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“This Hour Has 7 Days”(CBC News) Inspired This, Eh!

1 Jul

“This Hour Has 7 Days”, had a team of News Correspondents in a News Magazine Format. It originated from CBC News on CBC Television and lasted about Two Seasons. It was caustic with aggressive reporting amid nastiness.
What “This Hour Has 7 Days”  inspired:
It was in the Summer of 1967, a Once Per Month News Magazine premiered on CBS called “60 Minutes.”
& The Rest is History.

M, Eh!

NBA commissioner bans Clippers owner Donald Sterling for life

30 Apr

Sainthood for two former popes

28 Apr

Putin To Announce The Annexation Of Brighton Beach and Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn, NY

22 Mar

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that a “Referendum” will be held in Southern Brooklyn, NY, to determine the will of Russians living in the strongholds of Brighton Beach, Manhattan Beach and Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn, NY.
NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio announced that there will be no Sanctions against Russia, welcoming them to do Real Estate Development in those neighborhoods.
A White House Spokesman, relaying a Statement from President Obama, had no comment, but Mr Obama said through a Translator “If You Want Southern Brooklyn, you can have Southern Brooklyn.”

M, Eh!

At Msgr Sherman Council 5103 Knights of Columbus & CBC Radio One

1 Mar

When I was a Teenager in Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, I used to listen on Shortwave to Radio from around the world, via a Grundig Shortwave Radio. On that set via AM, I used to listen to CBC Radio via Montreal, Toronto, Halifax, Moncton and Windsor.
But via the Tune In Radio App, I get CBC Radio One 24 Hours a day, via Smartphone. And I am receiving CBC Radio One Feed via CBME FM in Montreal in my Knights of Columbus Council in East Glendale, Queens, NY. This amazes me as the signal has no static at all.
The Shortwave Radio seems so long ago.


In “New Sochi”, Be Prepared To Become “Lake Placid”, Dear New York Brethren

23 Feb

With all of this “Sochi Winter” Weather here in New York’s 5 Boroughs, “New Sochi Weather” is ending in about 15 Hours.
It is STILL WINTER. I realize that Reality often BITES.
THE SNOW IS RETURNING. There is a Snow Watch for Tuesday & Wednesday and again on Friday.
The Sochi Winter Olympiad is Over. And NYC returns to Cold Form.

Nevertheless, Thank You Lord God of All Creation for the break which allowed for melting of all that Heavy Snow.

Deum  De Deo, Lumen De Lumine!
Deo Gratias!


On Americans Knowing Their Closest Neighbor, Eh

25 Jan

I first went to Canada in 1963, staying in Quebec City. I do remember The Catholic Shrine of Ste. Anne De Beaupre, She being the Mother of The Blessed Virgin Mary. This Shrine is “The Lourdes Of North America” as many cures of Illnesses have been attributed to This Shrine Church(Eglise En Francais). Quebec is quite traditional French Speaking & Catholic. This was in August, 1963, when President Kennedy was at the helm in Washington.
The Canadian Prime Minister was Lester Bowles Pearson. We often heard of him back in the USA. Toronto’s Airport is named for him.  It was also my 1st Opportunity to experience Canadian Radio & Television, via a Network called CBC(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), which unlike “The Big Three Major Networks”, which Canadians often watch a lot of, CBC is a Crown Corporation, operating at Arms Length from The Canadian Government.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau was Prime Minister. We often heard about him in the USA. We, more often than not, heard about his wife, Margaret Sinclair Trudeau in her dalliances, including her stops at the Famous Disco, Studio 54.

But, just how many Americans remember the 6 Month Term of Joe Clark as Prime Minister? Who was Michelle Jean? Outside of Wayne Gretzky, Howie Mandell, Monty Hall & Lorne Michaels & Paul Shaffer, we don’t seem to know much about our Northern Friends at all.

The Liberal Party uses the Red Color. The Conservatives use Blue. How many of you know who Stephen Harper is, unless you are Tuned to FOX News. He
is Prime Minister of Canada.

Rick Mercer is the Canadian version of Jon Stewart & Steven Colbert, only more biting in his humor. He is originally from Newfoundland. CBC Commentator Rex Murphy, s Curmudgeon on the Line of the Late Andy Rooney of CBS News, is more biting in his commentary than Andy ever was & has the Vocabulary of William F. Buckley Jr. Rex is as Conservative as Bill Buckley ever was. Rex appears on CBC News The National with scathing commentary with dry wit. He too is from Newfoundland. He has “ripped Toronto Mayor Rob Ford a new one” in Rex Redoubtable Style. Rex has also ripped Mr Obama several times. Trust me, you don’t want to get ripped by Rex or Rick. The Wounds will stay with you for awhile.

Rick Mercer did a CBC Comedy Special “Talking To Americans”, to see how we Yanks misunderstand Canada. It was hilarious to say the least. The new CAN$ 5 Dollar Coin is made partially of wood. As the Canadian Dollar is called the “Loonie”, the $5 piece is the Woody. Then the crowd on camera exclaims “Congratulations Canada on Your New Woody.”
Great Canadian Practical Joke, Eh!

We rarely hear about what goes on in Lac Megantic, Quebec, but Canadians know about what goes on in Brooklyn. They know who Al Sharpton is, but do we even know who Jim Flaherty & Stephen Harper are.

Yanks only know about Canada from Hockey Games. They know little else except that the Late Peter Jennings was Canadian. CBC News The National’s lead Anchor, Peter Mansbridge, was considered very highly to Replace Dan Rather in the Anchor Chair of The CBS Evening News. Peter Mansbridge stayed in Canada, instead. But he does sound a bit like Walter Cronkite.

Don’t Judge Canada on the basis of those two Hosers, Bob & Doug MacKenzie. And don’t think that everyone up North is like Rob Ford. Justin Bieber is acting like any Hollywood Celebrity.

Eh! I do like Rob Ford & Stephen Harper & Rex Murphy.


Bambuser Is 4th Live Broadcast App

24 Jan

To those of you who have a news story, Bambuser from Sweden and Finland may be your answer, as they have ties by agreement with the Associated Press.

Especially for those of You who were at Wednesday’s “March For Life”, you could have carried a Worldwide Broadcast from your iPhone, Windows Phone or Android Phone. You could have linked to AP, so they could follow the March.

Folks? Never mind the US TV Networks, because they are up in Toronto, covering the “Greater Toronto Seal Hunt”, which is cover for ANOTHER Video starring an Intoxicated Mayor Rob Ford.

Those in Toronto? Well, if you spot Rob Ford in an Intoxicated State, do alert the Associated Press(AP). It will make for Comical Fodder for “The Late Show With David Letterman” & “The Late, Late Show With Craig Ferguson” on CBS. Maybe “Strombo” on CBC will carry what you shot, for Laughs. Maybe it’ll be seen on “Just For Laughs” on CBC & Reseau TVA.

I think you get the Live Picture, Eh!


Cardinal Dolan: The church “needs a shock,” pope wants to “shake us up”

8 Dec