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After Traditional Catholic Liturgies, This Felt Strange

15 May

I was at the Vigil Mass for Ascension Thursday at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs(Ascan Avenue and Queens Boulevard in the Forest Hills Section of Queens). I will state this in this way:
For all of the Eastertide Catholic Sunday Masses in both the Tridentine Latin Masses & Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom, where the Priests face “Liturgical East”, practicing like the Congregations ” Ad Orientem “, I found myself in ” Novus Ordo Land” with the Priest offering The Sacrifice while facing the Congregation, with the practice of “Versus Populum”.

Last Year, the crowd was substantial. This year, it was not as large. It is as if People are forgetting about Ascension Thursday, as many parts of the USA are transferring this Ancient and Venerable Feast to the Following Sunday. NOT GOOD!
There appears to be something wrong with the Organ in the Choir Loft. There was even a ” Byzantine Rite Moment” where the Organ malfunctioned for a moment, while the Litanies of Supplication were being prayed(Prayers of The Faithful). The Cantor sang a Litany unaccompanied by the Organist. To compare this moment to the Litany in a Byzantine Divine Liturgy, actually either the Priest or Deacon sings the Chanted Prayer, and the Cantor sings the response. In the case at the Mass of Holy Thursday Vigil, Veteran Cantor Joseph Annese, sang the Litany, then led everyone in the response, Joe could do the singing at a Divine Liturgy quite well.
All of the Hymns were Traditional, Pre Vatican II and were singable. The Classic, “O Jesus We Adore Thee”, was the Communion Hymn. It sings of Adoring Jesus in The Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is NOT a modernistic, False Ecumenical ” Bread Song.” This is NOT a Hymn which can be sung by Protestants. It is a CATHOLIC Hymn.
I have, however, found that I am much more comfortable with the Priest facing East than I am with the Priest facing the Congregation. Since Protestants either believe in either a Truncated Belief in The Holy Eucharist or no belief in it at
all, THAT is WHY they endorse “Versus Populum.”
We Catholics of The Roman Rite have the TRUE EUCHARIST and belong to the TRUE CHURCH, Ordained by Christ Himself. We must return to “Ad Orientem”, to give Thanks to The Triune God, ” For His Great Glory.”

Otherwise, we appear to be giving that “Great Glory”, sadly, to Ourselves instead of Our Creator, God.

Name One Thing you have Created ” Out of Nothing.”

Kyrie Elaison!


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