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“Pagan Gaia Goes to Mass (Vatican II & the New World Order)” on YouTube

6 Aug

Post Vatican II shows The Fruits of Vatican Council II and The Fruits are BAD Fruits.

Michael Matt shows this so eloquently.

WHY should the SSPX sign to agree with Vatican Council II? I say “No Way.”

And for that “Justin Bieber At Middle Age Who Works In That Warehouse Of Toys and Gadgets In Detroit”, You have such UNMITIGATED CHUTZPAH, to declare the SSPX IN SCHISM? WHY? Because they won’t go along with the Novelties of Vatican Council II?

AND WHO ARE THOSE 5 Cardinals who told you that the SSPX are in Schism?

A “Hymn To Gaia”, a Pagan Demon? Who was “Spiking The Molson’s Beer in Toronto, Eh?” I would doubt it was Rex Murphy.

Do Watch this. It is a well made Video.

Kyrie Elaison


From Freedom To Liberty, The Novus Ordo Mass, Part Two

1 May

Liberty is “The God That Failed”, which is a book by a Catholic Barrister named Christopher A. Ferrara, JD. And in The Modernist Liturgy called The Novus Ordo Mass, where the alleged big key is Participation, this Liberty is driving people away.

Renewal? What Flavor of Hashish is being smoked here?
New Springtime? My Arse! I have seen the crowds disappearing.

I am privileged to have a Most Dear Friend. We often have short but intense, Faith Filled Catholic Conversations. But, it was a question which she asked which disturbs her. It disturbs me, ever since the Altar of God became a Table and the Priest stopped facing Liturgical East. Her question is as follows:
“Why Does The Priest Have His Back Turned Away From God?”
I am both Glad & Sad that this question is being asked. It is about time that it is asked. She does read “The Remnant” & watches “The Vortex”, hosted by Gary M. Voris(Gary is his 1st Name, with Michael being his Middle Name, so I will be calling Mr Voris by his 1st Name from Now On). I AM Sad that this question has to come up, because so few Roman/Latin Catholics know so little about the Faith.

The one thing that Vatican II will be known for is the promoting of False Ecumenism, which is “Can’t We All Get Along.” It is also known as “The Era of Dialogue & Holiday Parties.”
For you see, Ecumenical is taken from a Greek Word meaning Home(Oike). So the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council was supposed to be about the Home Church, One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. One thing which was accomplished was that the Eastern Catholic Churches were told to return to their own Customs & Practices. That is what the Eastern Catholic Churches began to do.
A certain # of USA Bishops during the Council, all from the Roman/Latin Rite, appealed to Pope Paul VI to have the Eastern Catholic Churches closed in North America, and have the Eastern Catholics worship in the Roman/Latin Rite. They were turned down.

Name Of Liturgy:
Missa Paulo VI, also called The Missa Novus Ordo.
Author-Fr Annibale Bugnini, a Vincentian Order Priest, elevated to Rank of Archbishop by Papam Paulo VI
First Major Critics are Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, Cardinal Bacci & John Carmel Cardinal Heenan.
Cardinals Ottaviani & Bacci write a Critique of The Normative Mass, which is a Novelty all by itself. It is said to be in whole and In part, “A Striking Departure from the Theology of The Mass…which would please the most Modernist Protestant.” This is The Letter by Cardinals Ottaviani & Bacci called “The Ottaviani Intervention.” It is in this letter that the words “Novus Ordo Missa” are spoken.
John Carmel Cardinal Heenan, Archbishop of The See of Westminster(London North of The River Thames) made This observation when witnessing the 1st Offering of This Mass in that during the Tridentine Mass, one sees Men, Women & Children. But with this New Mass, it will be mostly Women & Children, with The Men disappearing. That prediction proved to be True. Pretty Soon, the Novus Ordo Mass would have all the Popularity of the 1979 Oakland Athletics at The Oakland Coliseum, as Attendance & # of Masses begin to drop. Whereas in one Brooklyn Parish on the Queens Border would have 10 Masses on Sunday, by 1979, it would be 5 Masses. That Parish today has only 4 Masses which are Sunday Masses & rather poorly attended(Not unlike the 1979 NY Mets in a Comparable Sense. I often find Major League Baseball References to be useful).

The Tridentine Latin Mass & The Divine Liturgies of Saints John Chrysostom & Basil The Great, have withstood The Test of Time in The One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church. All Three Great Liturgies are about Sacrifice. All Three have inspired Symphonies. Sergei Rachmaninoff even composed a “Divine Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom Symphony.

The Premiere of what is today’s Roman Rite Catholic Mass, occurred in the R C Diocese of Brooklyn on Sunday, November 30th, 1969, a little bit over 45 Years Ago. Supposedly, certain Traditions were restored.
About 450 Years before this Mass, the Lutherans followed by The Anglicans, were offering The Prototype of this Liturgy, complete with their Ministers offering their Liturgies Facing NOT God but The Congregation in an Assembly(NOT Unlike PS 171K in Brooklyn, where I was in Kindergarten, when people went to the Assembly Hall for certain meetings or performances).

The Novus Ordo Mass is really a “Bare Bones” Mass. There are no “Prayers At The Foot Of The Altar” because Priests do NOT ascend to a High Altar. Rather, they stop at a Freestanding Table type of Altar.
There is an opening line prayer which after the Sign of The Cross is “The Grace & Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Love of God The Father & The Unity of The Holy Spirit be With You All”, would be followed by “And Also With You”, which was not an actual translation of “Et Cum Spiritu Tuo “(And With Your Spirit).

“And Also With You”, which was a “Translation” is meant to appeal to those Liturgical Protestants such as Evangelical Lutherans & Broad Church Episcopalians as well as Methodists & Presbyterians. It also signifies that the Priest is merely a Delegate of The Assembly, which is Protestant Practice. Protestants deny The Sacrificial Priesthood.

But the Opening to The Mass is NOT a Roman Rite Opening:
“The Grace & Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Love of God The Father & the Fellowship of The Holy Spirit, Be With All of You.”
This is actually from the Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom(Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of The Church, Ordinary Form Calendar on September 14th & Tridentine Calendar on January 27th), and it is the Opening to the Eucharistic Anaphora of St. John Chrysostom & Anaphora of St. Basil The Great, (Bishop, Martyr, Confessor, Doctor of The Church, Feast offered in January).
In the Tridentine Mass, The Priest and Servers at the Foot of the High Altar, had a way different opening. It will be In English, as it was in 1965, so you can follow along:
After The Sign of The Cross, the Priest recited “I Will Go To The Altar of God.” The Servers recited “To God Who Gives Joy To My Youth.” The Priest then recited “Our Help Is In The Name Of The Lord”, to Which the Servers replied “Who Made HEAVEN & Earth.”

“Since When Did Mass Become Like A Chinese Restaurant?”(Penitential Rites A, B & C)
To those of you who are not aware of the Chaos of Sunday, November 30th in 1969, it was the 1st Sunday of Advent. Hence, the Gloria was omitted.
I sat on the Elderts Lane Side of St. Sylvester’s Roman Catholic Church in City Line, Brooklyn, as was my custom in the 1960s. I always had a side view of The Mass, hence I could see what the Priest was doing on the High Altar. But, on This Day & Date, the Priest & Servers were NOT in their usual positions, as The Mass went from Ad Orientem(Facing Towards Liturgical Jerusalem) to Versus Populum(Facing Everyone on The Center Aisle(Mc Kinley Avenue Side).
There are Three Penitential Options. On this Particular Sunday, it was the New Confiteor. Upon reviewing the current Confiteor, it was a variation of The Confiteor as prayed by the Lutherans. For this Confiteor, Blessed Mary Ever Virgin was said only Once. The names of other Intercessors, namely Saints Michael The Archangel, John The Baptist and Peter & Paul. Not only that, it wasn’t even translated properly, as I discovered on the Last Night of 2010 @ Our Lady of Mercy on Kessel Street in Forest Hills, Queens. The “Mea Culpa” had not even been translated.
The Addition of “Vos Fratres” or Brethren was actually a holdover from the Tridentine Latin Mass of The Roman Missal of 1962. But, in the interest of early Political Correctness, it became “Brothers & Sisters.”
The Kyrie was Shortened into “2, 2, 2” format. “Lord Have Mercy” was said Twice by The Priest & Twice by The Congregation. “Christ Have Mercy” was said Once by The Priest & Once by The Congregation.
The Confiteor was now a Collective Prayer. In the case of Penitential Rites B & C, The Kyrie is the base prayer.
The Introit was said.
The Format for The Readings had also changed from Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Alleluia or Tract & Gospel & Homily.
It was changed to a Three Year Cycle of Readings on Sundays & a Two Year Cycle during Weekdays.
The New Format of Readings goes as follows:
Old Testament, Responsorial Psalm, New Testament, Alleluia or Tract & then the Gospel and Homily.
This form, eliminated in the 6th Century by Pope St. Gregory The Great, was replaced by Epistle, Gradual, Alleluia or Tract, Gospel and Homily. In the older form of the Current Form, there was a Responsorial Psalm after the Epistle.
The Current Form of The Readings was eliminated from Roman/Latin Usage in the 6th Century, returned to usage with Martin Luther in the 16th Century(As well as with Thomas Cranmer), and returned to usage on Sunday, November 30th, 1969. It had been out of Roman Catholic Usage for almost 1400 Years.

This Format was suggested by Anglican “Bishop” Moremann. As Pope Leo XIII once declared Anglican Holy Orders to be Null & Void, this man is a Layman wearing a Halloween Costume(Something Gary M. Voris accuses the SSPX of being & doing).

The New Lay Ministry of Lector was promulgated for the Novus Ordo Mass. This person would read everything but The Gospel, which is charged to The Bishop, Priest and Deacon. It is said to be an old custom, but NOT in the Roman/Latin Rite. The Lector is of Byzantine Origin. The Lector usually sits in The 1st Pew, with a Light & Microphone and reads the Epistle. In most cases he or she is the Cantor. And unlike his or her Roman/Latin Rite Counterparts, he/she faces Liturgical East.

“This Is An Offertory? What?”
Consider that the Cunning, Scheming & Conniving Secular Humanist, Vincentian Father Annibale Bugnini, wanted to eliminate practically all Roman/Latin Rite References to The Mass, The Offertory was chopped to pieces.

The Tridentine Offertory was prayed by The Priest for the Expiation of His Sins and for The Faithful, both Living and Dead, with the Epiclesis being prayed For The Holy Spirit to come upon the Offerings, in anticipation of The Sacrifice. The Lavabo Prayer(Washing of Priest’s Hands) is of Byzantine Origin, used in The Preparation of The Gifts, before the Public Portion of The Divine Liturgies.
But, in order to make Modernist Mainline Protestants feel at Home, the Offertory was severely abridged. And the Source of the Format of The New Offertory is a set of Books called The Talmud, a set of Jewish Traditions, a number of which border on Immoral. Jesus and Mary are treated in a Blasphemous Manner in The Talmud.
A Prayer used in The Passover Seder, a Simple Table Blessing, is used for the Offertory. The Prayers of Expiation were removed. For Protestants, Prayers for The Dead are not their forte, as for many of them, Purgatory does not exist.

At the Orate Fratres(Pray, Brethren), in the days of Horrible Translations as if to make the Priest out to be nothing more than a group therapy leader, said In English, “Pray that Our Sacrifice”, which implied that the Congregation and Priest had the same power from God, this was corrected in the 2011 Correct Translation.

The Eucharistic Canon:
In The Tridentine Form, ONLY The Roman Canon existed. And there were The Prefacing Prayers.
What was strange for the “Translation” of “Dignum Et Justum Est”, normally reading “It Is Right & Just”, came a Variation of The Byzantine Form of the Response, which is normally translated from either the Greek or Slavonic. Bugnini was not joking when he wanted to strip The Catholic Elements out of The Mass. Thing is, he actually meant The Roman/Latin Elements. He did not hesitate to utilize Byzantine & Antiochion Elements for the New Mass.

The Sanctus was not properly translated. Sabaoth which means Hosts, became “Power & Might.”

There were initially 4 Prayers. I will stay on The Roman Canon. That ended up being abridged.
The New Prayers, in fact there are 16 of them, 17 if you count The Roman Canon having been Renovated, for The Consecration, contain The Epiclesis, which the Roman Canon does NOT have. This follows from The Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgies.
But, unlike the Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom & St. Basil The Great, The Epiclesis goes BEFORE The Consecration, while in the Two Divine Liturgies, the Epiclesis is after the Divine Words of Institution.
And in the Two Divine Liturgies, there is only One Anaphora or Canon. The Novus Ordo Mass has the 17 Canons.

But, unlike in the Roman Canon of The Tridentine Mass, there are portions of Prayers in Parentheses, which means that the Priest has the option not to say that portion of the Prayer. This NEVER occurred in the True Roman Canon, EVER.

It is at The Time of The Consecration in The Roman Canon in the, where things were predefined. One could say that The Canon, when offered in a low voice, provided a truly Holy Atmosphere. But when The Offertory was changed to the Passover Table Prayer, the Roman Canon became disjointed.
The Roman Canon, at The Consecration, had a change done. It is at The Time when the Wine is changed into The Blood of Christ. In The Words of Institution, the Words “Mysterium Fidei”(Mystery Of Faith) appeared, signalling that Transubstantiation has occurred.
But, what then was added, has a Byzantine-Antiochian Orientation to this with Responses which the unedited Roman Canon never had. For The Mystery Of Faith had verses from St. Paul The Apostle’s Exhortation on The Eucharist, added on, which confused the Faithful, as, while Christ is here in The Present, the Faithful were not sure that He came down into The Eucharist or that His Coming is at The End of Time.

Please note though, while taking the Cue from The Byzantine & Antiochian Rites, the Byzantine Formula is a Thanksgiving Prayer for the Sacrament. As in the Other 16 Eucharistic Prayers, the unnecessary additions continue to baffle The Faithful.
The reason I mentioned The Byzantine Rite, is that my familiarity comes from attending the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, a total of 25 Times in Ukrainian Greek Catholic Churches. If you want to meet really knowledgeable Catholics, these Catholics are up there with Tridentine Latin Mass Catholics.

Now back at the Nicene Creed, instead of the word “Credo”meaning “I Believe” it was mistranslated as “We Believe”, a Collectivization of The Prayer. That Prayer changed with the 2011 Accurate Translations.

As For Standing for Holy Communion, this came when Altar Rails were Removed so Standing, an Abuse in the Roman/Latin Rite, became the practice.

The Roman/Latin Rite was becoming anything BUT.
My Most Dear Friend, who has witnessed the Ultra Abuse of “The Liturgical Music You Could Throw Up To,”, which would be about 85% of it, which she would not get caught singing, to which I say “Bravo”(No, Not The Cable Network by that Name), asked me as to “WHY Are We Trying To Please a Bunch of Heretics”, which is what she calls Protestants & Eastern Orthodox. She sounds like the Eastern Catholics who say exactly the same thing. Facing the People during the Ordinary Form Mass is a Protestant Practice. Another thing is that the Eastern Orthodox are NOT THRILLED in the Least, with the way this version of The Mass, what with some of their practices mixed into the New Liturgy. It has


been said of the 4th Eucharistic Prayer that the Anaphora of St. Basil The Great, has the Epiclesis before the Consecration, not after it. I should know from having been to the Byzantine Divine Liturgies In The Catholic Church. And it was a Modernist Benedictine Monk who edited it. In fact the Epiclesis is put before the Consecration In 16 Other Eucharistic Prayers, except for The Roman Canon(Eucharistic Prayer #1), whereby in The Tridentine Mass, the Epiclesis is in the Offertory.

At Holy Communion, the Roman/Latin Tradition was to kneel and receive on the tongue.
It was an Apostate Former Dominican Priest, Martin Bucer, who also wrote the Null and Void Holy Orders for the Church of England, who believed that Holy Communion was only a Memorial Meal & NOT The Body & Blood, Soul & Divinity of Christ, Introduced Communion In The Hand, to teach the Church of England that the Bread and Wine were only a Memorial Meal, not a Sacrament.
Now with the New Mass in place, more Novelties were to be introduced. It was In the Summer of 1977, when the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, under the Leadership of Modernist Prelate, Archbishop Joseph Bernadin, who, after losing Three Rounds of Holy Communion in The Hand, resorted, as if he was Mayor Richard J Daley of Chicago in the 1960 Presidential Elections, obtained(Fraudulently)votes from Retired & Bedridden Bishops(According to Bernadin), to bring the total up to 2/3 of The US Bishops in Favor of Holy Communion in The Hand. The Vatican stated that this could only be permissible if in a particular nation, the Unlawful Practice was out of control. This was certainly not the case in the USA.
Archbishop Bernadin meets Mayor Richard J Daley. The Fish smells from the Head, downward. It was so ironic & fitting that Archbishop Joseph Bernadin was named Archbishop of Chicago, with the Title of Prince of The Church(Cardinal). Because a Lie was submitted to The Holy See, THIS practice in the USA, is like Anglican Orders, namely NULL & VOID under Liturgical Law. It did not follow the Secret Ballot as Mandated by Pope Paul VI’s Encyclical, Memoriale Domini.

All of this started in The Netherlands, Belgium, West Germany & France, near the end of Vatican II. Supposedly, The Archbishops in those nations, couldn’t control the popular outcry for Holy Communion in The Hand. Particularly, in The Netherlands & Germany, there were cries for The Church to change Her Teaching on Birth Control.
An Indult was granted, based on Memoriale Domini.
South Africa and Canada were the 1st Two Nations, in 1970, to adopt Communion In The Hand. I wonder just how many Canadians still believe in The Real Presence, Eh(This is What I get for listening to CBC Radio One Montreal or Bob & Doug Mac Kenzie on “SCTV”, Eh).

In the Interest of “Inculturation”, supposedly “Native” Customs were added to The Mass, many of them of Pagan Origin, which led to many abuses.
The USA led off with Guitar Masses with the kind of Music, all of it so syrupy(Utter Treacle, which My Most Dear Friend puts it, just enough to cause a good many people to head to Vomitariums due to Acute Stomach Upset). This graduated to adding Drums & Bad Tambourines “From The $.99 Store”(Last Line of a Hymn Parody, called “Sing A New Song Unto Oneself”). The “Clown” & “Halloween” Masses & “Liturgical Dance” Masses, are America’s “Contribution” to “Inculturation.” Let The Vomiting Begin!

BTW, Clown & Halloween Masses as well as Liturgical Dance Masses are outlawed by Canon Law, as Sacrilegious Abuses.

Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion were originally intended to bring Holy Communion to The Sick & The Elderly & That Is All. Later it was expanded to when NOT enough Priests, Deacons & Instituted Acolytes were available. It was not intended for them to be a Veritable Armada when there are only 50 People at the 8AM Mass on Queens Boulevard. The Extraordinary Ministers, some of the Nicest People I have ever met, aren’t really needed at 8AM, nor at 12Noon when there are about 75 to 100 People. I think that this is being tolerated because The Faithful are in a hurry in the Morning and so are The Priests.

The Tridentine Latin Mass & The Divine Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom & St. Basil The Great, have absolutely NONE of these abuses. And Everybody Faces Liturgical East, as if Facing Jerusalem.

Perhaps, a very telling statement on all this rigmarole, came from an unlikely source.
In 1969, One of the 6 Protestant Minister Consultants, Taize Community Subprior Brother Max Thurian, a Minister of the Swiss Reformed Church, and based in France, remarked that “There is nothing in this Liturgy which will offend a Modernist Protestant.”

The “Reform Of The Reform” Proposed

Fast Forward to 1988, and not only did Br. Max Thurian come into the One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church, Brother Max was ordained a Roman Rite Priest, and now was a Roman Rite Catholic Theologian, quite a bit more orthodox in practice than many in Rome. And he had a number of questions about the current Novus Ordo Mass, of which he was a major consultant.
From the Orientation of The Priest to The Congregation, he remarked that “With Priest Celebrant facing the People, The Mass closes in on itself.”
He began to criticize the New Mass Setup. For you see, Father Thurian was no dummy. He had celebrated this Mass. He was also named by Josef Cardinal Ratzinger(Later Pope Benedict XVI) to the Pontifical Commission on The Sacred Liturgy.
Father Max Thurian had come a long way from the Time he was a Protestant Consultant.
“The Mass has lost its Character of Mystery.”
So Father Maximilian Thurian proposed that from the time of The Offertory to the close of The Eucharistic Canon, that the Priest & People be reoriented towards Liturgical Jerusalem(Liturgical East). He also remarked that The Priest and People appeared to be in mere dialogue with each other, instead of in Worship.
Something tells me that Father Max “Got It”, that The Mass is a Sacrifice & NOT a Memorial Meal. Cardinal Ratzinger, sadly, may have been the only One who knew what Father was talking about. The Rest of The Commission, ignored Father Thurian.
Father Thurian died in 1996, on The Feast Of The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary in Switzerland on the day before his 75th Birthday.
Because he became a Catholic Priest, Brother Roger Schutz, The Prefect of the Taize Community, considered Father Thurian to be a Traitor, for leaving the Community of Taize.
Requiscant In Pace, Father Thurian, Amen.

It was in 1969 & 1970 that the Definition of The Mass, in the General Instruction of The Roman Missal, never mentioned the word “Sacrifice.” The Mass was given the name of “The Lord’s Supper Or Mass”, which is the name that The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Apostate Thomas Cranmer, gave his version of The Mass, replete with Freestanding Table Altar. Cranmer, like Martin Luther, went with a Table instead of a High Altar, because both lost the Truth of The Mass as Sacrifice, only becoming a Memorial Meal. Luther reputed anything to do with Oblation(Sacrifice). Cranmer said it more succinctly when he remarked that “An Altar is Made For Sacrifice, While A Table is for Preparing a Meal.” Both Cranmer & Luther were once Catholic Priests With Higher Authority. So if one reads The Definition of The Mass according to the 1970 Roman Missal, one will think that the Apostate Thomas Cranmer, wrote this definition.

In “The Ottaviani Intervention”, the New Mass in its form was(& Still Is) “A Striking Departure From The Theology of The Mass.” After going to my 1st Tridentine Latin Mass in 2007, after years of The Novus Ordo, which was a bit over 42 Years without it, I realized that the Tridentine Mass is both The Real Mass & The Intelligent Choice. It was through The Tridentine Mass that I was led to experience the Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. It was at The Divine Liturgy where I recognized that One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church is Truly Universal.
According to Cardinals Ottaviani & Bacci, the New Mass would alienate the Orthodox(Especially when one of The Anaphoras, The Anaphora of St. Basil The Great, in Eucharistic Prayer #4, was butchered by a Modernist Benadictine Priest/Monk. Pope St. John Paul II was rebuffed by the Eastern Orthodox, because of The Novus Ordo Mass. Cardinals Ottaviani & Bacci hit the nail on The head with this observation.

And Pope Francis I says we must keep moving forward? To Where? Utter Oblivion?

When the Tridentine Latin Mass all but disappeared in The 1970s, the Byzantine Rite became the temporary home of many traditionalists. It is a Great thing that Blessed Paul VI said “No” to certain Latin Rite US Bishops who wanted the Eastern Catholic Churches closed so that Eastern Catholics may assimilate into the Roman Rite. I think that many Eastern Catholics would have rebelled, especially when the New Mass was promulgated. A Cantor in Holy Cross Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church despised the Guitar Music at his Mom’s Roman Rite Parish.

In regards to People presenting the Gifts of Bread & Wine to the Priests at Mass, in the name of “Active Participation”, this practice died when Religious Orders began making the Elements themselves. So WHY resurrect it?

The Offertory used to have a Sung Chant until The New Mass replaced it with an Offertory Song of the “Vomit, Barf, Puke” Modern Variety. Fortunately, at St. Agnes on East 43rd Street, a Gregorian Chant is sung by the Cantor in Latin. “Table of Plenty” by Dan Schutte would cause St. Agnes Parishioners to form a queue at the nearby Vomitarium.

The ONLY, True Participation in The Mass is To listen to The Gospel and receive The Body of Christ at Holy Communion.

As for Holy Communion under both Species in The Roman/Latin Rite, in order to cut down on the Communion In Hand Traffic, make Holy Communion to be received by Intinction. The trouble with receiving under both species is that the Ordinary Roman Rite Catholic is confused as to whether he or she received all of The Christ. In either form, one receives All of HIM, no ifs, ands or buts. Running from Communion Station to Drinking from a Common Chalice, allows potential and actual illnesses to spread.

Restore The Communion Rail in the Roman/Latin Rite. Roman Rite Catholics should kneel when receiving The Body of Christ. It is a Profound Sign of Humility & Worship. This is NOT mere bread. It Is HIM who feeds you.

Forget about Holy Communion in The Hand. By the Definition of Memoriale Domini, that permission or Indult, passed by the US Bishops, is actually invalid, due to the actions of Archbishop(Cardinal) Bernadin, counting supposed Telephone Ballots. No Good!

Like My Most Dear Friend has said to me:
“WHY are We Kowtowing To Heretics?”

And You Wonder WHY The Vatican II Church is in the Massive Mess it is in today.

<, While The “Bride Of Christ” is NOT Wounded., with this Liturgy drawn up to please such Rationalists as are Mainline Protestants who DENY The Sacrifice Of The Mass, It is Wounding The Christ Himself by Worship of Humanity, Truly a Grave Violation of The 1st Commandment.

Kyrie Elaison!


The Nervous Ordo Mess [Chaos of the Post-Conciliar Church]

24 Sep[Chaos%20of%20the%20Post-Conciliar%20Church].html

“WHY Are They Celebrating Mass In Honor of Grave Sin?”

7 Jul

My Most Dear Friend asked me the above question after Mass at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish in Forest Hills, Queens. I did crack about a “Bestiality Mass” in the R C Archdiocese of “D’OhLand”, code for the R C Archdiocese of New York. She wondered aloud about Timothy Michael “We Were Caught Off Guard” Cardinal Dolan, of whom she is NOT a Big Fan of and Neither am I, By The Way.
She asked me if I had watched Michael Voris about the brouhaha over the reported closing plans for Holy Innocents R C Church on West 37th Street. I told that I watched Voris all last week. Voris spoke of WHY are Cardinal Dolan and his Henchmen are looking to close down Parishes with Heavy Emphasis on Orthodoxy. Voris asks why two Parishes which are most noted for being “Gay Friendly”, as well as intensely disloyal to Catholic Church Teaching. These two Parishes have LGBT Groups, namely St. Francis of Assisi and St. Francis Xavier. From what Voris is saying, not only Holy Innocents but St. Michael’s in Hell’s Kitchen, may be folded into St. Francis of Assisi.
The Redoubtable Father George Rutler, who in the Mother Mary Angelica Days of E W T N, hosted a few shows, back when he was assigned to St. Agnes on East 43rd Street(Archbishop Fulton J Sheen Place) & who turned a Parish on Park Avenue and East 38th Street into a thriving centre of Orthodoxy, was sent to St. Michael’s and named Administrator of Holy Innocents. It was said by Voris that Cardinal Dolan dumped Fr Rutler there, with the intent as closing St. Michael’s and Holy Innocents, and folding them into St. Francis of Assisi.
It seems like there is no room for Orthodoxy in the R C Archdiocese of New York. And with Weak Leaders like Cardinal Dolan, The Catholic Church in The United States of America is in deep doggie doo.
A symptom is AWFUL Liturgical Music, but it is the Watering Down of enforcing Doctrine, causing this. Bad Catechises is also a sign. For 50 Years this has been going on.

Pray for the end of this . This is pretty upsetting to My Most Dear Friend.It is also rather upsetting to other Faithful Catholics as well.


This Morning, I Went “West”

7 Jul

“Versus Populum” is NOT the former name of a Sports Network, now called NBC Sports Network. It is, however, where the Priest in the Latin(Roman)Rite Liturgy of the Ordinary Form, called The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass, faces “Liturgical West”, hence, Facing the Congregation.
And so it was the case at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs at Queens Boulevard and Ascan Avenue in Forest Hills, Queens, that I was at Mass this morning. Continuing from Yesterday, I listened to this morning’s Reading of The Gospel According to St. Matthew Apostle, as Jesus Christ performed Miracles of The Curing of The Sick, such as the Woman who by Faith, touched Jesus’ Garment and was cured of her Hemorrhages and the Official, whose Daughter appeared to be Dead, but Jesus brought her back to Life.
Now in the Latin(Roman)Rite Ordinary Form Mass Calendar, it was 14th Sunday In Ordinary Time, a form only used by the Latin(Roman)Rite. In the Latin(Roman)Rite Extraordinary Form Tridentine Latin Mass, it is the 4th Sunday After Pentecost.
I prefer this Traditional Way of Time After Pentecost, Epiphany and Easter. The Anglicans and Lutherans still employ this. The 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time Gospel does not follow this path.
It is in the Latin(Roman)Rite Ordinary Form, where the Readings follow the Three Year “ABC” Cycle. The Daily Readings follow the “AB” Cycle.
Like the Byzantine Rite Catholic Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, we stand for Holy Communion. Like in the same Liturgy, the General Intercessions-Prayers of The Faithful, they are from the Byzantine Rite Catholic Tradition.
The Doxology At The End of The Our Father is also Byzantine Rite Catholic in Origin, except it is the Priest who sings this part.
West is following The East Gospel Cycle. This looks to be a Traditionalist Summer.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Theotokos, Pray For Us Sinners, Now and at The Hour of Our Death, Amen.


I Went “East” & Faced East

7 Jul

Actually, I crossed what is actually a part of the Atlantic Ocean called the East River, into a part of NYC, called “D’ohLand.”
Okay, this is a Snarky way of going into the part of New York City, namely the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York. For yes I was in Manhattan’s East Village on East 7th Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. I went to the Holy Sacrifice of The Mass in a Catholic Church.
And it was not of a Roman Catholic Archdiocese. It was of the Byzantine Rite Ukrainian Greek Catholic Eparchy of Stamford, CT. For I was at St. George Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church for the Byzantine Rite Catholic Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom. Let it be known, during this Liturgy. If you think that you are going to hear music by Marty Haugen and Company, I will only be way too glad to disappoint you. This is a Liturgy of Chant and Antiphon.
The Byzantine Rite Catholic Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom will make you aware of your sinfulness. This is a Liturgy which is NOT of “The Church of Nice.” You are crying to God for Forgiveness.
St. George Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has the only known shrine ANYWHERE in NYC to St. John Paul II. It has been up since he was Blessed Pope John Paul II. His Holiness once offered the Byzantine Rite Catholic Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom.

BTW, the Liturgy was offered in English and The Priest faces Liturgical East. This is the 4th Sunday After Pentecost, the Sunday of St. Matthew, Apostle.

In St. Matthew’s Gospel, the story of the Roman Centurion who sought out Jesus to cure his Servant. The Centurion speaks a Familiar Line which we pray at Holy Communion, which we pray in Latin at the Tridentine Latin Mass of St John XXIII.
“O Lord I Am Not Worthy That Thou Should Come Under My Roof But Only Say The Word and My Servant Shall Be Healed.”
Jesus said that Greater Faith He Had Not Seen in Israel. For this had come from a Heathen(Gentile).

We Should Have THAT Kind of Faith in Christ. Via The Eucharist He Feeds Us.

“Domine Non Sum Dignus(O Lord I Am Not Worthy)”.


For Being “Uplifted” At The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass

23 Jun

Whenever I write about The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass, I no longer think in terms of just the Latin(Roman)Rite. Having experienced the Byzantine Rite Catholic Tradition, it has caused a “Sea Change” in me.
I grew up in the Latin(Roman)Rite, going to my 1st Mass, prior to the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. But, I came to know The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass more fully via the Missale Romanum of 1962. I do remember the Saint Joseph Sunday Missal, which carried the Imprimatur of Francis J. Cardinal Spellman. I do remember Gregorian Chant. I do remember “O Jesus We Adore Thee” being sung at Mass @ Holy Communion Time.There were No Hymns of Dubious Orthodoxy. In the case of The Modernistic “Do I Not Love Me” variety, which is a form of Narcissism, Church Songs, they may as well be approved of, via The Imprimatur of Howard Cardinal Stern, whose Ecclesiastical Coat of Arms will probably read “Babba Booey.”
I like how the Byzantine Rite Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, a Sui Juris Church in Communion with the Holy See, handles Sung Liturgy. The Antiphons are sung. The Human Voice is the Instrument. No Modernistic Hymns here as it is chanted prayer.
One can say “Fuggetibowdit”, as the Hauntingly Beautiful Byzantine Chant is not spoiled by Organ. You will not hear a Folk Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite. There are no “Glad Tambourines from the 99 Cents Store.” One will be utterly Awed by the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor of The Catholic Church. He coined these phrases, “Is It Tradition, Ask No More” , & “The Road to Hell is Paved with the Skulls of Bishops.” If one remembers these phrases, one wouldn’t dare even contemplating adding any music from Marty Haugen, David Hass or Bob Hurd. I believe that you get the picture.
WHY are so many “Hymns” written in the Latin(Roman)Rite, in the form of “I, Mine, Me?” How many Hymns have us singing the Part of God, when HE is The One we are called to Worship. And how many hymns are sung, with US as the Ones to be adored?
I was at an Ordinary Form Mass, where Guitars were strummed, Tambourines from the 99 Cents Store were shaken and Kids sang an Alleged Version of “Gregorian Chant”(Perhaps Given The Imprimatur of Howard Cardinal Stern). This is when one verse is sung in Latin and one, with Rhyme, in English(Agnus Dei, Who Takes Away), in WHAT I refer to as “Gagorian Chant”, that is, one wants to walk up to the Perpetrator of this Novelty and, possibly, barf on his/her shoes, to remind him/her that this is not a form of Entertainment, but The Mass. The ONLY Thing Missing was the “Babba Booey” Chant.
So I went to the 7PM Mass at St Agnes on E 43rd Street(Archbishop Fulton J Sheen Place). There was absolutely no Novelty. This is The Parish where the Tridentine Latin Mass of 1962 finally came out of “The Catacombs”, so to speak. Even in the Ordinary Form of The Mass, one can actually kneel at the Altar Rail and receive Our Lord on the Tongue, no questions asked & as it should be. This pays Homage to The Christ Himself, who was Sacrificed on The Cross.
We are truly Uplifted by actually Worshipping God In Three Persons.
For those of you who like this Narcissist Liturgical Muzak, Where you sing of self, I pose this question while you are trying to make yourself feel good:
Can Any of You Create a Tree from NOTHING?

Domine Non Sum Dignus!

M, Eh!

Michael Voris: EWTN & USCCB May Despise You, But I Don’t

11 Jun

The USCCB is the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, they of the Latin(Roman)Rite. Collectively, this is a VERY LIBERAL Bench of Shepherds. They will take positions on Global Warming(Which, according to FOX Sports Leading Baseball Analyst, James Timothy Mc Carver, he with an Irish Sense of Humour, and taught by Irish Christian Brothers, that the man who is the actual cause of Global Warming is one Alex Rodriguez, because of his over-utilization of Steroids, and Mr Rodriguez is currently suspended, hence the weather is cooler, which may explain this past winter).

Now, in the Case of Michael Voris, whose “Real Catholic TV”, infuriated that “Hapless Bench of Bishops”, a phrase coined by one of my Favourite Bishops, Most Reverend Fabian Bruskewitz, Bishop Emeritus of The R C Diocese of Lincoln, NE, and ordained in Rome for the R C Diocese of Milwaukee, WI, I will state that when it comes to orthodoxy in Catholic Faith, I put Michael Voris in a League with St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Basil The Great and St. John Chrysostom, all four being Doctors of The Catholic Church, the 1st Two being Latin Rite and the Next Two being Antiochan/Byzantine. Of these 5, in this time and place, NONE would get a Show on E W T N, in the Post Mother Mary Angelica Form, unless it was a Non Complimentary Show about any one of the 5. Add a 6th one, Blessed Fulton J Sheen, Bishop, whose TV Shows were Broadcast on E W T N.

“Is It Tradition; Ask No More” is a saying of St John Chrysostom, an Actual Reformer of The Catholic Church Mass in the Byzantine Catholic Church World. If anything is more Traditional than that Divine Liturgy, I don’t know. All I know is if he had met this “Hapless Bench of Bishops”, it might have been Utter War. Holy Communion In The Hand? What? Considering that the Byzantine Rite Catholic and Orthodox Churches utilize Intinction, so as to receive both the Body and Blood of Christ via Communion Spoon, in the Hand is both Liturgically Impractical, as well as insanitary. It would also Insult The Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
I wonder just WHAT St John Chrysostom would think of the World Wide Web if he was here today? He might very well eschew THE CURRENT E W T N, in favour of Michael Voris and Church Michael brings much to the table. His is a True “Table of Plenty”, especially the Meat of Doctrine.

Michael Voris brought out a point about the Knights of Columbus, with their Supreme Council, kowtowing to Pro Abortion Politicians in their ranks. This is rather amazing for an Order in The Service of The Catholic Church.
A Voris Type who I personally knew, used to make signs to carry to protests. I actually remember this man actually appeared with his sign in Time Magazine. He was actually seen in a Time Magazine Ad on Television. And he was a Member of The Knights of Columbus, in a Queens Neighborhood called East Glendale. I do recall that in 1992, the Knights of Columbus International Supreme Council Convention was at the Marriot in Times Square, Manhattan, hence a Subway Ride away. My friend and I actually saw Blessed Mother Teresa in person, as well as witnessing the various Supreme Council Officials, including the Supreme Council Chaplain, The Most Reverend Thomas Vose Daily, who also was Bishop of The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, located across the East River from Manhattan.
My friend, known as Jim Crockett, held up some signs. He was later approached by Bishop Daily, whose immortal words ring in my ears today. The words “You Should be Ashamed of Yourself” were told to Jim Crockett. Jim, in a snide, humorous way, said to Bishop Daily, “Oh, I am.”
Several years later, Bishop Daily actually declared St. Patrick’s Day, a meatless Day of Penance on the day of The Parade for Roman Catholics of the R C Diocese of Brooklyn. I wondered why he did this. It was a foretaste of things to come from 220 Miles away. For you see, the Priestly Homosexual Scandals of The R C Archdiocese of Boston, were to become Public Knowledge. And Bishop Daily, prior to his time as Bishop of Brooklyn, as well as Bishop of West Palm Beach, FL, had been Vicar General of The R C Archdiocese of Boston.  Bishop Daily, I believe, was having the People of The R C Diocese of Brooklyn, do Penance for his numerous sins of Complicity in the Massive Coverup in Boston. His words to Jim Crockett, backfired in his face.
Jim Crockett, you see, is the Michael Voris of his time.

There were Two of us who were Senior Investigators in the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs, who doubled as Experts on the Laws of Vendors. Both of Us paid the Penalty for Failing to “Go With The Status Quo Flow.” You wonder WHY.
Now, by bringing in a System which actually brings in Fine Revenue instead of Sheer #s of Worthless Summonses, this put the “Status Quo Flow” Crowd on the Defensive. But, that Crowd was afraid of their system of Massive Failure being exposed to The World. Anytime either of us wrote a Summons, someone was actually convicted of The Offense. This sent the “Go With The Flow Crowd”into a rage. Both of us also knew the New York State Criminal Procedure Law Statute that a New York City Special Patrolman, under SE 2.10, Line 27, is a Peace Officer. New York City Administrative Code SE 14-106(e), backs this up. But the “Go With The Flow Crowd”, even knowing just how much lying they do, outnumber those who actually do the job properly, by 20 to 1.
Al Padilla was hoisted up by the “Go With The Flow Crowd”, only to be “Tossed Under the Proverbial Bus”, by this “Go With The Flow Crowd.” Al became gravely ill and died.
I went through with all this, lecturing NYPD Officers in the Station Houses. But, one time in the 19th Precinct, I gave the training, but then I was overruled by a Member of The “Go With The Flow Crowd.” The Summonses were tossed out in Court, because none of this followed the actual, proper procedure. That Boss told me that I had to be overridden because numbers on a page were more important than accuracy. “The Go With The Flow Crowd”, downtown, praised this a–h-l-, because of the Override, so no one would notice their criminal activity, due to their expertise in Falsifying Official Business Records. I protested this with intensity, saying “I teach Victory. I don’t play this game.”
I was later sent on Psychological Leave after speaking what is truth. This “Go With The Flow Crowd” play like they were trained in the Old Soviet Union.
Both of Us were given the “Michael Voris Treatment”, by their Version of “The Church of Nice”, in that these Mutts don’t like Controversy. In short, they hate the Truth. And since Truth hurts, shooting the messengers is their procedure.

As for Archbishop Fulton J Sheen-He was the Inspiration for Michael Voris. He told it as it was, no ifs ands or buts.

Yes, Michael Voris, The “Church of Nice” & The US Conference of Catholic Bishops may Hate You, but I Don’t. Neither does My Most Dear Friend, who got me into watching your shows.

M, Eh!

The Eastern Orthodox Churches & Catholic Unity

6 Jun

The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, The Bride of Christ, is diverse in Her Unity in Her 22 Sui Juris Churches, both Eastern and Western.
The Eastern Catholic Churches are Orthodox by Tradition, but So Fully Catholic in Doctrine and Belief. They have different Disciplines, but believe the Same Doctrines as Western, Latin(Roman)Rite Church. Both the Eastern Churches and Latin Rite Catholic Churches have 7 Valid Sacraments and Holy Orders. The Priesthood is Valid.
But, there are Churches from the Line of The Apostles which are Not in Communion with the Holy See, called the Eastern Orthodox Churches. And, trust me on this one, there are a number of Doctrinal Differences which keep the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church from truly being United.
The Autocephelus(Self Governing)Eastern Orthodox Churches have no actual Vicar of Christ like that of One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, though they do rule by Holy Synods. They have an Ecumenical Patriarch based in Constantinople(Present Day Istanbul, Turkey), who is only 1st Among Equals, which means he has all the power of The Queen of England(None). Think of him in terms of a Referee in the National Football League and you get the Picture.
These are the Doctrinal Differences which keep the Eastern Orthodox Churches and the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, pretty far apart:
Original Sin-The Catholic Church teaches that from the Time when Adam and Eve, the Sin of The First Parents is passed down to each person born. This is removed by The Sacrament of Baptism and Sanctifying Grace ensues. But, the Eastern Orthodox belief is that Original Sin did not pass beyond Adam and Eve and that Baptism is only performed as a Sacrament of Divine Grace, due to the consequences of Original Sin, though they preach that one was never born with the Sin. If it is confusing like some explanation of Practice at Vatican II, it most certainly is;
Purification After Death(Purgatory) is actually the Teaching of The Christ, when He said “Until Thou Hast Paid the Last Penny.”
The Eastern Orthodox Churches teach that Souls actually undergo Purification in Hades, the Place of all the Dead. Hades has both Purgatory and Hell of The Damned.
The above comes from the Old Testament. 
Catholic Church is No Divorce
Eastern Orthodoxy allows 3 Divorces and 3 Marriages.
Filioque(Double Procession of The Holy Spirit From the Father and The Son). Dogma in the Catholic Church. Denied by the Orthodox. Based on the Nicene Creed, originally written in Greek. Over this, the East West Schism occurred. The Orthodox teach that the Holy Spirit only proceeds from The Father. The Filioque is from the Catholic Church. Then why did Christ promise the Apostles the Holy Spirit when Jesus went Home to His Father in Heaven?
Immaculate Conception of Mary:
Dogmatic Belief of The Catholic Church. The Eastern Orthodox teach that since Mary, also called Theotokos(Christ Bearer), was Purified at the Annunciation, this Dogma is unnecessary, because no one actually has Original Sin beyond Adam and Eve.
One True Church;
The Eastern Orthodox claim this title, but how can this be done when Divorce is part of The Package. Jesus says “Divorce Not At All.” The Teaching on Original Sin is, as we used to say in Brooklyn, NY, a “Doozy.”

Sacrament of Holy Orders:
Both have a Male Only Priesthood & Male Bishops, but in The Churches of the Patriarchate of Moscow, Females may be ordained to the Permanent Diaconate(Russian Orthodox Church and Japanese Orthodox Church). Also, certain Greek Orthodox Churches do this as well & follow the Byzantine Rite Ordination Ceremony for Deacons.
As for this in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, NO.

As My Most Dear Friend once said to me one morning, “Just take a look at Russia and Greece, as to how both are so (@! :-)#&$ :-))up they are.” She, being a Convert to The Real, One, True Church Which Christ Himself Established, has spoken well.
I wonder just what St. John Chrysostom would say today?

St. John Chrysostom would never get s Show on E W T N, like the Dissident Orthodox would. He was the “Michael Voris” of his time. The ONLY Thing that Michael Voris would get on E W T N, is Blasted to Smithereens.

Kyrie Elaison!
M, Eh!

Since Going To Byzantine Rite Ukrainian Greek Catholic For Divine Liturgy

1 Jun

I now see the Eastern Catholic Elements which make up part of the Ordinary Form of The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass in the Latin(Roman)Rite. Let’s just say that in the case of The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom and St Basil The Great, no Music written by Marty Haugen, David Haas, or “Hymns” like “Anthem” are ever played in the Byzantine Rite Catholic or Orthodox Churches.
But the “General Intercession-Prayers of The Faithful” are Catholic, as in Byzantine Rite, not Latin(Roman)Rite in origin. In the early going of the Ordinary Form, derisively called the Novus Ordo Mass, or simply the NO, the response was “Lord Hear Our Prayer”or “Lord Have Mercy.” Since I began in November of 2013, of going to the Byzantine Rite Catholic Divine

Liturgy of St John Chrysostom

, I usually sing “Lord Have Mercy”(Kyrie Elaison) at the end of each antiphon of supplication. In the Ordinary Form Mass, it is “Lord Hear Our Prayer”(Deus Exaudinos). But, in the Year 1969, we often ended with the Kyrie as Response in the Vernacular.
On Ascension Thursday, including the Wednesday Evening Vigil Mass at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Roman Catholic Church in Forest Hills, Queens, it was during the General Intercession-Prayer of The Faithful, when I heard a Familiar Antiphon being sung. It was the last one offered. It went like this:
“For Favorable Weather and an Abundance of Crops”, are the only words I remember, but I knew those words, for they are incorporated into The Byzantine Rite Catholic Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom and St Basil Martyr. After singing the “Deus Exaudinos”, in English, I softly said in English the “Kyrie Elaison.”
Standing instead of Kneeling for Holy Communion is a Byzantine Practice.
The one thing which gets Catholics of the Latin(Roman)Rite all worked up is The Doxology at The Lord’s Prayer. Now the Protestants end the Our Father with “For The Kingdom, The Power & The Glory Are Yours, Forever, as continuing from “But Deliver Us From Evil”(Sed Libera Nos A Malo). So it was added to The Lord’s Prayer in what Protestants call The King James Bible or “The Authorized Version.”
But, the Byzantine Rite Catholic Church has it as Doxology. For after The Our Father(Pater Noster), a prayer is offered by the Priest, and then he chants the Doxology. In the Latin(Roman)Rite, the Congregation sings or recites the Doxology at the end.
So, what was thought in this case to be Protestant, is truly Catholic, but from another Rite of The Catholic Church. For the Doxology regarding Pater Noster, came from a New Testament Codex used by St. John Chrysostom, who was Patriarch of Constantinople.
The Readings of Epistle, Gradual and Gospel are Extraordinary Form Tridentine Latin Mass. There is an extra reading at the end of The Mass, called The Last Gospel, the Story of The Incarnation, which is done in Latin, except on Palm Sunday or Second Sunday of The Passion of The Lord.
But in the Ordinary Form Mass, The Readings are Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament Epistle, Chant and Gospel. So there are three readings, but this comes from Lutheran Anglican Practice.
Holy Communion in both forms is from the Byzantine Rite, which uses Intinction. Some Latin(Roman)Rite Churches use Intinction, while in others, one goes to two different Communion Ministers.
The Cantor and Lector are from Byzantine Rite Catholic and Orthodox Practice.
So it shall be said that the Ordinary Form Mass had Catholic Elements stripped but they actually went Eastward. So this Mass is Catholic. So don’t lose sleep over it.

M, Eh!