Tag Archives: Video Sharing

Three Ways For Me To Go Live From My Android

23 Jan

Veetle.com is my 1st Way, especially on Classical Concerts from Our Lady of Mercy in Forest Hills. Over 200 Views for the “La Boheme Sing A Long & Rehearsal” is not bad for a Major Event.

There is “WatchMyPeer.com” via the Android Broadcaster App. That will be put into operation for certain events like Indigenous Irish Music from Babylon, New York.

Ustream.tv will be a link for Documentary Type of Programs. And it automatically links into Twitter & Facebook. Since it will be utilized for events without music, I will activate the You Tube Link for the Recorded Show.

Just Think that One can control Three Networks just with a Smartphone. No Cables or Trucks or Landlines are used.  And quality live programming can come from the palm of a hand.

Click-We Are Live!


Test Run Of Videofyme

18 Sep

Just Getting The Gist Of WordPress

18 Sep

And certain things will be added such as Video Links. Once one figures out the WordPress App, it is smooth sailing.