viewed. Yet, if I really want to find out about London, I would trust a more Parochial Source. After all, the BBC is National in scope.
So, I downloaded the London Radio App for Android. On that app are a selection of Radio Stations. Two of the stations are known to me. One is LBC 1152 News and the Other is LBC 97.5 FM Talk.
LBC stands for “London’s Biggest Conversation.” This is talk radio which is commercially supported with Adverts. It is nice and LOCAL.

Local Radio is where you hear the real voices of people. The Chat Shows give voice, not merely to Celebrities but make for a “Vox Populi.”
If you really want to know about London, stop in pubs and brush up on the local lingo and do listen to LBC when in London. The BBC is not everything. LBC would tell you about the best bangers and mash and fish and chips. Local is the way to go.
But, don’t totally eschew the BBC. When I drove around Ireland, I listened on Medium Wave(for you Yanks, it is AM Radio), to two Yank Entertainers who did a fair amount of Producing and Directing in their time. One was from The Bronx and the other, from Brooklyn. For I did listen to both Mel Brooks, originally from Brooklyn and Carl Reiner, originally from The Bronx. I laughed a lot at the “2000 Year Old Man” Sketch.
But, go Local and get to know London.
I learned this in Ireland by listening to local radio such as Century FM, where an Irish Citizen, born in New York City and son of a Famous Sport Journalist, was my audio guide. Bob Galico, Son of the Man who Chronicled Sport in one of the New York City Newspapers, was the voice heard in Ireland. His father, Paul Galico, also wrote the book “The Poseidon Adventure”, which became a movie.
I only followed RTE on television in Ireland. I did actually hear the All Ireland Football Championship on RTE Radio N’a Ghalgachta, in Irish Gaelic, but that was the only time I heard RTE on Radio. For Europe’s Oldest Public Broadcaster, they never had a Shortwave Radio Transmitter. But RTE have Smartphone Apps. And shortwave is not that big as it once was.

When in London, Dublin or Glasgow, do what the Locals do. Don’t be such a tourist, which is being Naive.


The BBC Is Back

30 Mar

As the Gulf War in 1991 was underway, there was One Source I could rely on. This was in the days of Portable Shortwave Radio, long before Phone Apps. After all, in 1991, telephones were made only for talking.

The BBC(as in the British Broadcasting Corporation), via the World Service, is what I most often listened to. I still  listen to BBC, but thanks to an App, One can listen over the web to their Domestic Services as well as the Local Services. This is one of the benefits of The Web.

Shortwave Radio, in retrospect, was so limited in scope. Besides, there is no static via the Web.

And like CBC Radio and BBC, I carry these services in my pocket via Android Smartphone. There is no need for a big radio to lug around.

Fun, isn’t it!

M, Eh