Archive | September, 2011

CBC News : Gander on 9/11 told ‘you were the best of us’

12 Sep
I thought you might be interested in this article.

Gander, N.L. was hailed for its generousity on 9/11 by U.S. ambassador David Jacobson as Prime Minister Stephen Harper attends the Ground Zero ceremony in New York City.

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Old Glory @ 1:30PM In Forest Hills, Gardens, Queens on Vimeo

11 Sep

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A Yank From Buffalo, NY, Wrote “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling” In Richmond Hill, NY on Vimeo

11 Sep

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Things We Didn’t Have On 09/11/01

11 Sep
Vimeo, Viddler,, DailyMotion, YouTube, iPhone, Android.
Palm Phones were around.
Cell service was out due to collapse of The Twin Towers.

Because This Is 09/11 10th Anniversary

11 Sep
Ratings on “Conspiracy City”, I mean, YouTube, will be at an all time high, with people watching old videos of the Attack on the World Trade Centre.
It is precisely WHY my 09/11 Videos, depicting life in NYC, 10 Years Later, will NOT go to YouTube.

Assorted YouTube “Bright Lights”

11 Sep
In one Video of the 2011 K of C 5103 Free Throw from Forest Hills, NY, someone who was barely literate(Has trouble spelling both “You” & “Tube”), wrote “I’m in the school. I’m on the team. I am I Gurl.”
I wonder when that app comes out for iOS & Android.

The Conventional Wisdom Is Often BS

11 Sep
The now theory that you WILL be famous by uploading a video to YouTube, well, is not always the case. If you can get views on DailyMotion, you may be just as famous.
Some gent actually uploaded a video to draw a Motherlode of views on YouTube. He also uploaded same video on Vimeo. He received 268,000 views. But, he didn’t get these views on YouTube. On YouTube, his video got 6,000 views. His video received 268,000 on Vimeo.
So much for the conventional wisdom that only on YouTube can you get views, as many people, if given a choice where to watch a video, may watch it on a service with a good video player which Vimeo has.
This conventional wisdom stuff is a lot of BS.

Old Glory, Early Morning, 09/11/11 on Vimeo

11 Sep

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On 09/10 The Real Heroes Gathered @ Ground Zero

11 Sep
For on 09/11, it will be a time of mourning & commemoration in Lower Manhattan. But the Real Heroes commemorated everything in Lower Manhattan, on 09/10. And WHY is THAT the case?
Quite-Simply, that Sanctimonious, Secret Cigar Chomping Billionaire, Known as “Mayor Mike”, decided that “1st Responders”(FDNY & NYPD) nerd not be present for the Politician & Fat Cat Commemoration at Ground Zero. Also, no Religious Clergy are invited to this commemoration, in order not to offend anybody.
Let me think about this for a moment:
Did His Royal Highness, Mr Bloomberg, rescue anybody at the World Trade Centre on that Fateful Morning? NO! Can Bloomy walk on Water?
Abso-frigging-Lutely NOT!

You have received a YouTube video!

11 Sep

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