Archive | July, 2014

“Missa Vernaculus”(Send In The Clowns)

31 Jul

It was 1979. “The Tablet”, the Official Newsweekly of the R C Diocese of Brooklyn, NY, did coverage in the Youth Section of the paper, then a local version of a National Periodical called National Catholic Reprobate, I mean Fishwrap, oh, I mean Reporter, with the 1st Two Descriptions more appropriate, of a ” Missa Vernaculus. “

OK, so you THINK that you know what this means. By this time in the Era of “Modernist Bishops”, who looked for Novelty, as what passed for Liturgical Music wasn’t enough(With a Rather Lengthy queue at The Vomitarium, a word of Snark Quality coined by My Most Dear Friend), it was someplace, I believe that it was in my Native Land, which is The Borough of Brooklyn, that at some Parish, a Blasphemous Event called ” Missa Vernaculus” occurred.

I am not speaking of a Reverently Offered Ordinary Form Mass also called Missa Novus Ordo. The Mass at St. Agnes East 43rd Street in Midtown Manhattan is such an example, especially at the 5:15PM Saturday Vigil Mass, where Entrance, Offertory and Communion Antiphons, and Gloria are sung in Latin with the Kyrie sung in Greek. The remainder is offered in  English. A Closing Hymn is sung in Latin.  This Form of Mass meets the Criterion of Sacrosanctam Concillium. Note that a Stately Opening Hymn is sung. There is No Room for such Treacle as “Table Of Plenty.”

“Verna” is Latin for Slave. “Vernaculus” is Latin for Court Jester. This word also means Buffoon. It primarily means Clown.
So Sadly, when a group of Young Persons are dressed as if this is Ringling Brothers & Barnum & Bailey sponsoring Parish Renovations(Sorry, Wreck-ovations), with the Liturgy being treated as a Sideshow to the Circus Theme, there is an aire of Blasphemy here. The sense of Sacredness is, well, Gone. The Mass now becomes a Sacrilege.

Yet, in The Tablet, this is giving the Young People a sense of Self Expression and Creativity.

For The Organizers of This Action of Sacrilege, how many of these Children are still practicing The Authentic Catholic Faith? Did You Lead Them Astray? Or are a number of these Children who are now Middle Aged Adults, leading other children in Modernist Improvisational Liturgy, which is about SELF and NOT about GOD. This is NOT Entertainment.

And WHY would a Diocesan Newsweekly lend Credence to such Sacrilege?

The Roman Republic fell apart because of “Circus Et Panem Maximus.” It took a Line of Ceasars to fix that Mess. With Masses like that one described, The Company of Angels and Saints who, United with Christ on The Altar at Mass, are mocked by this action of Sacrilege. The Priest in this case, offered a Sacrilege.

During a Video comparing the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, recorded by someone who is Greek Orthodox, with a Circus Themed Mass in a Cathedral in Brazil, complete with a Bishop present, I was shocked and disgusted by the Presentation of the Book of The Gospels being presented by an Acrobatic Act. With Themed Masses like this, it is small wonder why in Brazil, the World’s Most Catholic Nation, as to WHY so many people in Brazil are leaving The Faith. They despise Novelty.

The Modernists call this “Inculturation of The Liturgy.”
With The Tridentine Mass, one could never even attempt this Corruption. It would stick out like a Sore Thumb. The Same would also be said for all the Eastern Catholic Liturgies. It would be like sticking a square peg in a round hole.

But Annibale Bugnini came up with a Liturgy where this could and does occur. And Faith decreased in droves.

Pray Hard, Dear Faithful.

Kyrie Elaison!


On Sunday At Mass With “Parochial Announcements”

29 Jul

A Lovely Opera Singer called Patricia, acted as Cantor at the Sunday 1PM Mass at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs in Forest Hills, Queens, NY.
She is Latina. She made my day, cheerfully belting out Modern But Catholic, Doctrinally Sound Hymns.
Msgr Patrick Fursey O’Toole, Senior Priest now residing in Florida & Irish Born, ordained for the R C Diocese of Brooklyn, NY, offered the Mass of the 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time, also known as 7th Sunday After Pentecost. For his Homily, he spoke of Pearls and How at the End of Time, God will collect those Pearls at the End of Time.

The “Francis  Effect” (As in Fr. Passenant):
In attempting to add some pizzaz to Parish Announcements, Fr. Frank Passenant, when reading the Parish Announcements, says “Now for the Parochial Announcements.”
Parochial simply means Local. So, near the end of Sunday’s Mass, Msgr O’Toole also intoned “Parochial Announcements.”
Methinks that Fr. Passenant should have “Parochial Announcements” Copyrighted and Trademarked.
Think of The Royalties for THAT Statement.


About Hyssopo In The Byzantine Rite

27 Jul

Hyssop is a Mint Like Plant, from the Mint Family.
It was after the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom in January of this year at Holy Cross Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Astoria, Queens, NY, when the Blessing of the Waters occurred. Also, herbal essences are added to the water.

I received the Blessing with Water with the Priest, using Hyssop, which is used to remind us of our Baptism. I was soaking wet, but I was also wet at Baptism. I was also reminded of Chrismation(Confirmation) when another Priest who used the Chrismation Wand, anointed my Forehead.

And, as if a Baby in the Byzantine Rite in the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, I received via Gold Plated Holy Communion Spoon, The Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.

Deo Gratias!


“The Martyrs Wave of Peace”

26 Jul

At Our Lady Queen of Martyrs in Forest Hills, Queens, whenever it comes time for The Sign of Peace before Holy Communion, especially during the weekday, People simply wave their hands to each other, if only because there are so many people spread out around the Church.

This never happens in the Traditional Latin Mass nor in the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.

What next, The Ballpark Wave?


“NO, Si’, NO, Da”

26 Jul

Let’s say you go to the Vigil Mass for Sunday. Learn these initials or short words. It will tell you what to expect in Catholic Liturgies.
(1)OF Mass, which is known as the Ordinary Form, or where the majority of(Still Practicing)Catholics worship the Triune God.
It is also called the Novus Ordo, or NO. Novus Ordo means New Order of Mass. It is often noted for such Liturgical Abuses such as Clown Masses, Masses with Dancers, Folk Masses, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Female Altar Servers, Banal Music which can cause one to lose interest(as well as the contents of a full stomach), and Homilies about everything but Sin, as well as Holy Communion In One’s Hand.  Think of all this distraction and you might consider an Alternative Catholic Liturgy. NO is the Snark Filled way of saying Novus Ordo, which is in 95% of those Masses.
(2) Si’
Okay, Si’ is Spanish for Yes, but Spanish is a form of Latin, so I am talking about the Tridentine Latin Mass or TLM. Incense, Blessing With Water(Hyssopo), Gregorian Chant, Holy Communion on the tongue while kneeling and Intellectually Sound Homilies. The Discussions which follow such as The Latest Indecipherable Statement from Papa Bergoglio, are Lively Events. Do make room on your schedule. The Priest faces Liturgical East in this Mass. There are periods of Silence, which is far superior to the Noise of Anything Composed by Dan Schutte, Marty Haugen, David Haas or The Jesuits of St. Louis University, from whence Schutte came.
(3) Da
Since this is a Slavonic Based Word meaning Yes, I do recommend the Byzantine Catholic Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. The one I go to, either in Astoria or Manhattan’s East Village, is truly a quite mystical experience.
Unlike many a Latin Rite Parish where the Altar Rails once separated the Sanctuary and the Nave, but have been removed, there is a Screen called an Iconostasis, with Icons of Saints, which separate the Sanctuary from the Nave. You stand for Holy Communion and receive by intinction via Holy Communion Gold Spoon with the Body and Blood of Christ dropped in your mouth. Leavened Bread is changed into the Body of Christ. Singing is done without an organist, guitars, bongo drums or tambourines. The parts of the Liturgy are actually sung. There is no Novus Ordo Music(Marty Haugen and Dan Schutte are unknown here). The sung antiphons should sound familiar to those who go to the OF(NO)Mass, but more beautiful.

That is all for The Catholic Liturgical Guide

Pax Domini Sit Semper Vobiscum


In The Persecution of The Franciscan Friars of The Immaculate

24 Jul

Yanks? It Figures as to WHY a Local “Molehill” was turned into a Vatican Mountain.
It was revealed that the Dissidents in the Order of The Franciscan Friars of The Immaculate, had come from “The Good Ol’ US of A”, a Modernist Land of Very Little Milk and Honey, but land of ” Liturgical Muzak” which was exported in many languages to many lands, causing for massive indigestion, the Land where an Archbishop in a place called “La La Land”, built a Gigantic Abstract Art Museum, in the Size of The Mall of America and called it a Cathedral, the Land where a certain Cardinal Archbishop in a Place known as Gotham, is getting ” Caught Off Guard”,  and the Land where “Class Clowns” blow the “Sanctus Horn”, it is only fitting that the ” Land of Dissidents” would be one ruled by someone who runs a nation with “A Pen and A Phone.”
It figures that the Dissenters are from the Land of “The Church of Nice and Nuns On A Bus.” Who taught these guys the Half Dead Version of The Faith? Was it “Sue and Her Crew” from some Middle Class Neighborhood in Queens? Were these guys chanting “Bravo” for Michael Sam, along with Cardinal Dolan?  Is their favorite song “Come and Take A Drink”? Do you see where I am going with this?

And with His Holiness planning to CELEBRATE THE Protestant Revolution later this year, and also planning to Apologize to Pentecostals for being Condemned by Pope Saint Pius X FOR Preaching Error , One HUGE BARF is in order. I feel like crying. Something tells me that Walter Cardinal Kasper’s Paws are all over this.

And THIS will cause My Most Dear Friend to stand in the queue of a Vomitarium.

Kyrie Elaison!


The Persecution Of Faithful From Within

23 Jul

The Franciscan Friars and Sisters of The Immaculate are Faithful to the Magisterium of One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, so WHY, a Growing Religious Order such as this, being subjected to profuse persecution of Vatican Modernistas?

Did they run afoul of the Congregation For The Preservation Of Musical and Liturgical Novelty? Did they fail to sing “Table Of Plenty” or “All Are Welcome” at the beginning of Mass?

If you said “Yes” to either Song(Hymns are sung To God), it is because these are Orders who believe in the Praying of The Latin Mass of St. John XXIII, where the above two songs are NEVER Sung. The Monastic Orders in the Eastern Catholic Churches would Never sing Songs like what is mentioned above.

Meanwhile, at the Vatican, the Leadership Conference For Women Religious(LCWR), who represent 80% of all remaining Nuns in the USA, where the growth figures are in both the numbers of deaths and Apostasies, are given a light tap on the wrist and sent home to supper. You know who these ladies are. They have been known to ride cross country on buses to protest assorted crap. Meanwhile the Convents are empty, from participating in Psychological Therapies designed to cause these women to lose their vocations in Consecrated Life.

It is interesting to note that in a statement by Pope Francis I, that he could understand why older people(Like Blue Haired Biddies), prefer the Traditional Latin Mass, but cannot understand why the Young People would embrace this Liturgy.
Does this Pope embrace GLASNOST? Glasnost is a Russian Noun meaning “Publicity Stunt.” Kissing the Hand of a Known Gay Activist Priest is One Stunt. On Television, appearing before a Priest outside of a Confessional for Confession, was a little bit stranger than normal for a Penitent.

The Motu Proprio allowing for the Offering of The Extraordinary Form of the Holy Sacrifice of The Mass, also called the Tridentine Latin Mass of St. John XXIII, without a Bishop’s Permission, during the Reign of Pope Benedict XVI, also called “The Benedictine Respite”, freed up this Treasure from the Hands of Reluctant Bishops, who FEAR a Demand for Sacred Tradition, and who prefer Novelty, such as Altar Girls, False Ecumenism and Novelty Liturgies, such as ” Clown Masses”(Sanctus Horn, Anyone).
My Most Dear Friend, She who shared a book with me about “Communion In The Hand” from an Argentinian Bishop who voted against it, in fact the ONLY Argentinian Bishop who voted against it(Clue is that he is not the Son of an Italian Immigrant), finds that the Current Occupant of The Chair of St. Peter is NOT the Humble Man he is being made out to be. He is LOVED too much by The World(Like Jane Fonda).

As for the Young People embracing the Tridentine Latin Mass of St. John XXIII, these are People who despise Novelty in Worship, such as Liturgical Dancers, Clowns, Bishops who wear Green Bay Packers Cheeseheads Gear(Yes, then Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Michael Dolan did perform that stunt at a Mass), among other Novelties, including “Do I Not Love Me” Liturgical Music. The Young Ones are also attending other Fully Catholic Traditional Liturgies, such as the Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. St. John Chrysostom, no Shrinking Violet He, once in reaction to Bishops and The Pope, Honorarius I, who fell in with the Arian Heresy, coined the phrase “The Road to Hell is paved with the Skulls of Bishops.”

And it is the Orthodox Young People who helped the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of The Immaculate to grow. Yet, Pope Francis is catering to Dissidents who are supposedly in this order. Why is an Order, dedicated to Traditional Catholic Practice, under Persecution?

Is it possible that this is a Wakeup Call from Heaven?

Kyrie Elaison!


The Ordinary Form Mass and How It Should Be Sung

21 Jul

Forget “The 4 Hymn Sandwich”, as in reality, this is not really allowed by The Church. Considering the Banal “Quality” of what is being sung(Or Ignored, which is most of the time), it is time to get rid of such songs(Hymns are reserved for worshipping God, Not SELF), which are filler. These songs do NOT constitute Actual Participation in The Mass. Rather, they constitute Distraction from the Mass. Songs like “Seed, Scattered and Sown” are simplistic as well as condescending, which is insulting to one’s Intelligence.
For My Most Dear Friend, She has a Rule of Thumb:
ANYTHING Written from 1965:onward, is simply not sung, as most of this is “Vomit, Barf and Puke.” For with the updated version of the 1962 Roman Missal, with permission to use Vernacular with the Correct Translation, there were Modernist Americans who took stately hymns and tried to wing it on guitars beginning in 1967, in order to reach a young demographic. Those Hymns are made for Pipe Organ and not Guitars and Tambourines which accompany the Guitars. So, Folk Music was composed, which turned Sunday Mass into “The Consecrated Karaoke and Campfire Music Hour”(With a Nod to Fr Joseph F Wilson, who finds this Music to be totally without Merit, for which I heartily concur with this Assessment).
The Four Hymn Sandwich is a throwback to the Tridentine Latin Mass “Low Mass” days.  In reality, actual participation in The Mass was and still is, reciting the responses and keeping silent at appropriate times such as Offertory and Consecration. Singing AT The Mass is NOT the same thing as singing the Parts of The Mass, such as Chants, Responses and Propers. So singing “Gift Of Finest Wheat” is not the same thing as singing the Nicene Creed or Gloria.  Besides, “Gift Of Finest Wheat” is of Dubious Eucharistic Theology. Anglicans, Lutherans and Methodists and Presbyterians sing this at Holy Communion, where their belief in Holy Eucharist is that of Consubstantiation instead of Transubstantiation.
“The 4 Hymn Sandwich” is actually an American Practice. And given that about 90% of the “Music” in anything published by Oregon Catholic Press, is not singable since most of the songs are Treacly Dreck, directed not to God but to SELF, it is time to go away from this practice.
The Muzak which appeared starting in 1966, is supposed to reflect CATHOLIC DOCTRINE, NOT “CHURCH OF NICE” Lack of it. The Bishops in the USA and Canada, have by and large not done this, so when you hear “Table of Plenty”, just assume that the Imprimatur came from Howard “Cardinal” Stern, whose Coat of Arms reads “Bababui”, in my attempt to Latinize it, to give it some sense of “Church of Nice” Formality. (“Wow”, exclaimed “Cardinal” Stern).
<So I went to an Ordinary Form Mass, where the Priest "Reads The Black and Does The Red", at St. Agnes R C Church on Archbp Fulton J Sheen Place(East 43rd Street, Lexington to 3rd Avenues on the cross) in Midtown Manhattan, which I arrived at on time, with no time to spare with No Thanks to MTA Bus for their damnable inefficiency. Mass began with singing of the Entrance Antiphon and Opening Hymn, which by the way, was the ONLY Hymn sung. The Kyrie and Gloria were sung. This was a "Plainsong" Mass, with Offertory Antiphon and Communion Antiphon. The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass was in vernacular(English).
At Holy Communion Time, many knelt at the Latin Mass Altar Rail and received on the tongue(Latin Mass Style). Still others stood for Holy Communion (Byzantine Rite Style, minus the Gold Holy Communion Spoon)..
There are NO Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at St. Agnes Church. It is Priests and the Occasional Deacon, who distribute Holy Communion.
All that is needed is:
Singing of Entrance Antiphon;
Singing of Kyrie;
Singing of Gloria(Only on Sundays, Holy Days of Obligation and Major Feasts);
Singing of the Responsorial Psalm;
Singing of Offertory Antiphon;
Singing of Nicene Creed(Only said on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation and Major Feasts);
Singing of Lord’s Prayer and
Singing of Communion Antiphon.
Confeitior is recited and so are responses.
No Hymns need to be sung, though a Stately and Beautiful Hymn may be sung at the Beginning of Mass, which reflects Catholic Doctrine (& Should Be Sung).

This would be a Properly Sung Mass in The Mind of The Church. What is sung, currently, seems to be more in the mind of “Cardinal” Stern(Wow).

Pax Domini Sit Semper Vobiscum!


Somehow, Despite MTA Bus, I Made It To The 5:15PM Mass

21 Jul

The MTA Bus Company, which is a legalized form of Torment, calls itself a Public Benefit Corporation, where anybody but the Public, Benefits. If the Q60 Bus is any indication, one should bring plenty of Peptic Bismuth. The ride today was utterly nauseating. Two buses failed to materialize on the schedule, while a 3rd one showed up late.
Well, so much for public benefit due to damned inefficiency on the part of the MTA Bus Company, who act as though NY Mets Ownership runs this outfit, which is not saying much, the 1st two buses never showed up according to the schedule and then Bus #3 shows up 3 Minutes Late.
Then, the bus is packed, but at 3 Separate times, wheelchair customers boarded. Three times at  5 Minutes each is 15 Extra Minutes added to the trip. Two disembarking sessions added another 5 Minutes each. This added 25 Minutes to the trip.
I left the Bus at Queens Plaza and Borden Avenue when I caught the R Train to Lexington Avenue and E59th Street and changed to the 4 Train to Grand Central Terminal.
For what should have been an hour and 15 Minutes was 2: 25. It was disgusting.
But, I made the 5:15 PM Mass at St. Agnes on East 43rd Street. I had the intention of not going to an Ordinary Form Mass where “Seed, Scattered and Sown”, which is just another “Bread Song”, was sung.

The Opening, Offertory and Communion Antiphons were sung in Latin. There was an Opening Hymn. The Kyrie and Gloria were sung. No closing hymn was sung. Holy Communion was a period of Reverent Silence. Many received kneeling and on the tongue.
The Homily on Wheat and Weeds, given in an orthodox manner. This is NOT a Parish of “The Church of Nice.”

This Parish “Reads The Black and Does The Red.”

Deo Gratias!


I Am Heading Westbound To E43

20 Jul

The Ordinary Form Mass on Venerable Archbp Fulton J Sheen Place, also called East 43rd Street, Lexington to 3rd Avenues on the Cross, is perhaps the Best Ordinary Form of the Latin Rite Mass in The 5 Boroughs, complete with Opening and Communion Antiphons chanted in Latin, Kyrie Sung in Greek, and Gloria sung in Latin, Stately Opening Hymn in English, Closing Hymn sung in Latin and the Beauty of Holy Communion in Silence and option of kneeling at the Holy Communion Rail.
No TREACLIZED Music is ever sung. This is the way the Ordinary Form of The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass is supposed to be offered, with no “Glad Tambourines From The US$.99 Store.”

St. Agnes in Midtown Manhattan, the Late Sunday Afternoon Mass of this format is at 5:15PM, ET.

Deo Gratias!