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A Conversation With A VORISian NOT

12 Mar

I had one of those SSPX Conversations in Isaiah Hall at Holy Innocents on W37th Street between Broadway and 7th Avenue.
This NOT considers herself to be a Traditionalist Catholic &, yet, relies on information from Michael Voris & It only works on occassion at Holy Innocents, but not at St. Agnes on E43rd Street between Lexington & 3rd Avenues, where The President of Una Voce New York, David Lane & Dr. John Rao, are known to “Hold Court” after the Sunday 11:00AM Mass, a place where the mere mention of “Schism Boy Voris” is met with Derision.
But one may get away with The Defence of Schism Boy Voris at Holy Innocents, as many 1st Timers at the Tridentine Latin Mass, head to Holy Innocents, though there are many Subscribers to John Vennari’s Catholic Family News & Michael J. Matt’s The Remnant Newspaper, who are offended by Michael Voris at Holy Innocents.
This nice young woman told me that the SSPX is “In Schism” because Michael Voris had a Big Special about it.

Michael Voris is a News Reporter, formerly from CBS at The Big Warehouse On West 57th Street between 9th & 10th Avenues in Upper Midtown Manhattan. He knows a thing or two about “Slanting The News.”
His “” gets a LOT of Viewers, many of the Converts to Catholicism. But, Sadly, a Texan with Huge Moolah, who is originally from Long Island’s North Shore, & with Ego to match the money, controls what is said on Programming. The Money Man also dictates who Michael’s(Or Is That Gary’s)Friends may be. The shows on this Channel, reflect the Opinions of The Man with The Money. The Old Programming under a Different Donor, was much better. But, Voris takes his marching orders from The Backers in two different eras. Hey, Cash is Cash.

Voris, quite simply, is a “Hired Gun.” His Ideology is “Whoever Has The Gold, Makes The Rules.” He is no independent. He is OWNED.

Getting back to “The VORISian NOT”, VORISian NOTS listen to everything he says. They rely on Voris for interpretation of Church Documents, such as Sacrosanctum Concilium(The Reform of The Mass, which turns out to be a Blueprint for the Novus Ordo Mass). Voris said that the Novus Ordo Mass was not a product of Vatican II. Yet, the Blueprint came out on December 4th, 1963. It is apparent that Voris never read the Document. Like WHAT GAME ON FOX was Voris watching? Granted the New Mass was rolled out on November 30th, 1969, but the Blueprint is from 1963. The Document had so many holes in it, you could run the IND Subway through it.
The VORISium NOT would not listen to what I had to say. It is as if & Michael Voris is all that matters.


Barbers Closed In Forest Hills

25 Sep

When I was a child in Brooklyn, NY, Barbers were usually Italians and Catholics. Fast forward to the fall of The Soviet Union and most Barbers I know of, are Jews from the Republics of The Old Soviet Union.
Today is Rosh Hashanah, or the start of The Jewish New Year. And most Barbers are closed. I could use,a great shave.