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“Veritas Voriscum”

20 Jun

I did subscribe, at least for one month to  the Site called, which originates from the “Warehouse In Detroit”, a Sarcastic way of saying that, comes from studios in the RC Archdiocese of Detroit from a Homosexually Inclined Suburb called Ferndale, where the Face of The Operation of Church, the Mop Haired Mr Voris, rules the roost. It may as well be originating from a Former Warehouse in the Quasi Artistic Williamsburg Section of Brooklyn, NY.

His Report from St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City, was a most worthy ” Suck Up” Job. It was as if, in the Musings of Canada’s Resident Curmudgeon on “CBC News The National”, Robert Rex Raphael Murphy, better known as Rex Murphy, had referred to “Starbucks Coffee” as “Suck Up Coffee”, well Mr Gary Michael Voris(Gary From Westchester, You” re Next on SportsRadio 66 & 101.9 FM, WFAN), sounded like a “Suck Up” on the NY Yankees Television Network, called YES(Yankees Entertainment Sucks), mostly owned by FOX, by the way(Da, Da, Dot, Da, Da, Dahhh).

“Bad Advisors”, O Great Garoo from Croton On Hudson? Do consider the days of the Rule of Buenos Aires, Argentina, when the Seminary was almost Bare and an Order of Traditional Nuns were kicked into the street including a couple of Young Postulants, in regards to “Humbleganda” Cardinal Bergoglio.
His Eminence finding ways of keeping “Summorum Pontificum” out of Buenos Aires, with a Hybrid Tridentine and Novus Ordo Mass, which folded in a few months? Oh, Wait! He never offered the Tridentine Latin Mass, as his 1st Mass was a Novus Ordo Mass.
Then, as Pope, the Ordered By Him utter destruction of the Quasi Traditional Franciscan Friars Of The Immaculate, an order with a Waiting List to join, your UTTER SILENCE amazes me in the SENSE OF JUSTICE.

You, Gary Michael Voris, are a PAPOLATRIST. If The Current Occupant of The Chair of Saint Peter was to OUTLAW the Tridentine Latin Mass, you would blame Fr Thomas Rosica The Canadian(Born in Rochester, NY, USA in 1959) for a BAD TRANSLATION of such Declaration. You would immediately find a way to pin this action on one Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, who, no doubt, feels the pain of the previous “New Ones” you have ripped him without Anesthetics.
No doubt, you blame all of this on Michael J. Matt, Christopher A. Ferrara(Who Like You Was born in an Archdiocese Ruled by Francis Joseph Cardinal Spellman, which is the RC Archdiocese of New York, which in your case is Westchester County), John Vennari, The Late Fr. Nicholas Nightingale Gruner, and Louis Verrecchio. They are NOT PAPOLATRISTS like Yourself.

Is Marc and his network of “O. D’s” still making you their “Marionette” when the Message needs to be Webcast to The World? Thursday’s “Dog & Pony” Performance was nauseating to the Umpteenth Degree.It’s like passing wind after someone had consumed the beverage called Cerveza and eaten juevos in more than moderate amounts, while on a packed IND Queens Blvd Subway Train speeding into Manhattan. For those of you who don’t read Spanish, Cerveza is Beer, while Juevos are Eggs.

You once stated that you worked for FOX News. That report of yours was anything but “Fair & Balanced”.

And Papolatry violates The 1st Commandment.

Kyrie Elaison


New from Remnant TV: SSPXophobia: From Voris to Mirus to…Hillary Clinton?

21 Apr

The Opening features Ryan Fitzgerald, a Commentator from Church, sounding as if Michael Voris is dictating what is said.</strong>This sounds a lot like The YES Network(Yankees Entertainment SUCKS), where a certain Play By Play Caller, sounds like some member of The Steinbrenner Family May have a gun to the Play Caller’s Head. No, this person is NOT Suzynne Waldman. She is too busy recovering from her now famous call of “Roger Clemens is in George Steinbrenner’s Bawx…Oh my Goodness…Goodness Gracious.”
For Michael Voris to claim that 5 Cardinals revealed to him that the Priestly Society of St. Pius X are in Schism, yet fail to reveal who these 5 Cardinals are, smacks of Sensationalism. Mikey must think that he is placating Rupert Murdoch.

Who Are The 5 Cardinals, Michael? What Countries Are They From, Michael?

And WHY do I watch Remnant TV? Because they are Honest and Truthful. Ditto, Catholic Family News With John Vennari! And Louie Verecchio on “The Tradwriter”, his show is Real & Honest.

Michael & Company, I have come to a Conclusion that if Pope Francis I wanted to disband the Tridentine Latin Mass and said so, your crew would say that the statement is a Bad Translation from the Slavonic. It just gets more bizarre by The Minute from that Warehouse In Ferndale, MI, the Epicentre of Detroit’s Queer Lifestyle. You need to learn more about the Faith which you profess to know and webcast to thousands, hence you need to leave The Warehouse every so often. Sending Terry Carroll on “Search & Intimidate” Missions, does NOT “Cut It.”

Do Watch The Video, as Michael Matt & Christopher Ferrara do have something to say, regarding the SSPX. This is an Informative, Entertaining Piece.


From The Propagandist “Michael Vorisilli”(Snark Attack)

15 Apr

Is Michael Voris finally “Losing It”?

In This Video, one of his “Kiddie Corps” alleged “News Reporters”, is delivering a fraudulent story about the Society of St. Pius X, being in Schism.
What occurred in the R C Archdiocese of Buenas Aires, is sending the Quasi Cultish into a Hissy Fit. The Priestly Society of St. Pius X has regularized their Catholic Status in Argentina, with both the Assistance of T the Archbishop of Buenas Aires, Cardinal Poli and the Nation of Argentina.

STOP THE LIES, Michael. What next, a Cult In the Caribbean called “Vorisville”?

Nice Try By Your Mole on The Remnant Newspaper Comment Boxes to Obfusticate. I would say that “Guest” is actually a Ghostwriter of Yours, who likes to write Manifestos. He is like the little kid in Brooklyn who hides behind the fence & throws rocks.

OPEN YOUR COMBOXES, COWARD! And WHO Are the 5 Cardinals behind the “ SSPX Schism” Tale”?

Or YOU Will be forced to sit between Joe Buck & Tim Mc Carver on “MLB On FOX.” I think that you get the picture, if you know what I mean.


The Papal Obama Castro Brothers Affair & Cuba

22 Dec

I have not gone to 8AM Mass at Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs at Ascan Avenue and Queens Blvd in Forest Hills, Queens in a week. But, today I decided to go. It was a good day to discuss the USA Resumption of Diplomatic Relations with Cuba, starring Fidel and Raoul Castro, both  Beneficiaries of a Catholic School Education at the Hands of The Jesuits, Barack Hussain Obama, who had no such Education with The Jesuits, and The Jesuit, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now known as Pope Francis I. The Conversation was Lively, to say the least.

The Last Time I had a Good Cuban Cigar was when I resided in Cypress Hills, Brooklyn. A 1st Cousin had returned from Montreal, Quebec, Canada and he had a few Cuban Stogies on him. A Cuban Cigar in Brooklyn in 1981 was a Rarity.

I met a Most Dear Friend, one who aided me greatly during the 2013  Personal Emergency. But, she like me, found something rather amiss.
It involved the USA President, Mr Barack Obama and The Jesuit In Chief, Who is The Vicar of Christ, Papa Bergoglio, Pope Francis I as well as Fidel and Raoul Castro, the Dictators of Cuba since 1959, who were taught by The Jesuits. Never have the Castro Brothers had a day like they had on Wednesday. For you see, that the US Government is resuming Diplomatic Relations with Cuba, for the 1st Time since 1960 when there was this Country, called “The Evil Empire”, then called The Union Of The Soviet Socialist Republics, of which Russia was the largest of those Republics and Marxist Atheists to boot.

It was 1961 & 1962 @ St Sylvester School in the City Line Section of Brooklyn, just across a wide street from Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, called Atlantic Avenue(Alanic in Brooklyn Patois), where I 1st heard of Fidel Castro from a Nun called Sister Margaret Angela, SCH(Sisters of Charity of St Vincent De Paul-Halifax, Nova Scotia). As we were wee children being prepared Doctrinally for 1st Penance and 1st Holy Communion in May, 1962, we were told about about Cuba and Fidel Castro, a Communist(& “A Bad Catholic”, was Sister’s Precise  Words to describe the Stogie Smoking Dictator in Cuba). A Roman Catholic called John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was President of The United States of America. In those days of Communist Party Russia and Christian USA, just a bit before the Start of The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, when Vocations and Catholic Schools were flourishing. Two current Roman Catholic Priests who I know from Forest Hills, Queens, were Juniors in their Respective Catholic High Schools(Cathedral Preparatory Seminary High School in Brooklyn, and Archbishop Molloy High School in Briarwood, Queens, with both bearing the Title of Monsignor, and One of Them being Pastor of The Parish where he was Baptized, both Priests being of Irish Descent).
For those of you who are Old Enough to remember Air Raid Sirens, there were Air Raid Drills which were conducted. Most Often, Air Raid Sirens let people know that it was 12:00 Noontime. The nearest siren is still located at Atlantic and Nichols Avenue, Equidistant from both St. Sylvester School and where I lived in Cypress Hills.

Mr Obama was less than a Year Old, and Jorge Mario Bergoglio was a Jesuit Brother, about to enter the Seminary, where Leftist Jesuit Seminary Professors were running the show in South America, preaching the Unusual Philosophy of “Liberation Theology”, a cross between Catholic Theology and Marxism.

Cuba is a old, broke country, but still Communist with no freedom of Speech. But, suddenly, Cuba will be the beneficiary of The US $$$.

For my Most Dear Friend, what is disturbing is that Mr Obama, who, as it turns out, is the ONLY Illinois State Senator to actually vote for that Hideous Murder Procedure called Partial Birth Abortion, and is called by her, “The Baby Killer In Chief”, could look to keep Castro’s  “Island Worker’s Paradise” Alive, she also refers to Obama as The Devil. What infuriates her as much is that she does NOT Trust Pope Francis I at all, claiming that he sounds like a Moron and a Devil. Add the way the Franciscan Friars of The Immaculate are being hacked to shreds by this Pope & she was more infuriated.
I would not say that this Pope is a Moron. Rather, he can be confusing when he speaks in vague, Modern Jesuitical Terms. The Man is a Modernist Theologian. And that is not a Good Sign for One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. His bit about the Eastern Orthodox Churches getting together with The Catholic Church in Reunion, well there is a lot more than the Filioque separating the Churches. There are many issues separating the two, all of it doctrinal.
But, this conversation is about Cuba, and since Barack Obama leans so far to the Left, as does The Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio, that to go into Cuba, which is about as Freedom Minded as North Korea(NOT), utterly incenses her.
It infuriates me as well.

And to Michael Voris, what the Pope said in this case, is NOT The  Result of another sure fire “Bad Translation.” I realize that this might be “The Party Line” @ CMTV, but why anybody would go to do business with Fidel and Raoul Castro is beyond me. No Doubt, Michael, you will blame the Cuba Affair on Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, as you blame him for Blizzards in Ferndale, MI..

Like my Most Dear Friend, I read “The Remnant Newspaper” and “The Wanderer” and “Catholic Family News” & “Harvesting The Fruit of Vatican II.” They are where The Accuracy” is.

Kyrie Elaison!

M, Eh!

Bergoglio’s List: Pope Francis and political oppression in Argentina – Catholic Culture

6 Nov

Worth reading! This is the Same Argentine Regime which tried to steal the Falkland Islands from Great Britain.

God Save His Holiness!

M, Eh!

Michael Voris, Meet Michael Kay-YES!

21 Oct

Let’s Just Say…:

Censorum Vorisum(Michael Voris Censored)

21 Oct

Michael Voris ran afoul of that Brammerian Rule, “Thou shalt not criticize Il Papa, even if he is a Heretic.” Mind you, Michael crossed the line in the Proverbial Sands of The Vatican, by broadcasting to the World that Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, my idea of a Real Loyal Son of The Church, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, that His Holiness Pope Francis I is harming The Church by manipulating of The Extraordinary Synod On The Family. Trust me, when one knows of Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio in Argentina, one comes to the Conclusion that he is way less than Orthodox. Receiving “Blessings” from Pentecostal Ministers, says to The Catholic Faithful, that The One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is only one of many paths to Heaven, despite the Sacred Doctrine of “No Salvation Outside of The Church.” That is part of The Philosophy of Freemasonry.

Marc Brammer, a Member of Opus Dei, is Michael’s Backer. Brammer is of The Opus Dei Philosophy that The Pope is exempt from Any and ALL Criticism. With The Threat to cut off Support for Church, Voris caved in and that Voris News Report was yanked. Is Brammer looking for a Papal Knighthood? I suspect that he is.

So Michael Voris will sound like any Neo Catholic Video and Blog Service put together by some Teenaged Kid. It is a shame. Michael has much to say. Trouble is, he will appear like a Hypocrite 1st Class, especially when Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan is “RIPPED a New One”, on “The Vortex.”
And it will be on “The Vortex”, where Michael Voris will be “Trapped and Exposed.”

I have No Backers. And Opus Dei cannot do a thing. Brammer does NOT own me, nor does he own Louis Verrecchio, John Vennari, Christopher Ferrara nor Michael Matt and John Salza.We are Free to speak and write The Truth.

Kyrie Elaison!


The Official Language Of The Catholic Church Is Latin

17 Oct

So WHY are the documents of the Extraordinary Synod On The Family written in Italian, a Modern Language instead of Latin, noted for its Precision?

What would you expect from a Pope, noted for Modernism, except for Chaos. It is as if The Church was in Buenos Aires, where His Holiness was known as His Eminence, Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio, a Radical and Disobedient Archbishop.

Oh, well! Francis is “Signor Surprise.”

M, Eh!

Raymond Cardinal Burke Dares The Pope To Speak

15 Oct

Raymond Cardinal Burke wants, in fact, dares The Pope to teach clearly, The Doctrine of Marriage and The Eucharist, as reported on “The Vortex”, by Michael Voris.  Raymond Cardinal Burke is one who pulls no punches, which is WHY he is being removed from the Vatican Dicastery called “The Apostolic Signatura”, the Supreme Court of The One, True Church. Because of his defence of Church Teaching, he is being ordered silenced by being named Chaplain of The Knights of Malta.

But, in this Secret Synod, where Evil is being worked behind closed doors and Reports are issued with No Names on these reports, it is during interviews that one learns about what is really occurring. And His Eminence, Cardinal Burke, will give interviews to get Catholic Truth out for The World to listen to.

But the Ball is in The Papal Court. And this Synod of Novelty was called by The Pope, who as Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio, was into his own world of False Ecumenism, and Glasnost(Publicity), even defying Summorum Pontificum in 2007 in regards to the Tridentine Latin Mass in Buenos Aires.

If Off The Cuff Comments are Papa Bergoglio’s Magisterium, The Faithful will be even more confused.

Nobody Needs That. Clarity and Truth Are Needed.

Kyrie Elaison!

M, Eh!

On 3rd Avenue In The East Village & The Synod

15 Oct

After the Divine Liturgy at St. George Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, I was at the foot of 3td Avenue and East 7th Street in the East Village. The East Village is known as a mixed neighborhood with many young adults.
In some cases there are “Boys Being Girls”and “Girls Being Boys.”

In short, there is a Young and Gay Population in the East Village. I noticed two soft spoken males walking and holding hands. Since this is the East Village, I am not surprised by this, as the East Village is next door to Greenwich Village, often called the West Village.

What I am thinking as the Extraordinary Synod On The Family, is that the “Gay Lobby” in The Vatican, has sway over the Radical Pope Francis I, who as Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio, had no real grasp of Theology, but is into whatever would make him Popular with The World and Humanity.
Since when does a Pope, give interviews to Rolling Stone Magazine and The Advocate?
This leads to the Confusion of The Faithful, as to what The Papal Mission is.
