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New Series On Investigation Discovery

18 Oct

“Schism Chasers International”:
A Television Production Company chases their “Holy Grail” to the ends of The Earth, the Sinister “FSSPX”, on tips from a few rich guys who are called “The Flagellents”, a secretive group, headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, whose Superior is a Canadian Priest.

“Schism Chasers International-SCI” premieres 9:00PM Eastern(10:30PM In Newfoundland), on Investigation Discovery.

Kyrie Elaison

Craigslist & Male Prostitution

17 Jul

This is the case when Male College Students hire themseves out to perform Fellatio on some older men.
They look for someone who is “G E N.”
“G E N” is code for generous as in money.

Weird way to earn cash for an iPod Touch!

In case these guys don’t know, it is called Prostitution.


Someone, Initials “TC”, Runs CMTV?

29 Oct

Might He Be “Mr Manifesto”?


The Church Manifesto(Cowardly)

28 Oct

The use of The Words “Soft Sedevacantists”and “Hard Sedevacantists”, as well as “Spiritual Pornography”, suggests to me that this “Secretive Force”(The One With Both the Powers of Censor and Financial Support) is of a Dictatorial Mindset, who desires by Cult Like Inclination, to control what is published, through Inducing The Guilt of those Faithful Catholics, who may not be properly Catechised, into subscribing to an incomplete rendering of The Catholic Faith.
This “Manifesto Writer”, operating in Secret, is a Coward. He prefers leaving out the Whole Truth, in the Manner of The “Liberal” National Public Radio, extreme in its Opposition to Catholic Doctrine(In Reality, Truth).

Let us suppose that we have a Possible Heretic as Pope. Liberius is one who fell into the Arian Heresy that Jesus was only a Super Holy Man and NOT The Second Person of The Blessed Trinity. Great Saints such as Athanasius, Basil The Great and John Chrysostom, battled this Heresy unto Their Deaths.
So if the Current Pontiff says that The Blessed Trinity actually had 5 Persons, would Church continue to be Silent? If this is the case, I wouldn’t waste my time subscribing to the Channel, let alone bother with it altogether, as it would now be called “Church”
Grace, Reason and Common Sense  would be applicable here.

Dear Readers:
On the Church Faqs Page is the Manifesto as to WHY they don’t Dare criticize the Confusing Statements of Pope Francis I. Go ahead and read the Link above. In the Manifesto, they link to the “Offending” Articles, all of which are quite excellent.
To me the Manifesto is a Denigrating Rant, labeling People who have the Cujones to ask Intelligent Questions and Make Informed By Faith Decisions.

The “CMTV Manifesto” is a Crude Attempt to frighten people into Only ONE Point of View, which is both Hypocritical and Incomplete. I read it and asked myself as to WHAT the “Anonymous Attack Dog” might be smoking.

Don’t be afraid to say what you think about it. At least I am NOT Controlled by The Backer, WHOEVER HE MAY BE.

Sadly, Michael Voris is Trapped and Muzzled by This “Controlling Invisible Force.”

Deum De Deo, Lumen De Lumine!


“The Remnant Forum: The Pope’s Synod: ROUND 1”

24 Oct

The Remnant Forum: The Pope’s Synod: ROUND 1:

This is “Muscular Catholicism”, which Michael Matt and Christopher Ferrara do address without Compromise.
This is NOT Censored, unlike Church, where the “Mop Haired Cocker Spaniel Puppy”, whose initials are “M V”, keeps on ripping Cardinal Dolan, but forgets about, on order of “The Puppy Master”, who controls what “M V” says or what Friends he may talk to.
In regards to “The Puppy Master”, reveal yourself. Church will continue to be called “Church,” as long as the Hypocrisy of The Channel continues. While Cardinal Kasper is being ripped to shreds, which he deserves to be, what is forgotten is that this Papacy is one where questions must be asked.
Or is “The Puppy Master” looking for a Pat on the head in the form of a Papal Knighthood?

Kyrie Elaison!

M, Eh!

If One Remembers The Confessional

22 Oct

It was May of 1962 when I received my 1st Penance in the Roman Rite. It was in a place called The Confessional. The Priest sat separately in the Box between two Penitent Stations. Kneeling was the Norm. The Penitent Stations were dark. In my Parish in City Line, Brooklyn, as this was the case, there was a screen, which protected both Priest and Penitent. One whispered one’s sins to the Priest, and, after the Act of Contrition with The Priest having assigned a Suitable Penance, one left relieved of one’s sins having been forgiven.
Now the Vatican II Document called Sacrosanctum Concillium, wished to maintain the Sacredness, Secrecy, Silence and Protection of both Priest and Penitent. But, Certain Modernists came up with what is called a Reconciliation Room, where Face To Face Confessions would occur. It is a variation of Byzantine Rite Practice, though at Holy Ghost Ukrainian Greek Catholic Parish on North 5th Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, there is an actual Confessional.
And with the removal of The Priestly Box and conversion to a Mini Living Room, where the Sacrament may become a Potential Occasion of Sin, there have been Sins of The Flesh committed between Penitent and Priest. In the cases of where there have been Homosexual Priests, especially with Male Teen Penitents, Sexual Sins have been committed in these Rooms. There have been Young Priests tempted by Young Women. This Sacramental Abuse is a new practice, with the Novelty of Face To Face Confessions.
It was one morning where there were 28 Students brought over from a Parish School to confession. Of the 28 Students, only 3 were Penitents. The Priest stood outside of the Confessional, trying to coax the students to come into the booth to confess their Sins.
Either the Children do not have a sense of Sin or they haven’t been taught about kneeling in the Confessional behind the Screen, which makes it easier to confess one’s Sins. Methinks that today’s Catholic School Children are only taught about approaching the Sacrament in the “New” by Roman Rite Standards way, a variation of The Traditional Byzantine Way of approaching the Sacrament, which is the Sacrament where the Priest covers the Penitent with his stole in the Sanctuary.

I think in terms of Pre Vatican II when I received 1st Penance and 1st Holy Communion in the Roman Rite. We were taught that the Body and Blood of Christ is so Sacred that only a Priest, Bishop and Deacon can touch The Sacrament and that we receive The Body of Christ on the tongue while Kneeling at the Altar Rail. We were properly instructed as to the Sacrament of Penance. We were taught about Sin and the Effects on The Soul.

Are the Roman Rite Catholic Schools still Catholic?

Kyrie Elaison!


“Episode 1: Confession”(Remnant TV)

22 Oct

Episode 1: Confession:


15 Oct


Even Michael Voris is Disgusted with the Modernist Process. One can even hear of a Hint of Disgust in the way Pope Francis I is handling all of this.

Utter Secrecy and The Extraordinary Synod

13 Oct

I think that a “Little Bit of Ice” just melted.
For Michael Voris, even indirectly, hinted at something in regards to Pope Francis I and the Secrecy of The Extraordinary Synod On The Family. Even The Obama White House is more transparent.
It was said that Donald Cardinal Wuerl is the Mastermind of The Demotion of Raymond Cardinal Burke.
Then again, His Eminence, never met a Pro Abortion Catholic Politician he didn’t like.
The Traditional Minded Bishops are outnumbered by the Modernists.
There is tremendous confusion occurring inside of The Vatican Walls. And it leaks out that “There is Trouble in River City”, with Rome as River City and the Tiber as that river.
Wuerl is a member of His Holiness Inner Circle. No wonder there is trouble.


“Confused, Contradictory Chaos in Rome”

13 Oct

Confused, Contradictory Chaos in Rome: