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Switching Mobile Phone Companies Paid Off

21 Jul

For two years, I had Sprint’s Virgin Mobile. It was also my introduction to the Android Operating Systems, a form of LINUX.
I like Google’s Names for each system. Android 4.0.4 was called Ice Cream Sandwich, which unified use on Tablets and Mobile Phones.
Eventually, the Opportunity came for an Upgrade of Phone to the LG Tribute. Android 4.4.2 is called KitKat. The LG Tribute operated on the 4G LTE Network of Sprint, via Virgin Mobile, but, at times it was the Slowest, Spottiest Network on many an occasion.
So, I shopped around. Sprint’s Network is horrible. 2.5 GB of High Speed Data before reverting to 2.5 G Speed is good reason to switch.
So there are the Subsidiary Companies of AT&T and T-Mobile and I looked at both. I also looked at T-Mobile and the AT&T GO Phone. But the Subsidiary Non Contract Companies looked so much better, especially in the Network and Data Departments.
Verizon Wireless, for all their vaunted network, as a Prepay option, was out of the question. They act too much like the Old Ma Bell.
AT&T Mobility via the GO Phone, as far as Data is concerned, is of the Ma Bell Mentality, though not as bad as Verizon Wireless. $45 buys 1.5 GB of 4G LTE Data. $60 buys you 4GB. But they have Rollover Data Plans. Be prepared to Spend Time at Starbucks or Mc Donald’s.
So I looked at Cricket Wireless, now owned by AT&T Mobility. It is now on AT&T Mobility’s Extensive Network and is a Bargain Service.

US$25 buys you Unlimited Talk & Text. US$40 buys Unlimited Talk, Text & Data at 4G LTE Speeds, but only 2.5 GB of 4G LTE, before being throttled. US$50 buys the same but with 5 GB of 4G LTE.
US$60 buys 10 GB of 4G LTE. Good Phone Selection includes the Nokia Windows Phone & the iPhone, as well as Android Phones. Comparably a bargain by comparison to GO PHONE.

Metro PCS was once a carrier with its own CDMA Network, operating like Sprint & Verizon Wireless. AT&T Mobility and T-Mobile use a network called GSM which is huge in Europe. Metro PCS is a Susidiary of T-Mobile and operates on the T-Mobile Network.
Their plans are quite Good. And by switching from Virgin Mobile by Sprint, I got a new LG Leon 4G LTE Phone for Free. And the US$60 Plan gives me UNLIMITED 4G LTE at all times. And I keep my Mobile Phone Number. There is a fee for the switch but I can’t complain. And the Service on T-Mobile is better than ever.
Both Metro PCS and Cricket Wireless allow you to bring your Unlocked GSM Phone to their companies and you buy a SIM Card to put in your phone. SIM is Subscriber Indentification Module.
On T-Mobile, the Unlimited Plan is US$80, so I saved a few dollars.

Today, My Phone received an Over The Air Upgrade in regards to the Android Lollipop Operating System, from 5.0.2 to 5.1.1. It was a good thing to switch over to Wi Fi to do it. My phone is recharging here at Starbucks on Queens Boulevard. The next upgrade should be to Android M.
The last Over The Air Phone System Upgrade was with the T-Mobile Sidekick several years ago.
And via T-Mobile, I have no complaints. During the 2003 Northeast Blackout, only T-Mobile had both data and voice service on Mobile Networks. AT&T did not. Nextel had phone service but no walkie talkie service nor data service. I should know from calling a friend in Colorado, who put on CNN. He info’d me that the Northeast was blacked out. What a night!
The AT&T Mobility Phone was a Night Light.


2003 Blackout T-Mobile & Nextel

2 Jul

The Northeast Blackout is the 1st Major Power Failure in the Digital Age. It is a time when Mobile Smartphones are becoming more interesting. Such an example is the Danger Hiptop, which actually had a view as a small Mobile computer.
The Danger Hiptop was marketed by T-Mobile as the T-Mobile Sidekick. It was the “Cool Thing” to have, before the arrival of Apple’s iPhone.

It was a Hot Day in August, 2003, and so there was a Power Failure. Things like this occur in NYC. But this is the Digital Age. And the world of Cell Phones also went dark.
I had Candy Bar Phones connected to T-Mobile and to AT&T Wireless.
AT&T was as useless as a brick. T-Mobile actually had both Data and Voice+Text. So, from the side of Queens Borough Hall on Queens Blvd, I placed a call to a friend in Colorado, who was originally from East Glendale in Queens:
“Ed, Mike in New York, could you please put on CNN and tell me what’s going on here. We have a Power Failure here”;
Ed in Colorado put on CNN. I could hear the TV. Then he broke in and told me that the Northeastern United States is in a Blackout. So I thanked him immensely, got on a packed Q60 Bus and went to Pizzeria Uno in Forest Hills to get some food.

T-Mobile worked. But the AT&T Phone did serve as a Flashlight.

Nextel Voice worked but not the Walkie Talkie portion. Verizon Wireless didn’t work though Verizon Landlines worked. Sprint was down except for Landline Long Distance.
But, T-Mobile kept going. They are owned by Deutsch Telecom. The Germans came through, digitally.

It was a Night to remember. And today I head back to T-Mobile.


The Silence From Rome Is Deafening

27 Jun

Nothing has been heard from Rome, except to turn off One’s Air Conditioner.

Given that the United States of America, a Rationalist Naturalist Society from her founding, rejecting both Divine Law and The Social Kingship Of Christ The King and holding the Catholic Faith on a par with Buddhists and other False Religions, is a Nation of the Religion of MAN.

That Is WHY both Abortion and Same Sex “Marriage”, exist Today.

Liberty and Freedom are NOT the Same thing. Freedom is the God Given Virtue of performing One’s Duty, while Liberty is a Man Ordained Concept of doing whatever one wants.

And WHY has the ONLY Means of Saving Civilization, One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, so SILENT? It is because those in Charge are more concerned with mere temporal instead of The Salvation of Souls. It shows in the Ordinary Form Mass, more concerned with Community than Salvation.

And Mr Voris of the Warehouse of Gadgets in Detroit is Silent in regards to the Actions of a Secular Humanist Pope, whose primary concern is Popularity and NOT Doctrine. This is a shameful act of Silence on Mr Voris part, while whipping his poor, misguided followers into Frenzy over an act of Flatulence by Mr Voris Nemesis, the RC Archbishop of New York, aboard a Subway Carriage.

This being America’s Darkest Hour, wherein Liberty Triumphed over Freedom, it has been the Tragedy of Deistic, Naturalistic America to worship at The Altar of Deistic Liberty. There is True Freedom only in The Social Kingship Of Christ The King. Everything Else is Pagan.

Kyrie Elaison

Vivat Christus Rex


WeatherBug(Chill IN)

24 Feb


via @WeatherBug

Everybody Chill IN. Chill Out and it is Frostbite Time.

M, Eh!

ACCUWEATHER ALERT: Bitter freeze and more snow coming!

1 Feb

The Great Majority of The Mass Music Cannot Be Sung

2 Jun

Go ahead. Open up your Oregon Catholic Press Books for Hymns. Take a look at Hymns written from 1966, onward. What do you notice about these “Hymns?”

More often than not, they are NOT geared towards the Worship of GOD. More often than not, these are written in the form of Self Uplift of the Assembly, a form of the Secularism Heresy, which is the Belief that God is on a par with all philosophical opinions and Faiths. 
This “Music”, often called “Muzak”, because it is NOT directed To God, but AT God. Such Treacly Dreck as “The Anthem”, by Tom Conry, known to be a guest at “Call To Action” Events. Call To Action is an Heretical Group of Catholics who are not faithful to the Teaching Authority(Magisterium) of One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. If one joins this group in the R C Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, consider yourself to be put on a par with Freemasonry, as pursuant to Code of Canon Law of 1983, Section 1374 & Section 1364, you are Laetae Sentiae Excommunicated from One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. 
Conry’s Signature “Hit”, a favorite “Hymn”, on the Newman Center Circuit, is one where the words “We Are” are emphasised. It is a song directed at God, not TO Him. There is no prayer nor supplication. It is a “Group Bragging Session.” It cannot be sung.
One Hymn, “Be Not Afraid”, while pleasant to listen to but not one to sing at Mass, especially at the Offertory, because in this Hymn, Jesus is the one in Monologue directed at the Congregation. It is a more of a Meditation Song. The song is not Eucharistic in tone.
As The Christ Himself is the one who is speaking, then WHY are we singing His Monologue? The Holy Gospel is proclaimed by a Priest, Bishop or Deacon. Advise not to sing it, as God is talking to us. This is Horizontal as opposed to Vertical. Prayer In Song does not exist here.
If you are wondering WHY I am undertaking this personal project, it is because I go to Sunday Mass, most often to Mass in the Latin(Roman)Rite, whether Ordinary Form or Extraordinary Form, or in the Byzantine Rite Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, where Antiphons are chanted and Real Prayer is sung. I cannot help it that Bad Music is purveyed by certain publishing companies.

When the Music in one’s Hymnal are Hymns which are mostly of the Horizontal Nature, that is, God speaking to us, with no prayer from us, it is NOT Sung Prayer. If it is a group “We Are”Song, in which we do this and that, it’s NOT Prayer but Bragging about how good we allegedly are. It is being a “Musical Pharisee.”

If the Song “Table of Plenty” is sung, it isn’t anything more than an Invitation to receive Holy Communion. The Song is actually God inviting us to “Feast of Heaven and Earth.” It is drawn from an Old Testament Reading.
The Song is Syrupy and Clunky and it is NOT Prayer, but Self Affirmation Group Therapy. We sing it to each other. We forget what The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass is all about, it isn’t a time of Campfire Songs, but Worship of The Lord Our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

It was just after Vatican II, when in the USA, there was a tendency towards modernizing Music, due to Vernacularization of The Mass, essentially still the Tridentine Latin Mass Form. Experiments with Folk Masses began.

Then, with the Promulgation of The Mass of Paul VI, there were further changes. Mass was offered mostly in the Vernacular. And New Music was written. Sadly, it was of the Treacly Dreck Variety. Luckily, the 7:30PM Vigil Mass at a Northeastern Brooklyn Parish Church had Mass without Music, so I had no experience with the coming tsunami. It was when I moved here to Queens in 1982, when I got to hear some of The Treacly Dreck one hears at Mass on the Weekend. I also got a healthy dose of Gregorian Chant across the border to balance out everything.

The Modernistas Change of Music, coupled with Bad Catechises, has contributed in the Decline of The Catholic Church in America. Where once 80% went to Mass every Sunday, now only 30% go to Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.

Music says a lot about the Theology and Doctrine and just how strong are both. If the Music is composed of Hymns of Majesty, Prayer and Supplication, chances are the Theology is strong and the Doctrines are truly in force and enforced.
If The Music has great Majesty, things are working just Fine in Theology and Doctrine. But if the Music is way less than Majestic, Theology is weak and Doctrine is next to forgotten. When was the Last Time you saw a Full House for the 3rd Sunday of Easter? Probably not in over 40 Years.
For it was The Great Saint Augustine who said “When You Sing, You Pray TWICE”, but with so much Non Prayer Music being played at the Ordinary Form of Mass, one can actually say that when one sings, one may not be praying at all.

And One Wonders WHY I prefer either the Tridentine Latin Mass of St. John XXIII or the Byzantine Rite Catholic Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom. In both cases, Singing is praying. It is built into the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, in the form of Chant. Gregorian Chant is sung at the Tridentine Latin Mass. And in St. Agnes Roman Catholic Church on East 43rd Street where Venerable Archbishop Fulton J Sheen did both his Television Shows and Good Friday Sermons, the Ordinary Form Mass is where the Entrance Antiphon and Communion Antiphon are sung in Latin. The Kyrie is chanted in Greek, while the Gloria is sung in Latin. Regina Coeli is sung as a closing hymn in Latin. More people receive Holy Communion, kneeling at the Altar Rail than Standing. And St. Agnes in 1989, is where the 1st Tridentine Latin Mass of St. John XXIII, was offered, a sign that the Latin Mass had come out of the Proverbial Catacombs.

On Ascension Thursday at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Roman Catholic Church in Forest Hills, Queens, people sang with enthusiasm an Old Time Classic at Communion Time, the Hymn, “O Jesus We Adore Thee”, which refrain is well known as “O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, All Praise And ALL Thanksgiving, Be Every Moment Thine.” The Classics were sung. The Corny, Syrupy, Treacly Music is usually ignored, leaving the Cantor as the Solo Performer.

Music plays a Liturgical Role in the Life of The Catholic Church in all Her 22 Sui Juris Churches. Give Glory to God. Stop Singing Junk.And get the Guitars and “Glad Tambourines” out, as the Pipe Organ makes the music of The Latin Rite Catholic Church. This is The Mass, NOT A Greenwich Village Coffee House or “Life On The Rock” on E W T N.

Deo Gratias!

M, Eh!

“Max”(Not His Real Name)

10 May

“Max”(Not His Real Name)was a child, turning into his Teen years, in the Middle 1970s. He always sought out Older Companions(Male). He liked someone to give him Attention.

He hung out with another guy who was quiet. But, both got into trouble a lot. But they both had something in common which they hid from everyone they knew. After all, what one can be candid about today(Just ask Neil Patrick Harris), one could not do at the Time of America’s Bicentennial.

“Max”, you see, is Gay. He likes Soft, Erect, Banana Shaped Organs for what pleasure they could give him. In the 1970s, one kept quiet about these matters. He once said that he couldn’t wait until he was 18, to be rear ended by someone with that organ. He also wanted to rear end someone with his.He also enjoys “Golden Showers.”

For “Max” & couple of his friends, this always occurred in secret. One wonders if he is more public about this today, as well as his friends of years ago. One of his companions still likes getting Rear Ended, as well as Rear Ending.

Hollywood is calling!

M, Eh!