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Reports From Mill Basin(GMV Screws Up)

6 Feb

The Supposed “Star Wars” Version of The Novus Ordo Mass, was actually just a simple “Family Mass”, offered in the Mill Basin Section of The Borough of Brooklyn at St. Bernard of Clairveux, where Msgr Jamie Gigantiello is Pastor.
From Info supplied from Mill Basin, next door to Marine Park, an area which uses the Flatbush Street System, as in East 69th Street, close to Flatbush Avenue, located near the Kings Plaza Shopping Centre, This “Star Wars Mass”, was not the actual Liturgy itself, but a Themed Party afterwards.
However, NO ONE, But the Priest(s), Deacon(s), Acolytes, Lectors & Servers should be in The Sanctuary, where The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass occurs. This is Sacred Territory. I believe that Liturgical Law covers this.
A Warning by Bishop Di Marzio is in order here, as well as better writing of Celebration Posters.

Deacon Greg Kandra, in the comboxes of The Lepanto Institute, advised people to not jump to conclusions, ONLY to have the OMNIPOTENT(At Least He Thinks He Is)Host & Lead Producer of, Michael Voris, whose style is that of a Reality TV Talk Show Host(Think Jerry Springer, who grew up about a half mile from where I am in Queens), & often, Historically Inaccurate. He may be “The Modern Howard Beale”, if one remembers that oh so Prophetic Movie “Network.” Voris told Kandra that Kandra was wrong “As Usual.”
Just Like Voris’ Top 20 Worst Churchmen of The 20th Century, where one of The Worst wasn’t even a Bishop at any time in that Century, but only his personal favorite Target in this Century. I believe that you know who that Prince Of The Church is.

Dr John Rao is Right. Perhaps the Host of “The Vortex”, like other “Neo Catholics”, should get an honest job like “A Carnival Barker.”


“The Blasphemous Sacrilege Of A Novus Ordo Mess In Brooklyn”

31 Jan

In the Parish where a Mr Jimmy Kimmel was Christened, namely St. Bernard Of Clarveux in the Mill Basin Section of Brooklyn, what I believe to be a Most Sacreligious Act is to occur on this Sunday, January 31st, 2016 @ 11:30AM EST.
The “Star Wars Mess” has arrived in Mill Basin, Brooklyn, of all Places. I might have expected this in Park Slope, Brooklyn or Jackson Heights, in Queens, home of People who may be covered under the 2014 Synod Of Bishops(Synod of Doom as Mr Ferrara puts it). But Mill Basin, next to Marine Park? WHAT?


For I was at The Tridentine Latin Mass at St. Agnes on E43rd Street between Lexington Avenue and 3rd Avenue in Midtown Manhattan. As Mass on Sextagesima Sunday began, as a Preparation for Lent as the Easter Cycle began last Sunday with Septuagesima Sunday, Tears streamed out of my eyes while thinking about The Blasphemous Sacrilege Of The Novus Ordo Mess In Brooklyn.


Above is the Beautiful Altar of St. Agnes on E43rd Street. Here we kneel for Holy Communion & receive The Body Of Christ on the Tongue. The Only Ministers Of Holy Communion are Priests and Deacons.
While it may not be the High Altar of Holy Innocents on W37th Street between Broadway and 7th Avenue, this Parish was the Original Indult Tridentine Latin Mass Parish in the RC Archdiocese of New York. It is also known as the Parish where “Life Is Worth Living”, Hosted by Venerable Archbishop Fulton J Sheen, often originated from. Also, certain EWTN Programming with Fr George Rutler, originated from St. Agnes. Mum was baptised here in 1921. Noted History Professor & Remnant Writer, Dr. John Rao & The President of The Latin Mass Society Of New York, Mr David Lane, were at the Tridentine Latin Mass at St. Agnes. They were duly Notified of The Blaphemous Mess in Brooklyn.

Msgr Jamie Gigantiello, who is both the Brooklyn Diocesan Vicar For Development & Pastor of St. Bernard’s in Mill Basin, Brooklyn, reportedly will “Preside” at this “Mess.”

Like what kind of Attention are you looking for, Msgr? Louie Verrecchio’s was not kindly in the least about this. Meanwhile, you are getting “Ripped a New One” by Michael Voris & his Trusty Band of “Cub Reporters”, who operate from the “Warehouse In Detroit”, aka “” Just ask Cardinal Dolan just how many times Voris has “Ripped him a New One.”

In fact, Msgr, you should try something RADICAL at the next Family Mass. Like try something TRADITIONAL. The crowds will come. Large Families will come to that Mass.
It is called The Tridentine Latin Mass. And People, for once will be fed “Bread Instead Of Stones.”

Kyrie Elaison!
Vivat Christus Rex!


Replay Byzantine Rite Melkite Greek Catholic Divine Liturgy Sunday Of The Forefathers

29 Dec

Kyrie Elaison


25 Jul

It was in the World of The Civil Service that the word “Flexible” often comes to mind. It means one is open to suggestion. But, more often than not, that person who is open to suggestion is someone who is open to that suggestion, often for fear that a “Dirty Little Secret” will become public, at least within his or her agency.
Many an Agency or Corporate Head, look for these people, not because of any particular skill, but because they may be useful idiot types, especially if they have Useful Connections. They get more out of these people because of their naivete. If the Boss is crooked, these Useful Idiots serve a purpose.

Where Blackmail Comes Into The Picture:
The Biggest Form of Blackmail is usually of a Sexual Nature. It is insidious, as Innocent People are deprived of Advancement because of Sexual Sins of assorted miscreants. Imagine finding out that your promotion was cancelled due to some dude and a couple of his friends who couldn’t control their sexual wants with a woman who was both loose, morally & psychotic at the same time and you’re receiving this news in a state of Serious Exhaustion. Trust me, it is as much fun as a beer truck rolling over one of your feet. And the Jokers running the coverup, tell you that the beer truck rolling over your foot wasn’t that bad because it was “Lite Beer.”

But I knew a Useless Fellow who was being Blackmailed because of Chronic Self Stimulation With An Obsession with Blonde Haired Women. He went as far as to use an Agency Computer to find out where she lived. He, upon spotting the woman, went up to the Porcelain Palace for a period of Chronic Self Stimulation.
People Of Higher Rank knew this & gave this person higher authority, if only because of the Blackmail Potential into carrying out some plan. The Guy is also a Known “Suck Up”, who could utter something like “Your Flatulence is Parfum For My Probiscus, Sir.”
I once got this guy to stand down from a situation where the Operator of a Street Fair, who was Politically Connected to a Federal Judge, amongst other Brooklyn Democratic Party Operatives, was threatening to start a Riot if Enforcement Actions against the Street Fair were to be taken. The Fair was only 2.5 Blocks in length. This was in June of 1995.

The Agency in question, sent her Investigators for New York State Peace Officer Training and Certification. It was a good thing to do because of various duties which may entail potential dangers to life and limb, in executing those duties. But, there were certain people who were what one calls “Desk Jockeys”, who liked staying in the office, kibbitzing about the world & other people, who thought the world about Peace Officer Status being nothing more than a permission to issue a Civil Summons, which doesn’t require this certification, and, following the tradition of other assorted Suck Ups, who were advanced in rank because they are so “Flexible” in their Train of Thought, that they perpetuate a Lie about the Peace Officer Status, with the Intention of having it revoked.
These “Flexible” Ones believe that their Status Quo is the ONLY Truth. They tell their Lie so often that they expect people to “Believe in The Lie”, despite what “The Law” says otherwise. They define “Good” as “Evil” and Vice Versa. They are open to other opinions, Only when someone above them, “Has The Goods On Them.”

As the Senior Investigator on a Special Report on NY1, a Time Warner Cable TV News Channel, I explained the various procedures
in Enforcement of Various Statutes in regards to Street Vendors. I also explained that the Members of that Enforcement Service hold Peace Officer Status under both the New York City Administrative Code as New York City Special Patrolmen(AC 14-106e)and backed up with New York State Criminal Procedure Law 2.10, Paragraph 27.
While this Truthful Explanation gave me several accolades from Colleagues and Brother Knights Of Columbus, it did not sit well with the “Flexible Ones”. Their Lie had been exposed. And I was now a Target of “The Voodoo They Do So Well.”

A Person With Expertise is Dangerous to those who are “Flexibles.” Flexibles are Professional Soothsayers, who Suck Up, but don’t have any true expertise, except in being Utter “Yes Men”. The One Who Knows The Law is disregarded in favor of some Slacker, who goes along with everything, though the Plan is a Failure with no good results. Piles of statistics take the place of good results of problems being solved. Flexibles hide problems with reems of Stats.

West 40th Street, 6th Avenue To 7th Avenue, Confines of Midtown South Precinct, April, 1996, A Saturday Tour:
On this street, an Asian Junk Store was selling Counterfeit Goods such as Prada Milan Handbags made in New York’s Chinatown.
This is a Felony at $1000 and Above and a Class A Misdemeanor below $1000. This called for an arrest to be made and the the people from a firm which specializes in Counterfeit Goods Investigation and Identification.
The Arrest was changed to a Civil Summons by the Sycophant Superior, caught 7 Times in Agency Restrooms for Chronic Self Stimulation, under the Guise of “Time Management & Teamwork.”
The Civil Summons was issued and dismissed in Court. As it turned out, the Useless Superior was operating in concert with two other people who wanted Peace Officer Status to be revoked. The Suck Up sought Favors. He told me that he received much praise for this. For a “Canary” told me that this guy, through his parents, has access to the Commissioner’s Office, where he would drop names of people who cannot be trusted. And my name had come up as one who cannot be trusted.
The Suck Up said to me that I had better conform to “The New Teamwork”, which is the Same Old, Failed System of Empty Statistics and obey orders without question, as it keeps people from looking into their Stats Padding Activities. “It Protects The Team Way.”
This Team operates using coercion. But they have been proved wrong numerous times. But, running behind the back of a Target, not allowing the Target any defense is part of protecting an Utterly Corrupt System.
The Team will resort to the use of Physical Violence through a Cooperating 3rd Party. This occurred in 1996 on the Brooklyn Waterfront in the same set of streets as 1995, when as Senior Investigator, I got this Boss out of hot water.
But now, I was assaulted by The Street Fair Operator after those who received Civil Summonses, wanted their $300 “Protection Payment” returned. The Operator sent two of his cousins to put me in a choke hold, so the Operator could stomp on the soft tissue above my left foot. That did not tickle. But I did get free from the two cousins and, identifying myself as a Peace Officer, I put handcuffs on the wrists of the Operator of the Street Fair, which was 8 Times larger than in 1995. This occurred on Saturday, June 15th, 1996. A younger rookie colleague ran to get the Boss. The Boss arrived. He grabbed my handcuff keys and let the Operator/Prisoner go, sucking up to this miscreant for about 20 Minutes. Then, this boss wanted me to go to the Hospital & sign a statement, agreeing with my assailant, who would dictate what I would write down in regards to how I was injured.
I told that Boss off & said that I am not going along with something which would land me in jail. This Boss, who spews Anti Jewish Venom, told me that he had nothing to do with letting the Miscreant go, it was as he put it, the “F—ing Jews.”
The Suck Up told me that I was to tell no one that I was assaulted in the Line of Duty so he can make his “Special Report” to those who want his Dubious Information on what occurred in order that there be no conflict of information. He claimed that he received High Praise from those above him.

I told my story, anyway. I wanted to get the story out there about this “Cowardly P. O. S.”, who runs to Politically Connected “Mommy & Daddy”, who suffers from “Chronic Self Stimulation”, as well as “Self Delusion”, who, with a couple of other “Highly Placed Suck Ups”, through all their machinations, decided to perpetuate the “Big Time Lie” that they are “Flexible.”
But they are stuck in a Belief that they have the Only Answers to effectively doing their jobs. They operate from Naturalism, in that they “Worship Their Creator”, namely “Themselves.”
In short, many of these Suck Ups are Freemasons, from whence they receive “Protected Status.”

Can Any Of Them “Create A Tree Out of NOTHING?”
No, but like a “Seinfeld” Episode, they are all “About Nothing.”

Kyrie Elaison!


Never Watched NetNY Until Lollipop

20 Jul

NetNY carried live coverage of Two New Bishops in the Brooklyn Diocesan Cathedral. I was watching the tail end of The Coverage.
I couldn’t watch it on the 1st Android Phone(4.0.4 on Ice Cream Sandwich). But it was viewed with the much better Android Phone via Wi Fi and Android 5.0.2(Lollipop).
His Eminence, Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan was in Brooklyn.

Congratulations to the Most Reverend James Massa. I remember when he offered the Tridentine Latin Mass at St. John’s Cemetery Chapel over a Year Ago. I also remember him hearing confessions a couple of years ago at Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs in Forest Hills.
NetNY TV’s Stream can be watched “On The Mobile”(With Nod to Peter Mansbridge for those words).

Deo Gratias


Plans For LIVE HD Documentary Program

13 Jul

The Title is “Charity Was Here.”
“Charity Was Here” shows 4 Catholic Elementary Schools, with 3 in Queens and 1 in Brooklyn, though the Brooklyn School is about 300 Feet away from the Brooklyn Queens Border.
These 4 Schools have One Order of Nuns in Common, Namely the Sisters Of Charity of St. Vincent De Paul Halifax, NS, Canada.
And it is at these locations that will be focused upon.

The Video Sharing Service will be Veetle on the “aroamingcatholicny” Channel. I am using either of those services because Video Viewers on this service tend to be serious minded people and this service will be live on the web. And High Definition Video actually looks like HD and not like something posted to You Tube to be ignored in favor of both Sensationalism and The Utterly Silly.

It will be 5 Parts and Live and may run awhile.

Frankly, Vatican II had a major effect on the Catholic Faith and The Catholic Schools themselves. The Schools lost the Nuns and Brothers. At least two of the Schools are still Catholic Parish Schools. One is now leased as a high school for Special Needs Children, while one is abandoned(The One In Brooklyn).

It will all be covered here.

In this era of having HD Video Cameras which can fit In one’s pocket, it makes for a Nice, Low Budget Project.


“Today’s Vortex: Gay Knights and Damned Bishops”(Commentary)

5 Jun

It is a Pretty Good Episode of “The Vortex”, more objective than most.

But, as a Past Grand Knight of a Knights Of Columbus Council in the NYC Borough of Queens, the following are NOT Knights Of Columbus Official Titles:
Grand Marshall and Grand Master.

Grand Knight is the Highest Office on a Council Level. The Fourth Degree Assembly Highest Officer is The Faithful Navigator.

An Allied Order, The Order of The Alhambra, founded at Columbus Council 126, when it owned a Huge Building at Union Street and Prospect Park West in the Park Slope Section of the Borough of Brooklyn, has units like K of C Councils called Caravans. The Highest Official of the Caravan is called Grand Master.
In the Free and Accepted Masons, the Highest Official of The Lodge is the Worshipful Master. In a State or National Grand Lodge, the Highest Official is also called Grand Master.

As for Gary Michael Voris’ Personal Obsession with Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, The Title of Grand Marshall also does not exist in the Knights Of Columbus. That is usually a Title of Someone given an honor to lead a Parade, like the Recent Saint Patrick’s Day Parade on 5th Avenue, that Honor having gone to Cardinal Dolan, despite a Gay Corporate Group being allowed to march, which was a decision made by the NYC Saint Patrick’s Day Parade Committee. Of Course, His Eminence should have protested this decision, rather loudly(Bruce Jenner is waiting in the wings along with Ellen DeGeneres and Neil Patrick Harris for their turn as Grand Marshall; I can’t help being a Snarky Guy).

Methinks Chris Ferrara is Right, as Mr. Voris should venture out of “The Warehouse In Detroit”, where he would learn a lot about his Subject.

This Report could have been better with more knowledge of the titles of the Knights Of Columbus. But it was pretty good. Gays in violation of Church Teachings have no place in the Knights Of Columbus. And the ” Marriage” of that Grand Knight to his Gay Lover is not a Marriage at all. Marriage is for a Man and Woman, mostly for the Procreative Aspect. Essentially, this is an Excommunitative Offence against The Church, if this is a “Marriage” of Persons of The Same Sex, which The Catholic Church teaches, is NO Marriage At All.

As for Bishops, my advice to them is to follow Catholic Doctrine and NOT Cardinal Kasper, a Manifest Heretic. You don’t want to be spending time in a Place where it is Hotter than Miami at 12 Noon in July, with No Exit Whatsoever. And I mean ALL Catholic Bishops, PERIOD, even if Mr Voris has a severe tendency to exempt the Highest Bishop of All.

Kyrie Elaison


Posted from WordPress for Android

“Mass Of Prayer, Mass Of Noise”

13 May

In One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church, one gets the Impression, that there is only one Rite, and that is the Roman|Latin Rite. It is the Largest of The Rites and can be found anywhere in the World.
This is True. There is a Liturgy called The Mass. And it is offered “Versus Populum”, that is, with the Priest facing the Congregation.
This is How PROTESTANTS offer their Liturgies.
The current Mass, called ” Missa Paulum VI “, is the Modern Version of Mass. Mass comes from the Latin word Missa, which means Mission. ” ITE Missa Est” is Latin for “Go Forth, Thou Art Dismissed.” Actually, Mass does not end until the Priest leaves the Sanctuary. Then it is truly finished.

The Modern Version of the Mass is not a Contemplative Mass. It misconstrues “Actual Participation”, confusing it with
” Active Participation.”  It is one that requires Noise, often in the form of some kind of Dialogue. It stresses less of The Mystery of The Eucharistic Sacrifice of Christ and more on Verbiage and The Active Participation of Laity in Liturgical Function, with the Priest as Master of Ceremonies, instead of his true role of acting “In Persona Christi” in offering to God The Father of The Sacrifice of The Son, Jesu Christe, called apart from the Congregation, through the Sacrament of Holy Orders(And Several Years of Careful Preparation in Seminary, leading to Ordination), as “Alter Christus” or “Another Christ.”
In the Sacrosanctum Concilium, a major document on the Sacred Liturgy, with Primary and Secondary Elements, written with Ambiguous Language as to make Secondary, equal to Primary, in justifying some new action, a “Conniving Barrister Type”, namely the Benedictine Arch Abbot called Rembert Weakland, he being from The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania where he was born and reared, the American Modernist Contribution of Liturgical Music of Self Edification, in the form of Dionisian Music(based on the Greek god of ecstasy), comes under the part emphasizing Gregorian Chant, through the words “Or Some Other Suitable Music”(This is the part which Gary Michael Voris never took time to read).
Weakland and Company, during the time when the Tridentine Mass was vernacularized, including the deliberate mistranslation of ” Pro Multis ” to “All” instead of “Many”, found a loophole in the Gregorian Paragraph, in order to hoist this on America(And Eventually The World). This was 1st tried at an All Boys Catholic High School in Latrobe, PA, more often associated with the Famous Beer seen in the Academy Award Winning Film, ” The Deer Hunter”, called “Rolling Rock.” It was in “The Deer Hunter”, where I actually saw a Byzantine Rite Slavic Wedding Ceremony Scene.

One could see from the 1st Offering of The New Mass, dubbed ” Novus Ordo ” by Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, in what is called “The Ottaviani Intervention” that the emphasis is on Man, not God.
While the so called Sacred Music is supposedly derived from the Book of Psalms, it is written with Emphasis on Man.
And much of the Music speaks not of Catholic Doctrine but of the “False Ecumenism”, so prevalent in The Era of Vatican II and Beyond. I shall speak of Two Eucharistic Hymns, played at Holy Communion Time at Mass.
Last Year, at The Feast of The Ascension, at the 7:00PM Vigil Mass at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs in Forest Hills, Queens, in the R C Diocese of Brooklyn, the Communion Hymn was a Classical Hymn which reflected the Eucharistic Theology of The Mass and was often sung at Holy Communion Time.
It was sung with Gusto by the Congregation. Following is The Refrain:
” O Sacrament Most Holy,
O Sacrament Divine,
All Praise and All Thanksgiving,
Be Every Moment Thine.”
Young People sang it along with Older People. This truly spoke volumes that what is Traditional and Beautiful, is Cherished and will be sung.
This Hymn speaks of The Mass as Sacrifice of The Christ at Calvary.

By The Feast of The Assumption(Mary Rising To Heaven), after intensely beautiful Marian Music, the Mass as Sacrifice took a wrong turn at Holy Communion Time, with “Mass as Meal” Theology taking over. If ever there was a Treacly Hymn, written to emphasise that Holy Communion is only a Spiritual Eating in Memory of Jesus Christ, then that Hymn is “Gift Of Finest Wheat.” It is Ecumenical, NOT Catholic and emphasizes a Memorial Meal instead of Sacrifice, which explains the Novus Ordo Mass quite well.
I recall My Most Dear Friend, who upon hearing “Gift Of Finest Wheat”, recoiled with both Rage and Horror, and knelt down in prayer. While it praises The Lord for His Gift, it does not emphasise His Sacrifice. The Hymn is sung by Protestants as well as Catholics, because it emphasizes a Memorial Meal.
And I do remember a Text Message which she sent me, which read “I heard this hymn at Mass on Sunday. I HATE ‘GIFT OF FINEST WHEAT.’ It is treacle and does not draw in.”
To think that “G o F W” actually won a contest to be the Official Hymn of the 41st International Eucharistic Congress, held in Philadelphia in August, 1976, tells me a lot about the Modernism of Post Vatican II, as an Age of False Ecumenism and an Age of Mere Self. From Glory to Gooey, it is a “Mass” ive Mess.

She once sent me a series of Liturgical Songs called “Bread Songs” while asking about whatever happened to “Mass As Sacrifice.”
All of it was Horizontal in substance. None of it was Vertical in substance. She was discovering the World of the Novus Ordo Version of The Roman Rite.
She is a Convert. She is somewhat enraged over “Novus Ordo Land” (A Name Coined by Christopher A. Ferrara, J. D.), where Homilies are too worldly(She was furious about a Homily, centred around Comedian Robin Williams).
Her Original Church is Greek Orthodox, where the Sacraments and Holy Orders are valid.
She utterly DESPISES “Bread Songs” for not being of Transcendant Quality. I cannot blame her, as much of this alleged Liturgical “Music” is so “Humanity Centred”, as cheap filler, that it distracts from Worship of The Triune Godhead.
That a song like ” Gift Of Finest Wheat”, Treacly in Tone, Music which would cause Eastern Catholics to either laugh themselves silly or head to the nearest “Vomitarium”, talks about ” Finest Wheat”, rather than The Body of Christ, has helped turn The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass into a Camp Singalong. Not only that but the music often contradicts the Theology of The Mass. There is more to Catholic Church Worship than the Novus Ordo Mass, a Liturgy with very little consistency.
One of the problems of the Ordinary Form Mass is the question of “Participation.”
I was in 2nd Grade at a Catholic School in Brooklyn when our classes were taught how to read Latin, as well as the Kyrie, which was our 1st Exposure to Greek. Thank goodness for Phonics which made reading words much simpler. But our 1st Exposure to another  language was Latin.
I do remember the Latin Mass from the 1960s. There was much Silence. So when I went to the Tridentine Latin Mass in January, 2007 for the 1st Time since November of 1964(Over 42 Years), I still remembered just enough to get by without a Missal.
It has been said that there wasn’t any real participation in The Mass. But there is True Participation in that Mass. It is NOT about singing Horrid Little Ditties like “Table Of Plenty”(A Dan Schutte Contribution to Circular Filing Systems most often called Trash) at The Offertory. In reality we prayed the Prayers at The Foot of The Altar, the Second Confiteor, Gloria In Excelsis Deo,  and the Nicene Creed. We listened to Epistle, Graduale Romanum, Alleluia and Gospel. We said the Responses to the Preface to The Roman Canon. We then prayed the Sanctus.
We Gazed upon The Body & Blood of Christ & prayed Silently. The Priest prayed these prayers inaudibly, but one could hear something.
The Priest prayed the Our Father, so we responded with Sed Libera Nos A Malo(But Deliver Us From Evil). Our Communion Prayer was the ” Domine Non Sum Dignus “(O Lord I Am Not Worthy).
We went to Holy Communion and Knelt at a Holy Communion Rail, separating the Sanctuary from the Nave. The Priest made the Sign of The Cross with the Sacred Host & said a short prayer with No Response by us. We were not allowed to chew it, for that Host is The Body of Christ. A Paten was put under the chin to prevent the Host from falling to the ground, as well as to keep the Sacred Host Particles from falling to the ground to be trampled underfoot.
There were announcements from the Pulpit. Then the Closing Prayers & Last Gospel. This is a Mass without singing. It was the same in 1962, as it is now.
The Missa Cantata is The Sung Version of The Mass. You follow the Schola and sing your parts.
Of course if you are going to the Novus Ordo, St. Agnes on East 43rd Street has Gregorian Chant and Incense. Many prayers are said or sung in Latin. It is a Rare Find and is in Midtown, Manhattan by Grand Central Terminal. They still have a Great Tridentine Latin Mass.
Over on West 37th Street is Holy Innocents, Home to the Only 7 Days a Week Latin Mass.

What many Roman Rite Catholics don’t realize is that there are 22 Eastern Catholic Churches in Union with The Holy See.
I find myself in Awe of the Byzantine Rite with the Awe Inspiring Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom(Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of The Church).There are no Organists in these parishes. The Human Voice is the Musical Instrument. The Cantor will take you along. Choirs also abound. Byzantine Chant is a Truly Divine Experience. Tridentine Latin Mass Catholics often go to this Liturgy.
The Ukrainians, Ruthenians, Romanians and Russians have incredible Divine Liturgies along with the Melkites(Arab and Greek).
The Antiochian Rite Maronite Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of Lebanon is in Brooklyn Heights on Remsen Street by Henry Street. The Divine Liturgy of St. James The Apostle, the Root Liturgy of The Divine Liturgies of both St. Basil The Great(Bishop, Confessor, Martyr, Doctor of The Church)&St. John Chrysostom, are descended from this Liturgy, called in Arabic the Holy Qurbano.
They actually have a Ceremonial Sign of Peace, where after the Kiss of Peace by the Priest to the Deacon, the Altar Servers are sent to shake the hands of the 1st Person in a Pew, who then passes his sign of Peace to the person beside him or her.
In Brooklyn’s Sunset Park, there is even a Coptic Catholic Church of the Alexandrian Rite, which uses the Egyptian Version of The Divine Liturgy of St. Basil The Great.

You’re Catholic. And The Catholic Family is huge.

Deo Gratias!


M X W57 For This & Next Weekend – I Confess

9 May

I like riding above ground on an Elevated Line in Brooklyn on Broadway. The M Train, whose Trunk Line is the IND 6th Avenue Subway Line is operating into Midtown Manhattan. I get to see assorted “Hipsters” in both Bushwick and Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Middle Class Soccer Children, coming from Metropolitan Oval in Maspeth, rode back to Manhattan on the M 6th Avenue Weekend Train, with their Fathers. Hipsters got on at Myrtle Wyckoff, Knickerbocker & Central Avenues and all along Broadway in Brooklyn.
Headed over the Williamsburg Bridge(The Hipster Highway), with the M heading underground at Essex Delancey Street Station. Noticed all the people playing with their Smart phones, even underground. I went as far as W34th Street. I had to attend to private business in a Transcendent Atmosphere.
So on W32nd Street between 6th & 7th Avenues. I went down the steps of the Place of Transcendence. The Lower Level was quiet. I then went into a small room & locked the door.

I went to the Sacrament of Penance for this location was St. Francis of Assisi R C Church in Midtown Manhattan. This was the place of Transcendent Quality which was implied above. I confessed my sins & prayed for several people, living & dead.
It was my parents (Ma, D.1994, Dad, D. 2000), who liked going to the Franciscans for the Sacrament of Penance. I drove them there even though I utterly despised driving in Midtown, a place which can unnerve people over several years. They Also introduced me to Our Lady Queen of Martyrs in Forest Hills, several years ago.

I decided to head home via Q32, Q53, Q60, Q23 & Q54 Buses. I didn’t want to stay underground. In fact I used the Q54 Bus to Metropolitan Avenue M Terminal to catch the M Train to Manhattan.

And to The Lord God In The Trinity, for all those people mentioned and unmentioned:

Deo Gratias!


From Freedom To Liberty, The Novus Ordo Mass, Part Two

1 May

Liberty is “The God That Failed”, which is a book by a Catholic Barrister named Christopher A. Ferrara, JD. And in The Modernist Liturgy called The Novus Ordo Mass, where the alleged big key is Participation, this Liberty is driving people away.

Renewal? What Flavor of Hashish is being smoked here?
New Springtime? My Arse! I have seen the crowds disappearing.

I am privileged to have a Most Dear Friend. We often have short but intense, Faith Filled Catholic Conversations. But, it was a question which she asked which disturbs her. It disturbs me, ever since the Altar of God became a Table and the Priest stopped facing Liturgical East. Her question is as follows:
“Why Does The Priest Have His Back Turned Away From God?”
I am both Glad & Sad that this question is being asked. It is about time that it is asked. She does read “The Remnant” & watches “The Vortex”, hosted by Gary M. Voris(Gary is his 1st Name, with Michael being his Middle Name, so I will be calling Mr Voris by his 1st Name from Now On). I AM Sad that this question has to come up, because so few Roman/Latin Catholics know so little about the Faith.

The one thing that Vatican II will be known for is the promoting of False Ecumenism, which is “Can’t We All Get Along.” It is also known as “The Era of Dialogue & Holiday Parties.”
For you see, Ecumenical is taken from a Greek Word meaning Home(Oike). So the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council was supposed to be about the Home Church, One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. One thing which was accomplished was that the Eastern Catholic Churches were told to return to their own Customs & Practices. That is what the Eastern Catholic Churches began to do.
A certain # of USA Bishops during the Council, all from the Roman/Latin Rite, appealed to Pope Paul VI to have the Eastern Catholic Churches closed in North America, and have the Eastern Catholics worship in the Roman/Latin Rite. They were turned down.

Name Of Liturgy:
Missa Paulo VI, also called The Missa Novus Ordo.
Author-Fr Annibale Bugnini, a Vincentian Order Priest, elevated to Rank of Archbishop by Papam Paulo VI
First Major Critics are Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, Cardinal Bacci & John Carmel Cardinal Heenan.
Cardinals Ottaviani & Bacci write a Critique of The Normative Mass, which is a Novelty all by itself. It is said to be in whole and In part, “A Striking Departure from the Theology of The Mass…which would please the most Modernist Protestant.” This is The Letter by Cardinals Ottaviani & Bacci called “The Ottaviani Intervention.” It is in this letter that the words “Novus Ordo Missa” are spoken.
John Carmel Cardinal Heenan, Archbishop of The See of Westminster(London North of The River Thames) made This observation when witnessing the 1st Offering of This Mass in that during the Tridentine Mass, one sees Men, Women & Children. But with this New Mass, it will be mostly Women & Children, with The Men disappearing. That prediction proved to be True. Pretty Soon, the Novus Ordo Mass would have all the Popularity of the 1979 Oakland Athletics at The Oakland Coliseum, as Attendance & # of Masses begin to drop. Whereas in one Brooklyn Parish on the Queens Border would have 10 Masses on Sunday, by 1979, it would be 5 Masses. That Parish today has only 4 Masses which are Sunday Masses & rather poorly attended(Not unlike the 1979 NY Mets in a Comparable Sense. I often find Major League Baseball References to be useful).

The Tridentine Latin Mass & The Divine Liturgies of Saints John Chrysostom & Basil The Great, have withstood The Test of Time in The One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church. All Three Great Liturgies are about Sacrifice. All Three have inspired Symphonies. Sergei Rachmaninoff even composed a “Divine Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom Symphony.

The Premiere of what is today’s Roman Rite Catholic Mass, occurred in the R C Diocese of Brooklyn on Sunday, November 30th, 1969, a little bit over 45 Years Ago. Supposedly, certain Traditions were restored.
About 450 Years before this Mass, the Lutherans followed by The Anglicans, were offering The Prototype of this Liturgy, complete with their Ministers offering their Liturgies Facing NOT God but The Congregation in an Assembly(NOT Unlike PS 171K in Brooklyn, where I was in Kindergarten, when people went to the Assembly Hall for certain meetings or performances).

The Novus Ordo Mass is really a “Bare Bones” Mass. There are no “Prayers At The Foot Of The Altar” because Priests do NOT ascend to a High Altar. Rather, they stop at a Freestanding Table type of Altar.
There is an opening line prayer which after the Sign of The Cross is “The Grace & Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Love of God The Father & The Unity of The Holy Spirit be With You All”, would be followed by “And Also With You”, which was not an actual translation of “Et Cum Spiritu Tuo “(And With Your Spirit).

“And Also With You”, which was a “Translation” is meant to appeal to those Liturgical Protestants such as Evangelical Lutherans & Broad Church Episcopalians as well as Methodists & Presbyterians. It also signifies that the Priest is merely a Delegate of The Assembly, which is Protestant Practice. Protestants deny The Sacrificial Priesthood.

But the Opening to The Mass is NOT a Roman Rite Opening:
“The Grace & Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Love of God The Father & the Fellowship of The Holy Spirit, Be With All of You.”
This is actually from the Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom(Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of The Church, Ordinary Form Calendar on September 14th & Tridentine Calendar on January 27th), and it is the Opening to the Eucharistic Anaphora of St. John Chrysostom & Anaphora of St. Basil The Great, (Bishop, Martyr, Confessor, Doctor of The Church, Feast offered in January).
In the Tridentine Mass, The Priest and Servers at the Foot of the High Altar, had a way different opening. It will be In English, as it was in 1965, so you can follow along:
After The Sign of The Cross, the Priest recited “I Will Go To The Altar of God.” The Servers recited “To God Who Gives Joy To My Youth.” The Priest then recited “Our Help Is In The Name Of The Lord”, to Which the Servers replied “Who Made HEAVEN & Earth.”

“Since When Did Mass Become Like A Chinese Restaurant?”(Penitential Rites A, B & C)
To those of you who are not aware of the Chaos of Sunday, November 30th in 1969, it was the 1st Sunday of Advent. Hence, the Gloria was omitted.
I sat on the Elderts Lane Side of St. Sylvester’s Roman Catholic Church in City Line, Brooklyn, as was my custom in the 1960s. I always had a side view of The Mass, hence I could see what the Priest was doing on the High Altar. But, on This Day & Date, the Priest & Servers were NOT in their usual positions, as The Mass went from Ad Orientem(Facing Towards Liturgical Jerusalem) to Versus Populum(Facing Everyone on The Center Aisle(Mc Kinley Avenue Side).
There are Three Penitential Options. On this Particular Sunday, it was the New Confiteor. Upon reviewing the current Confiteor, it was a variation of The Confiteor as prayed by the Lutherans. For this Confiteor, Blessed Mary Ever Virgin was said only Once. The names of other Intercessors, namely Saints Michael The Archangel, John The Baptist and Peter & Paul. Not only that, it wasn’t even translated properly, as I discovered on the Last Night of 2010 @ Our Lady of Mercy on Kessel Street in Forest Hills, Queens. The “Mea Culpa” had not even been translated.
The Addition of “Vos Fratres” or Brethren was actually a holdover from the Tridentine Latin Mass of The Roman Missal of 1962. But, in the interest of early Political Correctness, it became “Brothers & Sisters.”
The Kyrie was Shortened into “2, 2, 2” format. “Lord Have Mercy” was said Twice by The Priest & Twice by The Congregation. “Christ Have Mercy” was said Once by The Priest & Once by The Congregation.
The Confiteor was now a Collective Prayer. In the case of Penitential Rites B & C, The Kyrie is the base prayer.
The Introit was said.
The Format for The Readings had also changed from Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Alleluia or Tract & Gospel & Homily.
It was changed to a Three Year Cycle of Readings on Sundays & a Two Year Cycle during Weekdays.
The New Format of Readings goes as follows:
Old Testament, Responsorial Psalm, New Testament, Alleluia or Tract & then the Gospel and Homily.
This form, eliminated in the 6th Century by Pope St. Gregory The Great, was replaced by Epistle, Gradual, Alleluia or Tract, Gospel and Homily. In the older form of the Current Form, there was a Responsorial Psalm after the Epistle.
The Current Form of The Readings was eliminated from Roman/Latin Usage in the 6th Century, returned to usage with Martin Luther in the 16th Century(As well as with Thomas Cranmer), and returned to usage on Sunday, November 30th, 1969. It had been out of Roman Catholic Usage for almost 1400 Years.

This Format was suggested by Anglican “Bishop” Moremann. As Pope Leo XIII once declared Anglican Holy Orders to be Null & Void, this man is a Layman wearing a Halloween Costume(Something Gary M. Voris accuses the SSPX of being & doing).

The New Lay Ministry of Lector was promulgated for the Novus Ordo Mass. This person would read everything but The Gospel, which is charged to The Bishop, Priest and Deacon. It is said to be an old custom, but NOT in the Roman/Latin Rite. The Lector is of Byzantine Origin. The Lector usually sits in The 1st Pew, with a Light & Microphone and reads the Epistle. In most cases he or she is the Cantor. And unlike his or her Roman/Latin Rite Counterparts, he/she faces Liturgical East.

“This Is An Offertory? What?”
Consider that the Cunning, Scheming & Conniving Secular Humanist, Vincentian Father Annibale Bugnini, wanted to eliminate practically all Roman/Latin Rite References to The Mass, The Offertory was chopped to pieces.

The Tridentine Offertory was prayed by The Priest for the Expiation of His Sins and for The Faithful, both Living and Dead, with the Epiclesis being prayed For The Holy Spirit to come upon the Offerings, in anticipation of The Sacrifice. The Lavabo Prayer(Washing of Priest’s Hands) is of Byzantine Origin, used in The Preparation of The Gifts, before the Public Portion of The Divine Liturgies.
But, in order to make Modernist Mainline Protestants feel at Home, the Offertory was severely abridged. And the Source of the Format of The New Offertory is a set of Books called The Talmud, a set of Jewish Traditions, a number of which border on Immoral. Jesus and Mary are treated in a Blasphemous Manner in The Talmud.
A Prayer used in The Passover Seder, a Simple Table Blessing, is used for the Offertory. The Prayers of Expiation were removed. For Protestants, Prayers for The Dead are not their forte, as for many of them, Purgatory does not exist.

At the Orate Fratres(Pray, Brethren), in the days of Horrible Translations as if to make the Priest out to be nothing more than a group therapy leader, said In English, “Pray that Our Sacrifice”, which implied that the Congregation and Priest had the same power from God, this was corrected in the 2011 Correct Translation.

The Eucharistic Canon:
In The Tridentine Form, ONLY The Roman Canon existed. And there were The Prefacing Prayers.
What was strange for the “Translation” of “Dignum Et Justum Est”, normally reading “It Is Right & Just”, came a Variation of The Byzantine Form of the Response, which is normally translated from either the Greek or Slavonic. Bugnini was not joking when he wanted to strip The Catholic Elements out of The Mass. Thing is, he actually meant The Roman/Latin Elements. He did not hesitate to utilize Byzantine & Antiochion Elements for the New Mass.

The Sanctus was not properly translated. Sabaoth which means Hosts, became “Power & Might.”

There were initially 4 Prayers. I will stay on The Roman Canon. That ended up being abridged.
The New Prayers, in fact there are 16 of them, 17 if you count The Roman Canon having been Renovated, for The Consecration, contain The Epiclesis, which the Roman Canon does NOT have. This follows from The Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgies.
But, unlike the Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom & St. Basil The Great, The Epiclesis goes BEFORE The Consecration, while in the Two Divine Liturgies, the Epiclesis is after the Divine Words of Institution.
And in the Two Divine Liturgies, there is only One Anaphora or Canon. The Novus Ordo Mass has the 17 Canons.

But, unlike in the Roman Canon of The Tridentine Mass, there are portions of Prayers in Parentheses, which means that the Priest has the option not to say that portion of the Prayer. This NEVER occurred in the True Roman Canon, EVER.

It is at The Time of The Consecration in The Roman Canon in the, where things were predefined. One could say that The Canon, when offered in a low voice, provided a truly Holy Atmosphere. But when The Offertory was changed to the Passover Table Prayer, the Roman Canon became disjointed.
The Roman Canon, at The Consecration, had a change done. It is at The Time when the Wine is changed into The Blood of Christ. In The Words of Institution, the Words “Mysterium Fidei”(Mystery Of Faith) appeared, signalling that Transubstantiation has occurred.
But, what then was added, has a Byzantine-Antiochian Orientation to this with Responses which the unedited Roman Canon never had. For The Mystery Of Faith had verses from St. Paul The Apostle’s Exhortation on The Eucharist, added on, which confused the Faithful, as, while Christ is here in The Present, the Faithful were not sure that He came down into The Eucharist or that His Coming is at The End of Time.

Please note though, while taking the Cue from The Byzantine & Antiochian Rites, the Byzantine Formula is a Thanksgiving Prayer for the Sacrament. As in the Other 16 Eucharistic Prayers, the unnecessary additions continue to baffle The Faithful.
The reason I mentioned The Byzantine Rite, is that my familiarity comes from attending the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, a total of 25 Times in Ukrainian Greek Catholic Churches. If you want to meet really knowledgeable Catholics, these Catholics are up there with Tridentine Latin Mass Catholics.

Now back at the Nicene Creed, instead of the word “Credo”meaning “I Believe” it was mistranslated as “We Believe”, a Collectivization of The Prayer. That Prayer changed with the 2011 Accurate Translations.

As For Standing for Holy Communion, this came when Altar Rails were Removed so Standing, an Abuse in the Roman/Latin Rite, became the practice.

The Roman/Latin Rite was becoming anything BUT.
My Most Dear Friend, who has witnessed the Ultra Abuse of “The Liturgical Music You Could Throw Up To,”, which would be about 85% of it, which she would not get caught singing, to which I say “Bravo”(No, Not The Cable Network by that Name), asked me as to “WHY Are We Trying To Please a Bunch of Heretics”, which is what she calls Protestants & Eastern Orthodox. She sounds like the Eastern Catholics who say exactly the same thing. Facing the People during the Ordinary Form Mass is a Protestant Practice. Another thing is that the Eastern Orthodox are NOT THRILLED in the Least, with the way this version of The Mass, what with some of their practices mixed into the New Liturgy. It has


been said of the 4th Eucharistic Prayer that the Anaphora of St. Basil The Great, has the Epiclesis before the Consecration, not after it. I should know from having been to the Byzantine Divine Liturgies In The Catholic Church. And it was a Modernist Benedictine Monk who edited it. In fact the Epiclesis is put before the Consecration In 16 Other Eucharistic Prayers, except for The Roman Canon(Eucharistic Prayer #1), whereby in The Tridentine Mass, the Epiclesis is in the Offertory.

At Holy Communion, the Roman/Latin Tradition was to kneel and receive on the tongue.
It was an Apostate Former Dominican Priest, Martin Bucer, who also wrote the Null and Void Holy Orders for the Church of England, who believed that Holy Communion was only a Memorial Meal & NOT The Body & Blood, Soul & Divinity of Christ, Introduced Communion In The Hand, to teach the Church of England that the Bread and Wine were only a Memorial Meal, not a Sacrament.
Now with the New Mass in place, more Novelties were to be introduced. It was In the Summer of 1977, when the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, under the Leadership of Modernist Prelate, Archbishop Joseph Bernadin, who, after losing Three Rounds of Holy Communion in The Hand, resorted, as if he was Mayor Richard J Daley of Chicago in the 1960 Presidential Elections, obtained(Fraudulently)votes from Retired & Bedridden Bishops(According to Bernadin), to bring the total up to 2/3 of The US Bishops in Favor of Holy Communion in The Hand. The Vatican stated that this could only be permissible if in a particular nation, the Unlawful Practice was out of control. This was certainly not the case in the USA.
Archbishop Bernadin meets Mayor Richard J Daley. The Fish smells from the Head, downward. It was so ironic & fitting that Archbishop Joseph Bernadin was named Archbishop of Chicago, with the Title of Prince of The Church(Cardinal). Because a Lie was submitted to The Holy See, THIS practice in the USA, is like Anglican Orders, namely NULL & VOID under Liturgical Law. It did not follow the Secret Ballot as Mandated by Pope Paul VI’s Encyclical, Memoriale Domini.

All of this started in The Netherlands, Belgium, West Germany & France, near the end of Vatican II. Supposedly, The Archbishops in those nations, couldn’t control the popular outcry for Holy Communion in The Hand. Particularly, in The Netherlands & Germany, there were cries for The Church to change Her Teaching on Birth Control.
An Indult was granted, based on Memoriale Domini.
South Africa and Canada were the 1st Two Nations, in 1970, to adopt Communion In The Hand. I wonder just how many Canadians still believe in The Real Presence, Eh(This is What I get for listening to CBC Radio One Montreal or Bob & Doug Mac Kenzie on “SCTV”, Eh).

In the Interest of “Inculturation”, supposedly “Native” Customs were added to The Mass, many of them of Pagan Origin, which led to many abuses.
The USA led off with Guitar Masses with the kind of Music, all of it so syrupy(Utter Treacle, which My Most Dear Friend puts it, just enough to cause a good many people to head to Vomitariums due to Acute Stomach Upset). This graduated to adding Drums & Bad Tambourines “From The $.99 Store”(Last Line of a Hymn Parody, called “Sing A New Song Unto Oneself”). The “Clown” & “Halloween” Masses & “Liturgical Dance” Masses, are America’s “Contribution” to “Inculturation.” Let The Vomiting Begin!

BTW, Clown & Halloween Masses as well as Liturgical Dance Masses are outlawed by Canon Law, as Sacrilegious Abuses.

Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion were originally intended to bring Holy Communion to The Sick & The Elderly & That Is All. Later it was expanded to when NOT enough Priests, Deacons & Instituted Acolytes were available. It was not intended for them to be a Veritable Armada when there are only 50 People at the 8AM Mass on Queens Boulevard. The Extraordinary Ministers, some of the Nicest People I have ever met, aren’t really needed at 8AM, nor at 12Noon when there are about 75 to 100 People. I think that this is being tolerated because The Faithful are in a hurry in the Morning and so are The Priests.

The Tridentine Latin Mass & The Divine Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom & St. Basil The Great, have absolutely NONE of these abuses. And Everybody Faces Liturgical East, as if Facing Jerusalem.

Perhaps, a very telling statement on all this rigmarole, came from an unlikely source.
In 1969, One of the 6 Protestant Minister Consultants, Taize Community Subprior Brother Max Thurian, a Minister of the Swiss Reformed Church, and based in France, remarked that “There is nothing in this Liturgy which will offend a Modernist Protestant.”

The “Reform Of The Reform” Proposed

Fast Forward to 1988, and not only did Br. Max Thurian come into the One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church, Brother Max was ordained a Roman Rite Priest, and now was a Roman Rite Catholic Theologian, quite a bit more orthodox in practice than many in Rome. And he had a number of questions about the current Novus Ordo Mass, of which he was a major consultant.
From the Orientation of The Priest to The Congregation, he remarked that “With Priest Celebrant facing the People, The Mass closes in on itself.”
He began to criticize the New Mass Setup. For you see, Father Thurian was no dummy. He had celebrated this Mass. He was also named by Josef Cardinal Ratzinger(Later Pope Benedict XVI) to the Pontifical Commission on The Sacred Liturgy.
Father Max Thurian had come a long way from the Time he was a Protestant Consultant.
“The Mass has lost its Character of Mystery.”
So Father Maximilian Thurian proposed that from the time of The Offertory to the close of The Eucharistic Canon, that the Priest & People be reoriented towards Liturgical Jerusalem(Liturgical East). He also remarked that The Priest and People appeared to be in mere dialogue with each other, instead of in Worship.
Something tells me that Father Max “Got It”, that The Mass is a Sacrifice & NOT a Memorial Meal. Cardinal Ratzinger, sadly, may have been the only One who knew what Father was talking about. The Rest of The Commission, ignored Father Thurian.
Father Thurian died in 1996, on The Feast Of The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary in Switzerland on the day before his 75th Birthday.
Because he became a Catholic Priest, Brother Roger Schutz, The Prefect of the Taize Community, considered Father Thurian to be a Traitor, for leaving the Community of Taize.
Requiscant In Pace, Father Thurian, Amen.

It was in 1969 & 1970 that the Definition of The Mass, in the General Instruction of The Roman Missal, never mentioned the word “Sacrifice.” The Mass was given the name of “The Lord’s Supper Or Mass”, which is the name that The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Apostate Thomas Cranmer, gave his version of The Mass, replete with Freestanding Table Altar. Cranmer, like Martin Luther, went with a Table instead of a High Altar, because both lost the Truth of The Mass as Sacrifice, only becoming a Memorial Meal. Luther reputed anything to do with Oblation(Sacrifice). Cranmer said it more succinctly when he remarked that “An Altar is Made For Sacrifice, While A Table is for Preparing a Meal.” Both Cranmer & Luther were once Catholic Priests With Higher Authority. So if one reads The Definition of The Mass according to the 1970 Roman Missal, one will think that the Apostate Thomas Cranmer, wrote this definition.

In “The Ottaviani Intervention”, the New Mass in its form was(& Still Is) “A Striking Departure From The Theology of The Mass.” After going to my 1st Tridentine Latin Mass in 2007, after years of The Novus Ordo, which was a bit over 42 Years without it, I realized that the Tridentine Mass is both The Real Mass & The Intelligent Choice. It was through The Tridentine Mass that I was led to experience the Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. It was at The Divine Liturgy where I recognized that One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church is Truly Universal.
According to Cardinals Ottaviani & Bacci, the New Mass would alienate the Orthodox(Especially when one of The Anaphoras, The Anaphora of St. Basil The Great, in Eucharistic Prayer #4, was butchered by a Modernist Benadictine Priest/Monk. Pope St. John Paul II was rebuffed by the Eastern Orthodox, because of The Novus Ordo Mass. Cardinals Ottaviani & Bacci hit the nail on The head with this observation.

And Pope Francis I says we must keep moving forward? To Where? Utter Oblivion?

When the Tridentine Latin Mass all but disappeared in The 1970s, the Byzantine Rite became the temporary home of many traditionalists. It is a Great thing that Blessed Paul VI said “No” to certain Latin Rite US Bishops who wanted the Eastern Catholic Churches closed so that Eastern Catholics may assimilate into the Roman Rite. I think that many Eastern Catholics would have rebelled, especially when the New Mass was promulgated. A Cantor in Holy Cross Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church despised the Guitar Music at his Mom’s Roman Rite Parish.

In regards to People presenting the Gifts of Bread & Wine to the Priests at Mass, in the name of “Active Participation”, this practice died when Religious Orders began making the Elements themselves. So WHY resurrect it?

The Offertory used to have a Sung Chant until The New Mass replaced it with an Offertory Song of the “Vomit, Barf, Puke” Modern Variety. Fortunately, at St. Agnes on East 43rd Street, a Gregorian Chant is sung by the Cantor in Latin. “Table of Plenty” by Dan Schutte would cause St. Agnes Parishioners to form a queue at the nearby Vomitarium.

The ONLY, True Participation in The Mass is To listen to The Gospel and receive The Body of Christ at Holy Communion.

As for Holy Communion under both Species in The Roman/Latin Rite, in order to cut down on the Communion In Hand Traffic, make Holy Communion to be received by Intinction. The trouble with receiving under both species is that the Ordinary Roman Rite Catholic is confused as to whether he or she received all of The Christ. In either form, one receives All of HIM, no ifs, ands or buts. Running from Communion Station to Drinking from a Common Chalice, allows potential and actual illnesses to spread.

Restore The Communion Rail in the Roman/Latin Rite. Roman Rite Catholics should kneel when receiving The Body of Christ. It is a Profound Sign of Humility & Worship. This is NOT mere bread. It Is HIM who feeds you.

Forget about Holy Communion in The Hand. By the Definition of Memoriale Domini, that permission or Indult, passed by the US Bishops, is actually invalid, due to the actions of Archbishop(Cardinal) Bernadin, counting supposed Telephone Ballots. No Good!

Like My Most Dear Friend has said to me:
“WHY are We Kowtowing To Heretics?”

And You Wonder WHY The Vatican II Church is in the Massive Mess it is in today.

<, While The “Bride Of Christ” is NOT Wounded., with this Liturgy drawn up to please such Rationalists as are Mainline Protestants who DENY The Sacrifice Of The Mass, It is Wounding The Christ Himself by Worship of Humanity, Truly a Grave Violation of The 1st Commandment.

Kyrie Elaison!